The Dubbing Database

Dragon Ball Z Kai is the Latin American Spanish dub of ドラゴンボール改. It has previously aired on Cartoon Network, Ecuavisa, Citytv, Canal 5, ETC and Warner Channel in the Wanime block; it is available on Max. The Majin Buu saga is titled Dragon Ball Z Kai: Los capítulos finales.

Dubbing History[]

The Dragon Ball Z Kai series was distributed by Toei Animation Inc. Latin America and was dubbed in Mexico like the rest of the saga at Candiani Dubbing Studios under the direction of Irwin Daayán (during episodes 1 to 54) and Patricia Acevedo (rest of the series), because after several years and the move of Producciones Salgado and Intertrack to Cuernavaca, and later the closure of both, as well as the fact that they tried to recover the main cast that participated in the first series, however the voices of almost all the characters were played by a new cast of actors, Eduardo Garza (Krillin in Dragon Ball Z Kai) uploaded a video and an interview with the dubbing director of said anime, Irwin Daayán, to his YouTube account, in which he finally explains all the doubts and queries of the fans. He also finally unveiled the cast of actors who gave life to the characters in this series.

According to statements made by people from the media, the reason that many of the original voices of most of the characters were not there was because an economic agreement could never be reached, since they asked for the same payment per episode (whether many or few dialogues) and not by loops, as offered by Candiani. For this reason, the actors Mario Castañeda (Goku, Bardock), Carlos Segundo (Piccoro, Kamisama, Mr. Popo), René García (Vegeta), Laura Torres (Gohan) and Ricardo Hill (Kaiosama, Mr. Brief, Kiwi, Gurdo, Androide Nº 19) did not accept the offer. Neither could José Luis Castañeda, who played Nappa, Burter and Dr. Gero, Sergio Bonilla (Trunks, Jeice), or Jesús Colín (Master Roshi), because two of them (José Luis Castañeda and Jesús Colín) are completely withdrawn from dubbing (Colín would die a month after the premiere of Dragon Ball Z Kai on Cartoon Network, and Sergio Bonilla was never contacted for this dubbing). Finally, Gerardo Reyero (Freezer), despite the fact that he doubled the laughter of his character in episode 1, said that he was not present due to personal matters and force majeure, and not because of an economic matter, everyone being replaced by others actors.

In April 2011 the series premiered on Cartoon Network, but after 17 episodes broadcast it was taken off the air, this was due to the plagiarism scandal in the soundtracks produced by Kenji Yamamoto and the episodes had to be sent to mixes again. In August 2011 the series returns but with the replaced soundtracks by Shunsuke Kikuchi that are the same as the original series. In the following months the series was broadcast at multiple times, it was even broadcast at the classic 6:00 pm time slot where Dragon Ball Z was broadcast in the past, but then in January 2012 the series was broadcast only at 2:30 in the morning.

In November 2011, episodes 55 to 98 of the series are sent to dub. Turner bought the remaining episodes for transmission on Cartoon Network, however Irwin Daayán, who directed the dubbing of the first batch, decided to resign from directing and from the series since they offered him less money than in the previous season, however at the request of Patricia Acevedo (who took over the dubbing direction after Irwin's resignation) stayed in the series to continue dubbing Dendé; In addition to that, and despite having contacted Ricardo Brust (voice of Cell and Mr. Satan) and Enrique Cervantes (Androide Nº 16), Toei explicitly requested new voices for all the characters in that saga, so they were all replaced by new actors.

In April 2012 the saga of the Androids 2:30 in the morning was released. However, in May 2012 the series changes its schedule to be broadcast at 12:30 pm. Dragon Ball Z Kai remained in constant reissues and with various schedules within Cartoon Network until June 2017, the month in which it was definitively withdrawn from the channel's programming.

On April 14, 2012, Ecuavisa of Ecuador premiered Dragon Ball Z Kai, but after two months of weekly transmission until episode 35, the series was taken off the air and was replaced by Dragon Ball Z. However, between September and November of the same year, Ecuavisa returned to broadcast Dragon Ball Z Kai, but with the difference of having completed the first batch of 54 episodes that they had acquired in 2011.

On January 11, 2013, Dragon Ball Z Kai premiered on Canal 5 and this version was broadcast on this occasion. In August 2011 its premiere was scheduled, but on the 29th of that same month, the Dragon Ball Z series was broadcast until it was removed again in 2012. On March 10, 2014, the series was broadcast again on Channel 5 at 10 :30 AM.

During the first quarter of 2014, Toei Animation confirmed that the Majin Buu Saga will be distributed in Latin America, which according to the company will consist of 69 episodes.

After two years, in which two Dragon Ball Z films were released in theaters: La Batalla de los Dioses (2013) and La resurreción de Freezer (2015), which were dubbed by the original cast, after the rejection of the change of voices in Dragon Ball Z Kai, obtaining great success; also coinciding with the release of the new series titled Dragon Ball Super, in Japan. On September 5, 2015, during an event in Santiago de Chile, Laura Torres (Goku, Gohan and Goten children) was asked if she had already had any contact for the dubbing of this series, which had barely aired 8 episodes in that moment, responding that he already had a call and that next week they would see the budgets with the other actors. This quickly went viral, however, René García (Vegeta) soon denied that they were contacted for Dragon Ball Super (speaking in the plural form). On the other hand, Eduardo Garza (Krillin and dubbing director of the last two feature films) said that it was unlikely that it would be dubbed when the first season had not even finished, and that Laura had probably been contacted for the Majin Buu saga of Dragon Ball Z Kai, which was the last thing left to fold. A week after Laura's statements, during a convention in Córdoba, Argentina, attended by Mario Castañeda (Goku) and René García, the former confirmed that Candiani Dubbing Studios called him to dub the last season of Dragon Ball Z Kai, but he did not accept because he was not willing to double what Edson Matus had already started and that it was only fair for him to finish it. But if there was a complete redoubling of the series, he was willing to negotiate there, he assured.

On October 5, the first part of the dubbing began, which consisted only of the first two episodes. The actress Circe Luna was the first to make this news public, both on Facebook and Twitter, that she had returned to dub her character, Iresa; Eduardo Garza, for his part, also posted on his Twitter that he dubbed Krillin, receiving many questions as to whether they were going to redouble the series due to Mario Castañeda's statements, to which he replied that "things don't are redoubled". Immediately afterwards, he held a videoconference through YouNow, to clarify that doubt, also giving details of the first day of the dubbing; confirmed the participation of Laura Torres and also said that when she went to record she met Enrique Cervantes, who recorded Androide 16, thus revealing that he was dubbing the international version of Dragon Ball Kai, titled Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters, since in this, at the beginning of the episode, it contains a summary of the previous sagas that was excluded from the Japanese broadcast, where some characters have dialogues, among these is Androide 16. Regarding the participation of Mario, Lalo He called him at that very moment to confirm if he would participate, receiving a negative response. Eduardo also commented that the direction was not left to him but to Luis Alfonso Mendoza (adolescent and adult Gohan), which was corroborated by Mendoza himself on his Twitter stating that "the decision to have the voices is unique and exclusive to each actor". Other actors who participated in the first day of recording were Ismael Larumbe as Ten Shin Han, Ricardo Mendoza as Yamcha, Ricardo Hill as Kaio-sama —dubbing him for the first time since he left before the Majin Buu saga began in Dragon Ball. Z— and Pedro D'Aguillón Jr. doubling a small character.

As the days went by, Gaby Willer joined as a child Trunks, Carola Vázquez as Videl and René García as Vegeta. At first, Rocío Garcel was not going to voice Bulma when she did not reach an economic agreement with Candiani, while Genaro Vásquez (Androide 17 and Supremo Kaio-sama) approached Luis Alfonso Mendoza with the purpose of participating in the series. After a while, the dubbing was put on hold and some characters were left unrecorded, including Goku, Bulma, and Piccolo. In January 2016, Ricardo Hill uploaded a photo on his Facebook, where he pointed out that he was dubbing Kaio-sama, thus dubbing resumed, which was confirmed by Luis Alfonso Mendoza, who was still the director. . On February 9, Mario Castañeda announced that after discussions with Toei Animation Inc., he finally agreed to voice Goku in this saga. That day, Luis Alfonso uploaded a photo where he was dating Mario and Patricia Acevedo in the recordings, thus confirming them as Goku and Milk, respectively. Later, Luis uploaded another photo together with René García announcing him as Vegeta. The next day, he uploaded two images, one with Eduardo Garza as Krillin, Gerardo Reyero as Frieza. Two days later, it was Rocío Garcel's turn as Bulma —in this way finally reaching an understanding with Candiani— and Ricardo Hill as Kaio-sama.

On February 13, Luis Alfonso confirmed that Irwin Daayán was dubbing Dende, after being asked if there was any way to convince Irwin to resume his character after he left it of his own free will, overwhelmed by the attacks he received. after directing the first two Dragon Ball Z Kai sagas. A few hours later, already being the 14th, Luis confirmed Miguel Ángel Sanromán as Master Roshi, giving him continuity after he dubbed him to replace Jesús Colín, in The Battle of the Gods and The Resurrection of Frieza. That same day the first casualty appeared, Salvador Delgado confirmed that he was not going to dub the Announcer of the Martial Arts Tournament because he was busy with another project, this being corroborated by Luis Alfonso Mendoza. On February 16, Luis Alfonso introduced Víctor Ugarte as Ikose and Imanu, two secondary characters that he had played in the original series; on the 17th he confirmed Pedro D'Aguillón Jr. as the Announcer and, one of the most anticipated voices, Carlos Segundo as Piccolo, who had previously been confirmed by Cine Premiere that same day, later Segundo confirmed that he was also doing Mr. . Poop. On February 19 and 24, Luis announced Rubén Moya as Pintar and Cristina Hernández as Marron, respectively. On February 26, he confirmed José Lavat as the narrator, on the 25th César Soto as Spopovich and on the 27th Laura Torres as Goten. On February 29 and March 1, it was the turn to announce Arturo Mercado as Babidi and Gabriel Pingarrón as Dabura.

On March 2, there was a new loss when Luis Alfonso Mendoza confirmed Mónica Villaseñor as Android 18, so that Mónica replaced Cristina Camargo once again, as in the movie The Final Combat. The actor received many questions due to Cristina's absence, so he made a statement explaining that he was doing everything possible to get the original voices, but that if there were changes they were due to force majeure, which implied that there would be more casualties in the cast. On March 3, Armando Coria posted on his Twitter that he was filming a funny character in Dragon Ball. Later it was revealed that it was Pui-Pui, a character that he inherited from the late Enrique Mederos. Also that same day, Alejandro Ortega, through his Facebook, announced that he had voiced Killa, who had previously been voiced by Ricardo Brust in Dragon Ball Z, thus questioning his participation with his other characters —Cell and Mr. Satan—for Kai, however, the news of Alejandro went unnoticed and it was known a month later, when Ricardo's discharge had already been made official. On March 7 and 9, Luis uploaded two photos, one with Gaby Willer and the other with Ernesto Lezama, Trunks and Oolong, respectively. At the same time, on March 9, Genaro Vásquez announced on his Facebook page that he would participate in Dragon Ball Z Kai. He traveled two weeks later to Mexico, where he recorded 15 episodes at Candiani, after going to a Convention in Guatemala, he returned to the first country to record another large batch, 47 in total. Genaro would make two more trips to Mexico, in the last one he recorded another character of his, Android number 17.

On the 10th, it marked the beginning of several surprises with the announcement that Humberto Solórzano as Kibito, replacing José Luis Castañeda, who had retired from dubbing. Humberto had previously played various characters in the Dragon Ball franchise, among which stand out: King Chapa, Tambourine, Raditz and King Cold, precisely in this last character, during his last appearances in Dragon Ball Z, he was replaced by Jose Luis Castaneda. Five days later, Luis Alfonso Mendoza introduced Enrique Cervantes as Ox Satan (with the name of Ox King from the North American adaptation), this began to worry fans, since this character was dubbed by Mario Sauret, who also played Majin Buu, the villain of this saga, which made it highly likely that he would not play this role either. Finally, the next day, Luis revealed that Majin Buu was left in charge of Marcos Patiño, known for being the voice of Ikki de Fénix in Los Caballeros del Zodiaco. Regarding Sauret's absence, the director stated that he was out of town busy with other projects.

On March 22, Luis Alfonso Mendoza uploaded a photo with Genaro Vásquez as Kaioshin, although Luis later said that the character would be called Supremo Kaio-sama, just like in the original series. After confirming Abel Rocha as Shen Long on March 29, Luis Daniel Ramírez as Yajirobe on April 3, Rossy Aguirre as Krillin as a child on the 6th and Ángela Villanueva as Uranai Baba on the 14th of that month; On April 20, Luis finally revealed that Mr. Satán was once again dubbed by Bardo Miranda, thus confirming that Ricardo Brust was not reprising this role or Cell, which was dubbed once again by Salvador Reyes, for which together with Porunga (dubbed by Rubén Moya to replace the late Eduardo Borja), are the only characters that maintain the voices of the cast of Dragon Ball Z Kai. After Luis uploaded a photo with Ismael Larumbe as Ten Shin Han on April 22, three days later, he uploaded another image with Ricardo Silva (performer of "Cha-La-Head-Cha-La") naming him as the singer , which made many fans speculate that he would possibly take charge of interpreting the musical themes. But in reality it was just a photo that was taken and had no relation to the dubbing of Dragon Ball Z Kai. After that, no further details were given and the dubbing was again suspended for another time, being resumed again in June. Only a few episodes had been mixed in that period.

On July 7, Armando Coria, who had previously dubbed Pui-Pui, commented on Twitter that he was going to participate again, believing that he would dub the same character, but was surprised that it was another role, which has not yet been revealed. On the 31st of that month, after taking a few days off, Luis Alfonso Mendoza began to post, always on his Twitter, that he would continue directing Dragon Ball Z Kai, tagging Mario Castañeda, René García, Laura Torres, Lalo Garza, Genaro Vásquez and Gerardo Reyero, when mentioning the last two, gave the clue that they were already in the final part, Genaro was already dubbing the Supreme Kaio-sama, Android 17 was missing, and Gerardo, who participated at the beginning dubbing Friezzer's memories, his character came out again.

On August 4, Mario re-recorded the scene where Goku defeats Majin Buu with the Spirit Bomb, making it public the next day. The same day that he revealed this, Genaro was making his third trip to Mexico, recording his two characters, in turn, he uploaded some photos during the dubbing, where he appeared together with the director and Luis Daniel Ramírez, who was dubbing Yajirobe. However, four days later, on August 9, Luis Alfonso announced Luis Daniel as the voice of Uub, thus resuming the character after dubbing him in Dragon Ball GT. The next day he confirmed Víctor Ugarte as teenage Goten and Isabel Martiñón as Bura. Circe Luna, for her part, would be in charge of confirming her participation as Pan. The only thing missing was Sergio Bonilla as teenage Trunks, who responded to a fan on Twitter saying that he had already recorded his dialogues, thus making his participation official that same day. On August 11, Luis uploaded a photo together. On August 16, he ended the dubbing, noting that the directing part has already finished and that it would now undergo the post-production process.

On December 15, Mario Castañeda, during an autograph signing with René García and Sergio Bonilla, organized by Heredia Clothing, at the Coayacan Center, commented that in the previous week he had re-recorded 24 previews because the titles had changed.


Dragon Ball Z Kai (episodes 1-98)[]

Character Actor
孫悟空 (ドラゴンボール改)
孫悟空 (ドラゴンボール改) - young
孫悟空 (ドラゴンボール改) - baby
Edson Matus
Karina Altamirano (young)
Laura Torres (baby)
ピッコロ (ドラゴンボール改)
Idzi Dutkiewicz
ベジータ (ドラゴンボール改)
Andrés Gutiérrez Coto
クリリン (ドラゴンボール改)
Eduardo Garza
孫悟飯 (ドラゴンボール改)
Karina Altamirano
未来のトランクス (ドラゴンボール改)
Trunks del futuro
Luis Fernando Orozco
ブルマ (ドラゴンボール改)
Rocío Garcel
チチ (ドラゴンボール改)
Patricia Acevedo
餃子 (ドラゴンボール改)
ヤムチャ (ドラゴンボール改)
Ricardo Mendoza
天津飯 (ドラゴンボール改)
Ten Shin Han
Ismael Larumbe
José Lavat

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Los capítulos finales (episodes 99-167)[]

Character Actor
孫悟空 (ドラゴンボール改)
Mario Castañeda
ピッコロ (ドラゴンボール改)
Carlos Segundo
ベジータ (ドラゴンボール改)
René García
クリリン (ドラゴンボール改)
Eduardo Garza
孫悟飯 (ドラゴンボール改) - older
Luis Alfonso Mendoza
孫悟天 (ドラゴンボール改)
孫悟天 (ドラゴンボール改) - older
Laura Torres
Víctor Ugarte (older)
トランクス (ドラゴンボール改)
トランクス (ドラゴンボール改) - older
Gaby Willer
Sergio Bonilla (older)
ブルマ (ドラゴンボール改)
Rocío Garcel
チチ (ドラゴンボール改)
Patricia Acevedo
餃子 (ドラゴンボール改)
ヤムチャ (ドラゴンボール改)
Ricardo Mendoza
天津飯 (ドラゴンボール改)
Ten Shin Han
Ismael Larumbe
José Lavat