The Dubbing Database

Filly Fantázia is the Hungarian dub of Filly Funtasia. It premiered on Minimax in Hungary on September 5, 2020. New episodes aired on weekdays.

The second season premiered on February 6, 2021, with new episodes airing on weekends. Starting with episode 18, the rest of the season started airing early via the Hungarian track of the Czech Minimax feed.


Character Actor[1]
Rose (Filly Funtasia)
Kitty Mezei
Bella (Filly Funtasia)
Dorina Csifó
Lynn (Filly Funtasia)
Zsuzsa Gyöngy
Will (Filly Funtasia)
Roland Czető
Cedric (Filly Funtasia)
Tamás Markovics
Wranglum (Filly Funtasia)
Wranglum 2 (Filly Funtasia)
Béla Fesztbaum
Battiwigs (Filly Funtasia)
Szabolcs Pálmai
Miss Sparkle (Filly Funtasia)
Miss Sparkle
Janka Solecki
Twilight (Filly Funtasia)
Gabriella Bérces
Florian (Filly Funtasia)
László Bor
Ashia (Filly Funtasia)
Virág Kiss
Zack (Filly Funtasia)
Tibor Fehér
Fabian (Filly Funtasia)
István Baráth
Zam (Filly Funtasia)
Gyula Mesterházy
Zamie (Filly Funtasia)
Kati Papp
Melody (Filly Funtasia)
Andrea Laudon
Technical staff
Éva Dömötör (episodes 1-3, 7-9; S2E5-7, 11-13)
István Ványai (episodes 4-6, 10-13; S2E1-4; 8-10)
Veronika Nádasi
Sound engineering
Márk Nagy
Márk Nagy (season 1)
Miklós Szabó (season 2)
Production manager
Márta Farkas
Dubbing director
Gerda Nikodém
Musical director
Gerda Nikodém
Production leader
Gyöngyi Bor (season 1)
Kitty Witzenleiter (season 2)


Hungarian title Original title Premiere
1 A muffin-rejtély The Cupcake Mystery September 5, 2020
2 A kék szivárvány The Blue Rainbow September 6, 2020
3 Wranglum álruhában Wranglum in Disguise September 12, 2020
4 Végre egyedül Alone at Last September 13, 2020
5 A gonosz kert The Evil Garden September 19, 2020
6 A végzetes álom Dream of Doom September 20, 2020
7 Bijou elvész Bijou on the Loose September 26, 2020
[nb 2]
8 Mágikus labirintus The Magical Maze September 27, 2020
[nb 3]
9 Tanár egy napra Teacher for a Day October 3, 2020
[nb 4]
10 Bújócska Hide and Seek October 4, 2020
[nb 5]
11 Az elveszett sellő The Lost Mermaid October 10, 2020
[nb 6]
12 A csillagkristály The Star Crystal October 11, 2020
[nb 7]
13 Farina, a vörös sárkány Farina, the Fire Dragon October 17, 2020
[nb 8]
14 Az elsősök The Freshmen February 6, 2021
15 A kincsvadászat The Treasure Hunt February 7, 2021
16 Az angyalok tollai Feathers Appear When Angels Are Near February 13, 2021
17 A mágia művészete Art of Magic February 14, 2021
18 Egy királyi esküvő A Royal Wedding February 20, 2021
[nb 9]
19 A karika játék The Hoopenhoof Game February 21, 2021
[nb 10]
20 Egy varázslat tanóra A Magical Lesson February 27, 2021
[nb 11]
21 A tavaszi bál The Spring Ball February 28, 2021
[nb 12]
22 Látogatás Tündérországból A Visit from Fairy Land March 6, 2021
[nb 13]
23 Fantázia fesztivál Funtasia Festival March 7, 2021
[nb 14]
24 Legyél bátor! I Dare You March 13, 2021
[nb 15]
25 A kísértetjárta könyvtár The Haunted Library March 14, 2021
[nb 16]
26 A sötét kristály csatája Battle of the Dark Crystal March 20, 2021
[nb 17]




  1. The dub's run had ended earlier on March 1, 2021, via the Czech Minimax feed.
  2. This episode premiered on September 24, 2020 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  3. This episode premiered on September 25, 2020 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  4. This episode premiered on September 28, 2020 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  5. This episode premiered on September 29, 2020 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  6. This episode premiered on September 30, 2020 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  7. This episode premiered on October 1, 2020 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  8. This episode premiered on October 2, 2020 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  9. This episode premiered on February 17, 2021 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  10. This episode premiered on February 18, 2021 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  11. This episode premiered on February 19, 2021 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  12. This episode premiered on February 22, 2021 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  13. This episode premiered on February 23, 2021 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  14. This episode premiered on February 24, 2021 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  15. This episode premiered on February 25, 2021 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  16. This episode premiered on February 26, 2021 on the Czech Minimax feed.
  17. This episode premiered on March 1, 2021 on the Czech Minimax feed.

