The Dubbing Database

Jagodica Bobica is the Serbian dub of Strawberry Shortcake. Premiering in 2006, it primarily aired on Happy TV, where it was dubbed by the owner Bojana Maljević's dubbing studio Monte Royal Sound Studio. Reruns of seasons 3 and 4 aired on Minimax in the early 2010s and currently of seasons 1 and 2 on both Pink Kids and Pink Super Kids. Seasons 1-3 were released on several DVD volumes, which were distributed by Happy Pictures within Serbia and Montenegro and Tropik Film & Video within Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Character Actor
Strawberry Shortcake (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Strawberry Shortcake 2 (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Jagodica Bobica
Jагодица Бобица
Marija Dakić
Мариjа Дакић
Apple Dumplin' (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Apple Dumplin' 2 (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Margalo (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Sherry Bobbleberry (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Vilica Trešnjica
Вилица Трешњица
Ginger Snap (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Ginger Snap 2 (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Ana Maljević
Ана Маљевић
Honey Pie Pony (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Mila Kobila
Мила Кобила
Crêpe Suzette (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003) - head
Crêpe Suzette
Orange Blossom (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Orange Blossom 2 (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Dijana Marojević
Диjана Мароjевић

(seasons 1-3)
Ivana Jovanović
Ивана Jовановић

(season 4)
Angel Cake (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Angel Cake 2 (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Lana Banana
Лана Банана
Marija Dakić
Мариjа Дакић

(seasons 1-2)
Ana Maljević
Ана Маљевић

(seasons 3-4)
Blueberry Muffin (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Tina Kupina
Тина Купина
Ana Maljević
Ана Маљевић

(seasons 2-3)
Ivana Jovanović
Ивана Jовановић

(season 4)
Rainbow Sherbet (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Buga Duga
Буга Дуга
Dijana Marojević
Диjана Мароjевић

(seasons 2-3)
Marija Dakić
Мариjа Дакић

(season 4)
Peppermint Fizz (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003) - head
Peppermint Fizz 2 (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Bojana Maljević
Боjана Маљевић

(seasons 2-3)
Ivana Jovanović
Ивана Jовановић

(season 4)
Sour Grapes (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Dijana Marojević
Диjана Мароjевић

(season 3)
Ivana Jovanović
Ивана Jовановић

(season 4)
Custard (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Dijana Marojević
Диjана Мароjевић

(seasons 1-3)
Ivana Jovanović
Ивана Jовановић

(season 4)
Coco Calypso (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Bojana Maljević
Боjана Маљевић
Frosty Puff (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Tangerina Torta (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Tea Blossom (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003) - head
Dijana Marojević
Диjана Мароjевић
Morska zvezdica
Морска звездица
Banana Candy (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Ivana Jovanović
Ивана Jовановић
Pupcake (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Original audio is retained
Danijel Korša
Даниjел Корша

(speaking in "Berry Brick Road")
Raven (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Vladislava Đorđević
Владислава Ђорђевић
Papaya Parrot (Strawberry Shortcake, 2003)
Papaya Parrot
Lako Nikolić
Лако Николић
All male characters
Lako Nikolić
Лако Николић

(seasons 1-3)
Danijel Korša
Даниjел Корша

(season 4)
Theme song singer
Marija Dakić
Мариjа Дакић


This section is incomplete. You can help The Dubbing Database by finishing it.
Serbian title Original title Premiere
1 Upoznajte Jagodicu Meet Strawberry Shortcake
2 Božić u Zemlji Jagodica Berry Merry Christmas
3 Proleće za Jagodicu The Ticket Master
4 Jagodicin metod za ozdravljenje Strawberry Shortcake's Get Well Adventure
1 Stiže Flekica Here Comes Pupcake
Najbolji ljubimac Peppermint's Pet Peeve
2 U potraži za prijateljima Horse of a Different Color
Festival ždrebica Festival of the Fillies
3 Lana na igralištu Angel Cake in the Outfield
Nešto dobiješ, nešto izgubiš Win Some, Lose Some
4 Strašna noć bez svetla Ginger Snap's No-Light Night of Fright
Zver kupina The Blueberry Beast
5 Pozorišna zabava The Play's the Thing
Maskenbal The Costume Party
6 Tajna koralne plaže The Mystery of Seaberry Shore
Legenda o izgubljenom blagu Legend of the Hidden Treasure
1 Svet pun drugova The Friendship Club
Festival drugara A Festival of Friends
2 Kad je vilica bobica došla u goste When the Berry Fairy Came to Stay
Legenda o Vilici Trešnjici The Legend of Sherry Bobbleberry
3 Beba pravi kolač Baby Takes the Cake
Prosto kao pasulj Piece of Cake
4 Lepi maniri Mind Your Manners
Kraljica za jedan dan Queen for a Day
1 Hajde da plešemo Let's Dance


  • The dub features a limited cast of up to 5 voice actors, including having all male characters be voiced by the same man.
    • The only time another voice actor is brought in is in "Festival of the Fillies" where Vladislava Đorđević voices the raven. The cast was changed for season 4, but actors were simply replaced instead of added.
  • Several translations are reused from the Croatian Project 6 dub:
    • Most of the character names are the exact same. Orange Blossom (due to Croatian and Serbian having a different word for oranges) and Peppermint Fizz are two exceptions.
    • The opening theme song's lyrics are the same, aside from natural differences between Croatian and Serbian.
    • Some other songs also use portions of the Croatian lyrics.
  • Marija Dakić reprised her role as Strawberry Shortcake for the dub of Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures. However, unlike in this series where she does both the speaking and singing voice, Dakić did not continue as the singing voice in Berry Bitty Adventures.
  • This dub was very popular and classic in Serbia despite the unprofessionality like the small cast (who made little effort to distinguish their voices), poor lip-syncing, low microphone quality and copying from the Croatian dub.
  • Peppermint Fizz's first voice actress Bojana Maljević (the sister of Ana Maljević) owned Happy TV and Monte Royal Sound Studio at the time.
  • Minimax aired the episodes in a compilation format like the DVDs, rather than the individual episode format they were dubbed in, so the interstitials were not dubbed in season 3. Instead, instrumental music plays alongside a brief male voiceover. However, in season 4, the interstitials are fully dubbed.
  • Seasons 1-2 were released in NTSC speed frame-stretched to 25fps to accomodate the PAL format, while seasons 3-4 were released in PAL speed.
  • Papaya Parrot is a male in this dub, most likely because of the limited set of voice actors available.


  • 'Berry' (in place of 'very') - jago
  • Huckleberry Pie - Voćko Zloćko
  • Sweet Grapes' name Grozdana is an actual human name, but is also a pun on the word for grapes, 'grožđe.'


  • The sound effects from season 1 are erroneously present in the theme song throughout all of the dub, despite the title sequence footage changing.
  • The lip-syncing is very inaccurate, especially in earlier episodes. For example, a character's line will play later than it should, causing it to overlap with another character's lines or play during another character's mouth animation, appearing as if they lip-synced the line rather than the character who said it.
    • Particularly, in "Back in the Saddle", Strawberry's line "Pogledaj te ovo" ("Look at this") plays while her mouth is completely closed.
  • Angel Cake is named Lana Banana (copied from the Croatian dub), which is inaccurate as her character is not banana-themed. As a result, the character Banana Candy is renamed to Bombonica, simply "Little Candy" without any mention of her banana theme.
  • The masters for the dub are desaturated with heavy dot crawl, grain and artifacting as well as skipping (especially in season 2 episodes 8-11), and were not remastered for DVD release or later airings.
  • Coco Calypso switches voices with her parrot for one line, "Probati" ("try it"), resulting in her being voiced by a male voice actor.
  • In "Mystery of Seaberry Beach", at around 7 minutes and 39 seconds, Coco Calypso's English line is briefly audible before cutting into the Serbian version, due to the English version being cut in for Papaya Parrot's squawking. Her Serbian line also runs longer than her lip-syncing resulting in her speaking with her mouth closed, then the next one starts late and overlaps with Strawberry's line.
    • Also, for both songs in the episode, the instrumental is much louder than the vocals.