The Dubbing Database

Iyuno Hungary (formerly known as Iyuno-SDI Group, Hungary, Iyuno Media Group Hungary, BTI Stúdió, SDI Media Hungary, SDI Sun Studio Hungary or Broadcast Text Budapest) is an Hungarian recording studio located in Budapest and is part of Iyuno.


SDI Media[]

SDI Sun Studio Hungary was the Hungarian subsidiary of SDI Media Group, founded on November 6, 2006, shortly after SDI Media's acquisition of the Danish Sun Studio Group, which was the company that began the process of expanding into Hungary, but as the studio only opened its doors after September 2006, it was already under the umbrella of SDI Media, which is why the subsidiary was named after both groups.[1]

Around 2009, it was renamed SDI Media Hungary, terminating the connection between the Hungarian branch and the former Sun Studio Group.

BTI Studios[]

Broadcast Text Budapest was the Hungarian branch of the Swedish translation and subtitling company Broadcast Text, founded in May 5, 2003.[2]

In 2008, the Hungarian branch entered the voice services market, producing dubbing and voice-overs.

In 2014, the studio became known as BTI Stúdió.


On September 12, 2019, Iyuno Media Group acquired BTI Studios, establishing itself in Hungary now through its new subsidiary Iyuno Media Group Hungary.[3]

On April 1, 2021, SDI Media was acquired by Iyuno Media Group, which led to the merger of the two companies and, as a result, the former BTI facilities were closed down and their productions were moved to those of SDI Media, which became the only facilities of the now Iyuno-SDI Group, Hungary. Since October 26, 2022, just as the other global studios of the group, was renamed to Iyuno Hungary.[4]


See also: Category:Iyuno Hungary

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Iyuno/SDI Media[]




BTI Studios[]



