The Dubbing Database

Gleann na Mùmain is the Scottish Gaelic dub of Moominvalley. Season 1 debuted on BBC Alba's CBBC block in Scotland on December 25, 2019[1]. later finishing the run on March 9, 2020. Season 2 later premiered on December 30 of the same year[2], and finished the run on March 22, the following year.

Re-runs occurred on the channel until October 1, 2022, no known airings of this dub has occurred since.

Episodes were previously made available on BBC iPlayer after broadcasts.


The recording for this dub took place in both the Stornoway and Glasgow branches of Obh! Obh! Productions.

Character Actor
Moomintroll (Moominvalley) - head
Alasdair Friseal
Moominpappa (Moominvalley)
Papa Mùman
Iain Mac 'Ille Mhìcheil
Moominmamma (Moominvalley)
Mamaidh Mùman
Anna Mhoireach
File:Hemulen (female) (Moominvalley).png
Meachran (females)
File:Aunt Hemulen (Moominvalley).png
Antaidh Meachran
Sniff (Moominvalley)
Calum MacFhionghain
Teety-Woo (Moominvalley)
Snufkin (Moominvalley)
Daibhidh Walker
Snorkmaiden (Moominvalley)
Am Beadag
Ellen NicDhòmhnaill
Little My (Moominvalley)
Kathleen NicAonghais
File:Seahorse 1 (Moominvalley).png
Mymble (Moominvalley)
Màiri Nic 'Ille Mhoire (season 1)
Anna Mhoireach (season 2)
File:Too-Ticky (Moominvalley).png
Màiri Nic 'Ille Mhoire
File:Misabel (Moominvalley).png
Annag (S1E12)
Mrs. Fillyjonk (Moominvalley)
Mrs. Fhaoineastan
Donna Nic 'Ille Mhoire
File:Emma the Stage Rat (Moominvalley).png
Hemulen (Moominvalley)
Na Meachranan
Meachran (males)
Ailig Dòmhnallach
Muskrat (Moominvalley)
File:Bob (Moominvalley).png
Fear na Pàirce (S1E7)
Iasgair (S2E11)
File:The Ghost (Moominvalley).png
An Taibhs'
Iain Macrath
Mr. Brisk (Moominvalley)
Mgr. Brais
Iain MacFhionghain
File:Thingumy (Moominvalley).png
File:Toffle (Moominvalley).png
File:Seahorse 2 (Moominvalley).png
Catherine Tinney
Technical staff
Supportive directors
Bethany Smart
Kristy NicIlleathain (season 1)
Sound mixers
(Measgaiche Fuaim)
John D Esson
Cailean MacAoidh
Scott Walker
Phil Reed
May Smart
Màiri NicLeòid
Executive producer for BBC Alba
(Àrd-riochdaire airson BBC Alba)
Uilleam MacLeòid


Scottish Gaelic title Original title Premiere
1 Meanbhag ri Gluasad A-steach Little My Moves In December 25, 2019
2 Port an Earraich The Spring Tune December 26, 2019
3 An Dràgon mu Dheireadh san t-Saoghal The Last Dragon In The World December 27, 2019
4 Gòraich Samhradh Mùman Moominsummer Madness January 6, 2020
5 An t-Eargall Òir The Golden Tale January 13, 2020
6 Dìomhaireachd na h-Aididhfaideanairean The Secret Of The Hattifatteners January 20, 2020
7 Snaoisean agus Fear na Pàirce Snufkin And The Park Keeper January 27, 2020
8 Iasg Sgoinneil Monster Fish February 3, 2020
9 Oidhche na Gràisge Night Of The Groke February 10, 2020
10 Searbhant Mamaidh Mùman Moominmamma's Maid February 17, 2020
11 Sgeul Taibhs Ghost Story February 24, 2020
12 Pàiste Do-fhaicsinneach The Invisible Child March 2, 2020
13 Sinnsear Meadhan a' Gheamhraidh Midwinter Ancestor March 9, 2020
14 Gòraich Geamhraidh na Mùmain Moomin's Winter Follies December 30, 2020
15 An Spiorad Teine The Fire Spirit January 4, 2021
16 Papa-Mùman agus a Mhac Moominpappa & Son January 11, 2021
17 Meanbhag ri gluasad a-mach Little My Moves Out January 18, 2021
18 An Suidheachdadh Neònach aig Mrs Fhaoineastan The Strange Case Of Mrs Fillyjonk January 25, 2021
19 Ad an t-Sìthiche-dhuibh The Hobgoblin’s Hat February 1, 2021
20 Rudeigin ‘s Rob Thingumy and Bob February 8, 2021
21 A’ Chùirt The Trial February 15, 2021
22 Slàn leat a’ Bheadag Farewell, Snorkmaiden February 22, 2021
23 Eilean Papa Mùman Moominpappa’s Island March 1, 2021
24 Dealbh-balla Mamaidh Mùman Moominmamma’s Mural March 8, 2021
25 Mùmantrobha agus na Capaill-mhara Moomintroll and the Seahorses March 15, 2021
26 An t-Samhain November March 22, 2021



  • The song Starlight by ALMA has been left completely instrumental in this dub.
    • The same thing occurs in the Welsh dub, however with added narration, which is not present in any other dub.

