The Dubbing Database
The Dubbing Database

Mermaid Melody - Principesse Sirene is the Italian dub of マーメイドメロディーぴちぴちピッチ. It has previously aired on Italia 1, Boing and Hiro.

Broadcast history[]

The anime came in Italy in 2007 on February 28 starting with Episode 1 at 17:35 (5:35 P.M.) on Italia 1 and ending on February 12, 2008. Later reruns were shown on Mediaset. Italy was one of the first countries to acquire the anime. The first season was shown at weekends and the second one had several episodes delayed thereby the episodes were shown likely randomly. The series was later distributed on 31 DVDs by Hobby & Work somewhere in 2008 - 2009. Two CDs with all the Italian songs have also been released. On July 22, 2009 the anime began reairing on Boing and then Hiro started showing the 91 episodes again from December 2009.


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Character Actor
七海 るちあ (マーメイド メロディー ぴちぴち ピッチ)
Lucia Nanami
Elisabetta Spinelli
Denise Misseri (singing)
宝生 波音 (マーメイド メロディー ぴちぴち ピッチ)
Patrizia Mottola
Francesca Daprati (singing)
洞院 リナ (マーメイド メロディー ぴちぴち ピッチ)
Emanuela Pacotto
Elisabetta Cavalli (singing)