The Dubbing Database
The Dubbing Database

Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! is an American animated television series, produced by Hanna-Barbera, which originally aired for one season on CBS from September 11, 1971, to January 8, 1972. Daws Butler, Paul Winchell and William Callaway voice the three bears that comprise the Hair Bear Bunch, while John Stephenson and Joe E. Ross voice Mr. Peevly and Botch, respectively, the two individuals who patrol the zoo in which the bears live. The series' producer was Charles A. Nichols, with William Hanna and Joseph Barbera directing, and Hoyt Curtin serving as the composer.


Character Actor
Hair Bear (Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch!)
Hair Bear
Daws Butler
Bubi Bear (Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch!)
Bubi Bear
Paul Winchell
Square Bear (Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch!)
Square Bear
Bill Callaway
File:Mr. Peevly (Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch!).png
Mr. Peevly
John Stephenson
File:Lionel Botch (Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch!).png
Lionel Botch
Joe E. Ross

International versions[]

Language Title Channels
Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! - title card (English) Dutch Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! Cartoon Network (formerly)[4]
Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! - title card (French) French Les Trois Ours ORTF (formerly)
TF1 (formerly)
Cartoon Network (formerly)
Boomerang (formerly)
Help! It's the Hair Bear Bunch! - title card (German) German Locki Lockenbär Boomerang (formerly)
Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! - title card (English) Greek Βοήθεια, η Συμμορία των Αρκούδων Boomerang (formerly)
Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! - title card (English) Hungarian Jaj, Borzas Brumi Brancs! TV2 (formerly)
Boomerang (formerly)
Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! - title card (English) Italian
(1st dub)
Napo orso capo Rai 1 (formerly)
Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! - title card (English) Italian
(2nd dub)
Napo orso capo Cartoon Network (formerly)
Boing (formerly)
Italia 1 (formerly)
Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! - title card (English) Japanese くまくんトリオ大脱走 NHK General TV (formerly)
Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! - title card (English) Polish Pomocy! To banda Kudłacza Boomerang (formerly)
Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! - title card (English) Portuguese (Brazil) O Urso do Cabelo Duro TV Rio (formerly)
Bandeirantes (formerly)
Rede Globo (formerly)
RecordTV (formerly)
Cartoon Network (formerly)
Boomerang (formerly)
Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! - title card (English) Portuguese (Portugal)
O Grupo do Urso Cabeludo RTP1 (formerly)[5]
Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! - title card (English) Romanian Ajutor! Vine trupa ursului Chică! Boomerang (formerly)
Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! - title card (English) Spanish (Latin America) Los osos revoltosos TVN (formerly)
UCV Televisión (formerly)
Canal Once (formerly)
Teleonce (formerly)
Cartoon Network (formerly)
Boomerang (formerly)
Cartoon Network (Spain) (formerly)
Boomerang (Spain) (formerly)

