The Go Away, Unicorn! theme song is featured at the start of every episode.
- Singers: Walk Off The Earth, Rebecca Hussain (Alice), Chris Diamantopoulos (Unicorn)
When you think he's not around He'll make you shout out loud Go Away, Unicorn! You're always doing something wrong Alice had the whole day planned Go Away, Unicorn! Go Away, Unicorn! You're havoc with a magic horn But it only makes them better friends It's Unicorn! Stop, go, yes, no Mytho-zoological Everything will be just fine I am a Unicorn! And if you go away, Unicorn Wake me at the break of dawn Magical friend of mine
- Singers: ?
Please provide Czech lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?
Please provide Danish lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?
Please provide Dutch lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?, Jenny Pitkänen (Alice), Antti L. J. Pääkkönen (Unicorn)
Please provide Finnish lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?, Rachel Graton (Alice), Joakim Lamoureux (Unicorn)
Même quand tu crois qu'il n'est pas là Il te fera crier crois-moi Va-t'en, Licorne! À chaque fois, tu dépasses les bornes Alice avait d'autres plans Va-t'en, Licorne! Va-t'en Licorne! T'es un ouragan avec une corne Ils sont les meilleurs amis pourtant C'est Licorne! Oh, va-t'en, reviens T'es complétement zinzin Tout finit toujours bien Je suis une Licorne! Mais si t'es plus là, Licorne C'est quand même bien monotone Ne t'en va pas trop loin
Even when you think he's not there It will make you scream believe me Go away, Unicorn! Every time, you cross the line Alice had other plans Go away, Unicorn! Go away Unicorn! You are a hurricane with a horn They are best friends though It's Unicorn! Oh, go away, come back You're completely crazy Everything always ends well I'm a Unicorn! But if you're not here anymore, Unicorn It's still very monotonous Don't go too far
- Singers: ?
Please provide German lyrics if you can
- Singers: Gilan Shahaf / גילן שחף, Alona Alexander / אלונה אלכסנדר (Alice), Amit Reiss / עמית רייס (Unicorn)
"כששקט כאן בסביבה
"הוא בא בהפתעה
"לך מפה, יוניקורן,
תמיד מביא איזה אסון
"איך שוב אליס תתמודד?
-לך מפה יוניקורן
"לך מפה, יוניקורן
להרס יש לו כישרון
"אך הם חברים, זה מעודד
-זה יוניקורן
"קח, תן, יש, אין,
מיתו-זואולוגי, כן
"איזה מין חבר נחמד
-אני חד קרן
"ואם תלך מפה, יוניקורן,
גם אותי קח בחשחון
"חד קרן מיוחד"
- Singers: ?
Please provide Japanese lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?
왠지 허전할 때는 유니콘을 불러봐 사고뭉치 유니콘 야단벅석 피우고 앨리스의 하룰 망쳐도 그만 좀 해 유니콘! 사고뭉치 유니콘 마법의 뿔 있다면 우린 둘도 없는 친구지 역시 내 친구야 멈춰! 안돼! 좋아! 싫어! 상상 속에서라면 모든 게 이루어져 난 유니콘이야 넌 정말 사고뭉치 유니콘! 아침 해가 뜰 때면 찾아와 마법 친구
waenji heojeonhal ttaeneun yunikon-eul bulleobwa sagomungchi yunikon yadanbeogseog piugo aelliseuui halul mangchyeodo geuman jom hae yunikon! sagomungchi yunikon mabeob-ui ppul issdamyeon ulin duldo eobsneun chinguji yeogsi nae chinguya meomchwo! andwae! joh-a! silh-eo! sangsang sog-eseolamyeon modeun ge ilueojyeo nan yunikon-iya neon jeongmal sagomungchi yunikon! achim haega tteul ttaemyeon chaj-awa mabeob chingu
When I feel somehow empty Call a unicorn The troublemaker unicorn is making a fuss Even if Alice’s day is ruined Stop it, unicorn! If only the troublemaker unicorn had a magic horn We are best friends As expected, you're my friend Stop! no! good! no! In my imagination, everything comes true I'm a unicorn You are truly a trouble-making unicorn! When the morning sun rises Come visit my magic friend
Mandarin (China)[]
- Singers: ?
Please provide Mandarin lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?
Please provide Persian lyrics if you can
- Singers: Sebastian Machalski, Katarzyna Domalewska (Alice), Mateusz Narloch (Unicorn)
Gdy wydaję się, że znikł Nastraszy cię jak nikt Jednorożcu zmykaj stąd Koło ciebie być to błąd Alice miała dobry plan Zmykaj stąd, Jednorożcu! Jednorożcu zmykaj stąd Sama w to nie wierzy bo kłopoty właśnie łączą ich To jednorożec! Stop, bieg, tak, nie To mityczne zwierzę jest Nie zawsze wie co robi lecz Jestem jednorożcem Dobrze, że tu jest, bawi mnie Coraz bardziej tego chcę Magiczny przyjaciel mój [Zmykaj stąd, Jednorożcu!]
When it seems to have disappeared He'll scare you like no other Unicorn, get out of here Being around you is a mistake Alice had a good plan Get out of here, Unicorn! Unicorn, get out of here She doesn't believe it herself because it's the troubles that bring them together It's a unicorn! Stop, run, yes, no This mythical animal Doesn't always know what it's doing but I am a unicorn It's good that he's here, he amuses me I want it more and more My magical friend [Get out of here, Unicorn!]
Portuguese (Brazil)[]
- Singers: ?
Quando pensar que ele se foi Ele vem pra perturbar Vá embora, unicórnio Que só causa confusão Alice não aguenta mais Vá embora, Unicórnio! Vá embora, unicórnio Com seu chifre mágico Os melhores amigos são legais É Unicórnio! Pare vai se não Criatura mitológica Tudo vai acabar bem Eu sou um Unicórnio! Eu digo vai embora, unicórnio De manhã ao acordar Com você quero estar
When you think he's gone He comes to disturb Go away, unicorn That only causes confusion Alice can't take it anymore Go away, Unicorn! Go away, unicorn With your magic horn Best friends are cool It's Unicorn! Stop if not Mythological creature Everything will end well I'm a Unicorn! I say go away, unicorn In the morning when waking up I want to be with you
Portuguese (Portugal)[]
- Singer: Diogo Pinto
Podes não conseguir ver Mas ele vai-te aparecer Sai daqui, Unicórnio Sempre a fazer algo mal A Alice tem planos a fazer Sai daqui, Unicórnio Já é o habitual Asneiras vão acontecer Para, vai, sim, não És um grande trapalhão Contigo quero sempre estar E se saíres daqui, Unicórnio Não te esqueças de voltar Ao teu lado vou ficar
- Singers: Sorin Ionescu, Georgia Căprărin (Alice)
Please provide Romanian lyrics if you can
- Singers: Yevgeniy Valts / Евгений Вальц, Anastasia Slepchenko / Анастасия Слепченко (Alice)
Можешь ты его не ждать - Возникнет он опять! Уходи, Единорог! Всё не испортить ты не мог! Надо нам тебя прогнать! Уходи, Единорог! Уходи, Единорог! Ты - неприятностей клубок! Но я буду по тебе скучать. Эй, Единорог! Так шаловлив Мой чудесный зоо-мир! Он испортит всё вокруг! Я - твой единорог! Но если ты решил уйти опять, Тебя я утром буду ждать. Ты - мой волшебный друг!
- Singers: ?, Marijana Živanović Čubrilo / Мариjана Живановић Чубрило (Alice), Milan Tubić / Милан Тубић (Unicorn)
Kada ne znaš gde je sad Iz sveg glasa vičeš tad Odlazi, jednorože Pogrešno ti radiš sve Alisinu svoje planove Odlazi, jednorože! Odlazi, jednorože Svojim rogom, rušiš te Zato vi ste drugovi, zar ne? To je jednorog! Stani, idi, da, ne Čarobno stvorenje Ipak biće dobro sve Ja sam jednorog! Odlaziš, jednorože U cik zore, budi nema Čarobni druže [Odlazi Jednorože!]
Када не знаш где је сад Из свег гласа вичеш тад Одлази, једнороже Погрешно ти радиш све Алисину своје планове Одлази, једнороже! Одлази, једнороже Својим рогом, рушиш те Зато ви сте другови, зар не? То је једнорог! Стани, иди, да, не Чаробно створење Ипак биц́е добро све Ја сам једнорог! Одлазиш, једнороже У цик зоре, буди нема Чаробни друже [Одлази Једнороже!]
When you don't know where he is now You then shout at the top of your voice Go away, unicorn You're doing all of Alice's plans wrong Go away, unicorn! Go away, unicorn With your horn, you knock you down That's why you're friends, right? It's a unicorn! Stop, go, yes, no A magical creature Everything will be fine though I'm a unicorn! You're leaving, unicorn At the crack of dawn, be gone Magic buddy [Go Away Unicorn!]
- Singers: ?
Please provide Slovene lyrics if you can
Spanish (Latin America)[]
- Singers: Max Ulyses Romero, Azul Valadez (Alice), Pascual Meza (Unicorn)
Cuando pienses que no está Él seguro te hará gritar ¡Vete ya, Unicornio! Siempre haces algo mal El plan de Alice vas a arruinar ¡Vete ya, Unicornio! ¡Vete ya, Unicornio! Torpe cuerno mágico Que fortalece nuestra amistad ¡Es Unicornio! Alto, sigue, sí, no Mito-zoológico Todo muy bien saldrá ¡Soy un unicornio! Aunque si tú te vas, Unicornio Vuelve cuando salga el sol Mi mágico amigo ideal
When you think it's not there He's sure to make you scream Go away, Unicorn! You always do something wrong You're going to ruin Alice's plan Go away, Unicorn! Go away, Unicorn! Clumsy magic horn That strengthens our friendship It's a Unicorn! Stop, keep going, yes, no Mytho-zoological Everything will turn out very well I'm a unicorn! Although if you leave, Unicorn Come back when the sun rises My magical ideal friend
Spanish (Spain)[]
- Singers: ?
Cuando crees que no está aquí ¡Él te hará gritar así! ¡Vete ya, Unicornio! Siempre lo estropeas todo Y Alice te va a gritar ¡Vete ya, Unicornio! ¡Vete ya, Unicornio! Tu cuerno parece un gorro Pero [?] genial ¡Es un unicornio! Para, ve, sí, no Amigo mitológico Todo irá fenomenal ¡Soy un unicornio! Unicornio, si te vas Todo pasaré muy mal Que mágica es nuestra amistad [¡Vete ya, Unicornio!]
When you think it's not here He'll make you scream like that! Go away, Unicorn! You always ruin everything And Alice is going to yell at you Go away, Unicorn! Go away, Unicorn! Your horn looks like a hat But [?] cool It's a unicorn! Stop, go, yes, no Mythological friend Everything will go great I'm a unicorn! Unicorn, if you leave Everything will be very bad How magical is our friendship [Go now, Unicorn!]
Please provide Spanish lyrics if you can
Missing versions[]
- There are some versions of this song that have not surfaced anywhere online. They cannot be added anywhere on this page until either the audio or the lyrics are provided:
- Italian
- The song was left undubbed in the Hungarian and the Taiwanese Mandarin dubs.