The Dubbing Database

Les Aventures de Colargol is a stop-motion animated television series created by the French animation studio Procidis, led by Albert Barillé, and the Polish animation studio Se-ma-for. The series was produced between 1968 and 1974 and consisted of 53 episodes. It then aired on the French broadcaster ORTF from November 9, 1970 to January 31, 1974. The series was also dubbed into English and aired on the BBC in April 1973 as Barnaby, and later in Canada as Jeremy the Bear.

International versions[]

Language Title Channels
Unknown - head Albanian
unknown TVSH (formerly)
Unknown - head English (UK) Barnaby the Bear BBC1 (formerly)
BBC2 (formerly)
Unknown - head English (Canada) Jeremy the Bear TVOntario (formerly)
Knowledge Network (formerly)
Unknown - head Japanese コラルの探検 TBS (formerly)
Unknown - head Polish Przygody misia Colargola theatres (3 compilation films only)
TVP1 (formerly)
TV Polonia (formerly)