The Dubbing Database

Iyuno Netherlands (formerly known as Iyuno-SDI Group, Netherlands, Iyuno Media Group Netherlands, BTI Studios Netherlands, SDI Media Netherlands, Creative Sounds, Broadcast Text Amsterdam or Sun Studio Netherlands) is a Dutch-language dubbing studio located in Hilversum and is part of Iyuno.


BTI Studios / Creative Sounds[]

Broadcast Text Amsterdam was the Dutch branch of Broadcast Text, specialized in the areas of translation and subtitling, founded in 1999, located in Amsterdam and Maastricht.[2]

On April 25, 2014, Broadcast Text International was rebranded to BTI Studios, whereby the Dutch branch was renamed BTI Studios Holland.[3]

On October 22, 2018, BTI Studios acquired Creative Sounds, a Dutch dubbing studio founded in 2000.[4][5]

SDI Media[]

Sun Studio Netherlands was founded in 1995. After the acquisition of Sun Studio A/S by SDI Media Group on September 11, 2006, the studio operated as SDI Media Netherlands since 2010.

On September 9, 2014, the studio's headquarters were moved from Bussum to Amsterdam.[6]


On September 12, 2019, BTI Studios was merged with Iyuno Media Group.[7]

On April 1, 2021, SDI Media was acquired by Iyuno Media Group, which would merge both companies and create Iyuno-SDI Group, with this the Dutch branches of both would be merged and renamed to Iyuno-SDI Group, Netherlands. On October 26, 2022, the studio, just as the other global studios of the group, was renamed to Iyuno Netherlands, in addition to having concentrated its Dutch operations in the former headquarters of Creative Sounds, so all other locations were closed.[8]


See also: Category:Iyuno Netherlands

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