Jo, Elvis Riboldi is the Catalan dub of I, Elvis Riboldi that is airing on SX3.
Character | Actor | ||
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Elvis Riboldi
Nerea Alfonso | |
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Boris Nusrat
Álex Molina | |
File:Emma Foster (I, Elvis Riboldi).png | Emma Foster
Berta Cortés | |
File:Ms. Jennifer (I, Elvis Riboldi).png | Stra. Jennifer
Aleix Estadella | |
File:Leonidas (I, Elvis Riboldi).png | Leònides
Alex Meseguer | |
File:Ireland (I, Elvis Riboldi).png | Irlanda
Ariadna de Guzmán | |
File:Dumont (I, Elvis Riboldi).png | Lagunilla
Lara Ullod | |
File:Prof. Pinkerton (I, Elvis Riboldi).png | Prof. Pinkerton
Santi Lorenz |
№ | Catalan title | Original title | Release |
1 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, m'emancipo | I, Elvis Riboldi, Move Out of My Parents' | January 8, 2021 |
2 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i els punys d'Icària | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Fist of Icaria | |
3 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i el meu perfum | I, Elvis Riboldi, Smell | |
4 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i els bandits peluts | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Striped Bandits | January 10, 2021 |
5 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, vaig d'acampada | I, Elvis Riboldi, Go Camping | |
6 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i el nen prodigi | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Boy Genius | |
7 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i els meus veïns, els Blood | I, Elvis Riboldi, and My Neighbours, the Bloods | January 12, 2021 |
8 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, S.A. | I, Elvis Riboldi, Inc. | January 13, 2021 |
9 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i Emma Superstar | I, Elvis Riboldi, and Emma Superstar | |
10 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i la beguda miraculosa | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Miracle Drink | January 14, 2021 |
11 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i l'escola a casa | I, Elvis Riboldi, Gets Homeschooled | |
12 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i l'escola Pinkerton | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Pinkerton School | January 15, 2021 |
13 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i el dia repetit | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Already Lived Day | |
14 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, faig campanya | I, Elvis Riboldi, on the Campaign Trail | |
15 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i el cas de la varicel·la | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Serious Case of Chickenpox | January 18, 2021 |
16 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, faig negocis | I, Elvis Riboldi, Take Care of Business | |
17 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i la senyoreta Jennibot | I, Elvis Riboldi, and Miss Jennibot | January 19, 2021 |
18 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i l'imitador d'Elvis | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Elvis Impersonator | |
19 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i el mico dels tres desitjos | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Three-Wish Monkey | January 20, 2021 |
20 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i l'avi Riboldi | I, Elvis Riboldi, and Grandpa Riboldi | |
21 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, superheroi | I, Elvis Riboldi, Am a Superhero | January 21, 2021 |
22 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i Murfi l'extraterrestre | I, Elvis Riboldi, and Murphy the Extraterrestrial | |
23 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i la maledicció dels Blood | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Curse of the Bloods | January 22, 2021 |
24 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i el concurs de karaoke | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Karaoke Contest | |
25 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i la màquina del temps | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Time Machine | |
26 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i l'home equivocat | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Wrong Man | January 25, 2021 |
27 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, tinc cura de la casa | I, Elvis Riboldi, Master of the House | |
28 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, soc el millor amic d'en Boris | I, Elvis Riboldi, Am Boris's Best Friend | January 26, 2021 |
29 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, faig de Cupido | I, Elvis Riboldi, Am a Matchmaker | |
30 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i la triple amenaça | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Triple Threat | January 27, 2021 |
31 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, carter | I, Elvis Riboldi, the Mail Man | |
32 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i Míster Mico | I, Elvis Riboldi, and Senor Monkey | January 28, 2021 |
33 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i la cabana vora el llac | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Cabin by the Lake | |
34 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, al cinema | I, Elvis Riboldi, Am at the Movies | January 29, 2021 |
35 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i l'amnèsia de la Jennifer | I, Elvis Riboldi, and Jennifer's Amnesia | |
36 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i l'assegurança Elvis | I, Elvis Riboldi, and Elvis Insurance | |
37 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i la tieta Florence | I, Elvis Riboldi, and Auntie Florence | February 1, 2021 |
38 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, home de família | I, Elvis Riboldi, Am a Family Man | |
39 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, desmunto en Benny | I, Elvis Riboldi, Break Benny | February 2, 2021 |
40 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i l'aventura amb la cangur | I, Elvis Riboldi, and My Adventures in Babysitting | |
41 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i un Halloween molt Elvis | I, Elvis Riboldi, and a Very Elvis Halloween | February 3, 2021 |
42 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, soc un artista | I, Elvis Riboldi, Am an Artist | |
43 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, em torno superllest | I, Elvis Riboldi, Get Super Smart | February 4, 2021 |
44 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, porto l'anarquia a Icària | I, Elvis Riboldi, Cause Anarchy in Icaria | |
45 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, animo la vida dels pares | I, Elvis Riboldi, Spice Up My Parents' Life | February 5, 2021 |
46 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i la ruïna dels Pinkerton | I, Elvis Riboldi, and Pinkerton's Ruin | |
47 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, contra la pubertat | I, Elvis Riboldi, Fight Puberty | |
48 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i el videojoc | I, Elvis Riboldi, the Videogame | February 8, 2021 |
49 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i un Nadal molt Elvis | I, Elvis Riboldi, and a Very Elvis Xmas | February 25, 2021 |
50 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, detectiu de mascotes | I, Elvis Riboldi, Pet Detective | February 8, 2021 |
51 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i l'anuari | I, Elvis Riboldi, and the Yearbook | February 9, 2021 |
52 | Jo, Elvis Riboldi, i… l'Emma se'n va! | I, Elvis Riboldi, and… Emma Leaves! |