The Dubbing Database

La casa búho is the Latin American Spanish dub of The Owl House. The dub premiered on April 13, 2020 on Disney Channel in Latin America; previously, the first episode aired on the channel on April 4 as a sneak peek. The dub also began to air on Disney XD on July 3, 2020. The dub was added to Disney+ beginning in April 2021.


Character Actor[2]
Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
Luz Noceda
Micaela Carla Oddera
Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Eda Clawthorne
Karin Zavala
King (The Owl House)
Damián Stavros
Hooty (The Owl House)
Tian Brass
Willow Park (The Owl House)
Willow Park
Arelys González
Gus Porter (The Owl House)
Gus Porter
Máximo Thomas
Amity Blight (The Owl House)
Amity Blight 2 (The Owl House)
Amity Blight
Martina Panno
Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Lilith Clawthorne
Luciana Falcón Graña
Camila Noceda (The Owl House)
Camila Noceda
Malena Duchovny (episodes 1 - 23)
Natalia Pupato (episode 29 - present)
Emperor Belos (The Owl House)
Emperor Belos 2 (The Owl House)
Emperor Belos 3 (The Owl House)
Philip Wittebane (The Owl House)
Emperador Belos
Philip Wittebane
Facundo Reyes (as Emperor Belos)
Matías Carossia (as Philip Wittebane)
Golden Guard (The Owl House)
Hunter (The Owl House)
Patricio Lago
Kikimora (The Owl House)
Constanza Faraggi
Andrea Higa (episode 5)
Emira Blight (The Owl House)
Emira Blight
Luciana Mauri
Edric Blight (The Owl House)
Edric Blight
Nahuel Ivorra
Mattholomule (The Owl House)
Demián Velazco Rochwerger (except episode 5)
Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Raine Whispers
Julián Outeyral
Darius (The Owl House)
Adrián Wowczuk
Boscha (The Owl House) - head
Azul Bötticher
Skara (The Owl House)
Florencia Coianis
Viney (The Owl House)
Barbi Perrone
Jerbo (The Owl House)
Sebastián Ariel Rivero Rama
Principal Bump (The Owl House)
Director Bump
Guido D'Albo (episodes 3 - 9)
Alejandro Scaravelli (episode 15 - present)
Gwendolyn Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Gwendolyn Clawthorne
Silvia Aira
Odalia Blight (The Owl House)
Odalia Blight
Valeria Gómez
Alador Blight (The Owl House)
Alador Blight
Ignacio de Anca
Tibbles (The Owl House)
Pablo Gandolfo (season 1)
Vee (The Owl House)
Vee (The Owl House, Season 3)
Sol Nieto
Katya (The Owl House)
Malena Duchovny
Morton (The Owl House)
Ignacio Pereira
Tiny Nose (The Owl House)
Julia Bilous (episodes 1 - 5)
Florencia Coianis (episode 11 - present)
Perry Porter (The Owl House)
Perry Porter
Randolfo Barrionuevo
Amber (The Owl House)
Noelia Lestani
Warden Wrath (The Owl House)
Guardián Wrath
Javier Gómez
Professor Hermonculus (The Owl House)
Profesor Homunculus
Mario De Candia
Salty (The Owl House)
Lucas Medina
Snaggleback (The Owl House)
Santiago Maurig
Micaela Carla Oddera
Additional voices
Adrián Wowczuk
Agostina Álvarez
Agostina Longo
Agus Ojea
Aixa Díaz Fraga
Alejandro Bono
Alejandro Gómez
Alejandro Graue
Andrea Higa
Ángeles Lescano
Braian Pavón
Camila Díaz Fraga
Carlos Celestre
Carlos Romero Franco
Carolina Werner
Claudia Bergalo
Christian Peyrano
Constanza Faraggi
Daiana Vecchio
Damián Stavros
Additional voices
Ezequiel Romero
Facundo Reyes
Fatima Ohrnialian
Federico Llambí
Fernando Castillo
Florencia Cione
Gianluca Bellero
Giselle Halberthal
Gonzalo Moreno
Gustavo Barrientos
Gustavo Dardés
Hernán Bravo
Hernán Palma
Hernán Tracchia
Ignacio Lorefice
Ignacio Rodríguez de Anca
Irene Guiser
Javier Carbone
Javier Grecco
Juan Balvín
Additional voices
Juan Cruz Carrega
Julia Bilous
Karin Zavala
Lautaro Gómez
Leto Dugatkin
Lorena Muñoz
Lucas Medina
Lucila Wowczuk
Magilí Taíani
Maia Fernández
Malena Rodríguez
Mara Brenner
Mara Campanelli
Marcelo Armand
Marcelo Pintos
Marcos Abadi
Mario De Candia
Martín De Renzo
Martín Gopar
Mathias Rapisarda
Additional voices
Matías N. Gallego
Micaela Baylac
Natalia Pupato
Nicolás Ginesin
Nicole Apstein
Noelia Lestani
Noelia Socolovsky
Nuria Dul
Patricio Lago
Paula Cueto
Pedro Ruiz
René Sagastume
Richard Eizzi
Santiago Florentín
Santiago Maurig
Santiago Stieben
Sebastián Ariel Rivero Rama
Sol Nieto
Solana Pastorino
Tian Brass
Additional voices
Valentina Rossi
Valentino Carrer
Valeria Gómez
Zahira Díaz Satailo
Technical staff
Translation and adaptation
Valeria Waldegger
Tian Brass
Creative manager
María Josefina Parodi


Latin American Spanish title Original title Premiere
Argentina United States
1 Una bruja mentirosa y un guardián A Lying Witch and a Warden April 13, 2020
2 3 Yo fui una abominable adolescente I Was a Teenage Abomination April 14, 2020
3 4 La intrusa The Intruder April 15, 2020
4 5 El gran aquelarre Covention April 16, 2020
5 6 La casa ambulante de Hooty Hooty's Moving Hassle April 17, 2020
6 2 Brujas antes que magos Witches Before Wizards April 20, 2020
7 Libros encantados Lost in Language April 21, 2020
8 9 Una aventura, muchos engaños Something Ventured, Someone Framed April 22, 2020
9 10 El escape del Taliamigo Escape of the Palisman April 23, 2020
10 8 Cambio de cuerpos Once Upon a Swap October 26, 2020
11 Sensatez y resentimientos Sense and Insensitivity October 27, 2020
12 Aventuras mágicas Adventures in the Elements October 28, 2020
13 El primer día The First Day October 29, 2020
14 Problemas muy pequeños Really Small Problems October 30, 2020
15 Comprendiendo a Willow Understanding Willow December 31, 2020
16 Un baile aterrador Enchanting Grom Fright February 23, 2021
17 Brujas improvisadas Wing It Like Witches February 24, 2021
18 La agonía de una bruja Agony of a Witch February 25. 2021
19 Sangre joven, almas viejas Young Blood, Old Souls February 26, 2021
20 Mareas separadas Separate Tides September 5, 2021
21 24 A través de las ruinas del espejo Through the Looking Glass Ruins
22 21 Salvarse de la expulsión Escaping Expulsion September 6, 2021
23 22 Ecos del pasado Echoes of the Past September 7, 2021
24 23 Manteniendo los miedos Keeping Up A-fear-ances September 8, 2021
25 Cacería de taliamigos Hunting Palismen September 9, 2021
26 El réquiem de Eda Eda's Requiem September 10, 2021
27 Toc, toc, tocando la puerta de Hooty Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door January 17, 2022
28 El Lago Eclipse Eclipse Lake January 18, 2022
29 Mentiras del pasado Yesterday's Lie January 19, 2022
30 Tonterías en el desfile del Día del Aquelarre Follies at the Coven Day Parade June 13, 2022
31 En otro momento y en otro lugar Elsewhere and Elsewhen June 14, 2022
32 Un deporte tormentoso Any Sport in a Storm June 15, 2022
33 Confía en mi Reaching Out June 16, 2022
34 Así son las cosas Them's the Breaks, Kid June 17, 2022
35 Mente hueca Hollow Mind September 5, 2022
36 El fin del mundo Edge of the World September 6, 2022
37 Corredores de laberinto Labyrinth Runners September 7, 2022
38 Oh, Titán, ¿dónde estás? O Titan, Where Art Thou September 8, 2022
39 Nubes en el horizonte Clouds on the Horizon September 9, 2022
40 La marea de King King's Tide
41 Gracias a Ellos Thanks to Them February 3, 2024[3]
42 Por el Futuro For the Future February 10, 2024[3]
43 Ver y Soñar Watching and Dreaming February 17, 2024[3]


  • The word "snacks" is not translated, except for the first episode where it is translated as "bocadillos".
  • The usage of Spanish words is retained, dubbed over by the Latin American Spanish actors.
    • Camila calls Luz "hija" instead of "mija", except for in Enchanted Grom Fright where her Grom form calls Luz "mija".
    • In the episode "Hooty's Moving Hassle", Luz says "¡Oye, no me hables así!" instead of "¡Oye, no me hable así!"
  • Raine Whispers is referred to using masculine pronouns instead of neutral pronouns in Eda's Requiem. This was fixed in Follies at the Coven Day Parade.
    • Along with this, Eda's nickname for Raine, "Rainestorm", was adapted as "Reinaldo" in Eda's Requiem, but was changed to "Rainy" in Follies at the Coven Day Parade.
  • Amity's pet name for Luz in Follies at the Coven Day Parade, "batata", was adapted as "batatita".


