The Dubbing Database

Los Increíbles is the Argentinian Spanish dub of The Incredibles. It was released in theaters in Argentina on December 2, 2004.


Character Actor
Bob Parr (The Incredibles)
Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles)
Bob Parr / Mr. Increíble
Sebastián Llapur
Helen Parr (The Incredibles)
Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Mrs. Incredible (The Incredibles)
Helen Parr / Elastigirl
Juana Molina
Violet Parr (The Incredibles)
Violet Parr (supersuit) (The Incredibles)
Violeta Parr
Florencia Otero
Dash Parr (The Incredibles)
Dash Parr (supersuit) (The Incredibles)
Dash Parr
Gastón Sofritti
Buddy Pine (The Incredibles)
Incrediboy (The Incredibles)
Buddy Pine / Síndrome / Incrediboy
Matías Martin
Nicolás Frías
The Underminer (The Incredibles)
El Subterráneo
Ricardo Alanis
Lucius Best (The Incredibles)
Frozone (The Incredibles)
Lucio Best / Frozono
Rubén Rada
Mirage (The Incredibles)
Carolina Peleritti
Edna Mode (The Incredibles)
Edna Moda
Favio Posca
Rick Dicker (The Incredibles)
Rick Dicker
Ricardo Alanis
Gilbert Huph (The Incredibles)
Gilbert Huph
Rodolfo Rodas
Tony Rydinger (The Incredibles)
Tony Rydinger
Dani Martins
Kari McKeen (The Incredibles)
Kari McKeen
Carolina Ibarra
Bernie Kropp (The Incredibles)
Bernie Kropp
Eduardo Ferrari
Technical staff
Nicolás Frías
Ricardo Tejedo
Translation / Adaption
Nicolás Frías

Dubbing Credits[]
