The Dubbing Database

DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp (also known as DuckTales: The Movie) is a 1990 American animated adventure fantasy film based on the animated television series DuckTales. Directed by Bob Hathcock and Jean-Pierre Quenet from a screenplay by Alan Burnett, the film features the series' cast of Alan Young, Terrence McGovern, Russi Taylor, and Chuck McCann, with Richard Libertini, Rip Taylor and Christopher Lloyd voicing new characters. The events of the film take place between the third and fourth seasons of DuckTales.


Character Actor
Scrooge McDuck (DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp)
Scrooge McDuck
Alan Young
Huey (DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp)
Russi Taylor
Dewey (DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp)
Louie (DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp)
Webby Vanderquack (DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp)
Webby Vanderquack
Mrs. Beakley (DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp)
Mrs. Beakley
Joan Gerber
Launchpad McQuack (DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp)
Launchpad McQuack
Terry McGovern
Dijon (DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp)
Richard Libertini
Merlock (DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp)
Christopher Lloyd
Duckworth (DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp)
Chuck McCann
Mrs. Featherby (DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp)
Mrs. Featherby
June Foray
Genie (DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp)
Rip Taylor
Additional voices
Charlie Adler
Steve Bulen
Mickie T. McGowan
Jack Angel
Sherry Lynn
Patrick Pinney
Frank Welker
Technical staff
Voice directors
Bob Hathcock
Andrea Romano
David Wiemers
Dialogue engineers
Jackson Schwartz
Warren Kleiman
ADR engineer
Doc Kane

International versions[]

Language Title
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Albanian) Albanian Xhaxha Patoku dhe llampa magjike
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Arabic) Arabic قصص بطوطية: كنز المصباح المفقود
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Cantonese and Taiwanese Mandarin) Cantonese 唐老鴨俱樂部之失落的神燈
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Czech)
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Czech, Disney+)
Czech Kačeří příběhy: Poklad ze ztracené lampy
Rip, rap
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Danish, Disney+)
Danish Rip, Rap og Rup på eventyr: jagten på den forsvundne lampe
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Dutch) Dutch DuckTales De Film: Het Geheim Van De Wonderlamp
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Finnish, Disney+)
Finnish Ankronikka: Kadonneen lampun metsästäjät
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (French) French La bande à Picsou le film: Le trésor de la lampe perdue
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (English) Georgian იხვების ისტორიები: დაკარგული ლამპარის განძი
Der film
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (German, Disney+)
German Ducktales Der Film: Jäger der verlorenen Lampe
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Greek, Disney+)
Greek Ιστορίες Για Πάπιες, Η Ταινία: Ο Θησαυρός του Χαμένου Λυχναριού
Παπιοπεριπέτειες: Η Ταινία - Ο Θησαυρός του Χαμένου Λυχναριού (Disney+)
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Hebrew) Hebrew אגדות ברווזים הסרט: אוצר המנורה האבודה
סיפורים של ברווזים הסרט: אוצר המנורה האבודה (Disney+)
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (English) Hindi डक टेल्स: द मूवी ट्रेजर ऑफ़ द लॉस्ट लैम्प
Kacsa Hungarian Kacsamesék a film: Az elveszett lámpa kincse
Sogur Icelandic Sögur úr Andabæ: Leyndarmál Týnda Lampans
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (English) Indonesian DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Italian, Disney+)
Italian Zio Paperone alla ricerca della lampada perduta
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Japanese, Disney+)
Japanese ダックテイル・ザ・ムービー/失われた魔法のランプ
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (English) Kazakh unknown
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Korean, Disney+) Korean 욕심쟁이 오리 아저씨 - 잃어버린 램프의 보물
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (English) Malay DuckTales: Wayang - Harta Lampu Yang Hilang
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Cantonese and Taiwanese Mandarin) Mandarin 唐老鴨俱樂部之失落的神燈
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Norwegian, Disney+)
Norwegian Ole, Dole og Doffen på eventyr: Jakten på den forsvunne lampe
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Polish, Disney+)
Polish Kacze opowieści: Poszukiwacze zaginionej lampy
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Brazilian Portuguese)
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Brazilian Portuguese, Disney+)
Portuguese (Brazil) DuckTales, O Filme: O Tesouro da Lâmpada Perdida
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Romanian) Romanian Povestirile Rățoiului: Comoara lămpii pierdute
Ythhble Russian Утиные истории: Заветная лампа
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Slovak) Slovak Káčerovo: Tajomstvo stratenej lampy
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Spanish, Disney+)
Spanish Patoaventuras, la película: El tesoro de la lámpara perdida
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Swedish, Disney+)
Swedish Farbror Joakim och knattarna i jakten på den försvunna lampan
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (English) Tamil unknown
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (English) Telugu డక్టేల్స్ ది మూవీ
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (English) Thai unknown
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Turkish)
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Turkish, Disney+)
Turkish Ördek Şehri: Kayıp Lambanın Sırrı
DuckTales: Kayıp Lambanın Sırrı (Disney+)
Kay Ukrainian Качині історії: Скарби загубленої лампи

Language Title
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (English) Azerbaijani Ördəklərin əhvalatı: İtirilmiş çırağın sirri
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Bulgarian) Bulgarian Патешки истории: Съкровището на изгубената лампа
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Estonian) Estonian Pardilood: Kadunud lambi aare
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (English) Uzbek unknown

Language Title
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (Simplified Chinese) Chinese (Simplified) 唐老鸭俱乐部之失落的神灯
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (European Portuguese) Portuguese (Portugal) Ducktales: O Tesouro da Lâmpada Perdida
DuckTales the Movie Treasure of the Lost Lamp - logo (English) Serbian Pačje priče: Čarobna lampa

