The Dubbing Database

Harry Potter y la cámara secreta is the Latin American Spanish dub of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.


Character Actor[1]
Harry Potter (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Harry Potter
Claudio Velázquez
Ron Weasley (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Ron Weasley
Carlos Díaz
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Hermione Granger
Mitzy Corona
Lockhart (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Gilderoy Lockhart
Óscar Gómez
Nick (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Nick Casi Decapitado
Alfonso Ramírez
Hagrid (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Hagrid El Gigante
Victor Hugo Aguilar
Uncle Vernon (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Tío Vernon
Jorge Santos
Dumbledore (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Albus Dumbledore
César Arias
Lucius Malfoy (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Lucius Malfoy
Alejandro Vargas Lugo
Snape (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Profesor Snape
Rolando de Castro
Aunt Petunia (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Tía Petunia
Pilar Escandón
McGonagall (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Profesora McGonagall
Keta Leonel
Mrs. Weasley (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Sra. Weasley
Carmen Martínez
Filch (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Argus Filch
Jesse Conde
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Draco Malfoy
Miguel Ángel Leal
Oliver Wood (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Oliver Wood
Victor Ugarte
Fudge (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Cornelius Fudge
César Izaguirre
Moaning Myrtle (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Myrtle, la llorona
Mayra Arellano
Mme. Pomfrey (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Madam Pomfrey
Liza Willert
Sprout (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Profesora Sprout
Azucena Rodríguez
Mr. Weasley (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Sr. Weasley
Mario Sauret
Dudley (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Dudley Dursley
Diego Ángeles
Dobby (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Ismael Castro
Fred Weasley (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Fred Weasley
Alfredo Leal
George Weasley (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Ginny Weasley
Alondra Hidalgo
Percy Weasley (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Percy Weasley
Gerry Meza (First few loops)
Unidentified voice
Neville Longbottom (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Neville Longbottom
Amado Cabrera
Seamus Finnigan (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Seamus Finnigan
Eduardo Curiel
Goyle (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Alan Prieto
The Sorting Hat (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Sombrero seleccionador
Roberto Molina
Tom Riddle (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Tom Riddle
Irwin Daayán
Aragog (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Rubén Moya
Technical staff
Dialogue direction
Roberto Molina
Creative director
Helgar Pedrini

