The Dubbing Database

LazyTown is one of two Latin American Spanish dubs of the show of the same name. Commissioned by Discovery Networks, the dub had a sneak peek on Discovery Kids in Latin America on March 21, 2005; it properly premiered on April 4, 2005. It was the first Latin American Spanish dub of the series; only the first two seasons were dubbed.

This dub is available on DVDs released by Tycoon Home Video in Mexico, and preserves all the cuts that were made in episodes as broadcast by Discovery Kids, by putting the black screen in transition.


Character Actor[3]
Sportacus (LazyTown)
Pablo Ausensi (speaking)
Santiago Retti (singing)
Robbie Rotten (LazyTown)
Robbie Rotten
Alexis Quiroz
Raúl Canales (singing; "Lazy Scouts", "Master of Disguise" and "Rock your Socks Off")
Stephanie 1 (LazyTown)
Andrea Pérez
René Pinochet (eps. 1 and 5, speaking)
Jessica Toledo (one line in ep. 16)
Ziggy (LazyTown)
Rodrigo Saavedra
Pixel (LazyTown)
Sebastián Arancibia
Stingy (LazyTown)
Carlos Díaz (speaking)
Raúl Canales (singing)
Trixie (LazyTown)
Jessica Toledo
Mayor Milford Meanswell (LazyTown)
Alcalde Milford Meanswell
Mario Santander
Bessie Busybody (LazyTown)
Señorita Bessie Busybody
Viviana Navarro
Little Sportacus (LazyTown)
Pequeño Sportacus
René Pinochet (ep. 37)
Voz de la aeronave
Yaninna Quiroz
Title voice-overs
Andrea Pérez
René Pinochet (eps. 1 and 5)
Technical staff
Recording studio
DINT Doblajes Internacionales
Alexis Quiroz
Yannina Quiroz
Natalia Valdebenito
Recording dates
The end of 2004 - 2007


Song Singer(s)
Santiago Retti


  • In this dub, Stephanie was dubbed twice by a male actor, René Pinochet; generally, its dubbing actresses who play female characters, and conversely to this particular case, they also dub young male characters.
  • For unknown reasons, some of Robbie Rotten's songs were sung by Raúl Canales, when most were sung by Alexis Quiroz, who dubs the character's dialogues.
  • In the episode "Sports Day", before Ziggy finds Robbie's fake apple, he is heard humming the song from the puppet show 31 minutos, which is of Chilean origin as well as the dub.
  • In broadcasts of the dub by Discovery Kids, several scenes were eliminated. This was in order to shorten the duration of the episodes.
    • While in the first season it was quite subtle, this wasn't the case with the second season, in which many more scenes were being cut. Especially notable is that several songs that season were either cut (as is the case of "We Got Energy", which only leaves the last two verses), or completely eliminated (such as the songs "I Wanna Dance", "I Like Learning", or "It's Fun to Be the Mayor"). This has left certain songs to be exclusive to the Venezuelan dub of the show.
    • It's unknown if brodcasts on other channels airing the dub aired the complete versions or that the complete versions even exist.
      • Interestingly, the first two verses of the chorus of "I Wanna Dance", and Stephanie's singing part in "Techno Generation" (which was cut from this dub), were dubbed in LazyTown Extra, during the section where Stephanie teaches the viewers how to dance.
  • In the episode "Dear Diary", on Discovery Kids broadcasts, the final scene where the series' usual Bing Bang chant is made is cut.
  • In the episode "Lazytown Goes Digital" on the Discovery Kids broadcasts, part of the song from "Techno Generation" is omitted.
  • The Chilean dub is the one used in the official soundtracks "¡Bienvenidos A LazyTown!" (2007) and "La Música de LazyTown" (2011), in which they present some changes such as the elimination of dialogues, the usage of the choirs from the original version, and the reinstatement of cut scenes from the Discovery Kids broadcast.
  • In episodes where songs are being used again in different episodes, they are slightly modified, such as changing some voices, and adding more choruses and dialogues.
    • In the song "Step by Step" on the CD, and in the episode "Hero for a Day", Trixie's voice is louder than Stephanie's as the two sing together, while when it is used again in the episode "Dear Diary", Stephanie's voice is louder than Trixie's.
    • In the song "Cooking by the Book", Stingy's voice is changed in the CD version as well as the episode "Miss Roberta", and the chorus "a cake" is added.
  • The opening theme song was re-recorded during the first season, in which the singer, Tom Urrejola Díaz, slightly aggravated some tones, and in the phrase "y Sportacus te salvara-á", the additional "á" was removed.
    • From the second season, during the opening song, Robbie Rotten's gestures and laughter is added.

