The Dubbing Database

Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures is an American computer-animated preschool television series that was broadcast on Disney Junior. Produced by Disney Television Animation, the series is the successor to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Originally airing as Mickey and the Roadster Racers for its first two seasons, it debuted in the United States on January 15, 2017.[6]

The show follows the Sensational Six (Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, Daisy and Pluto) as they race around their town of Hot Dog Hills and around the world. Unlike the previous series, this show contains two 11-minute stories as opposed to Clubhouse's full-length 22-minute stories.


Character Actor
Mickey Mouse (Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures)
Mickey Mouse
Bret Iwan
Minnie Mouse (Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures)
Minnie Mouse
Russi Taylor (2017-2019)
Kaitlyn Robrock (2020-2021)
Donald Duck (Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures)
Donald Duck
Daniel Ross
Daisy Duck (Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures)
Daisy Duck
Tress MacNeille
Clarabelle Cow (Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures)
Clarabelle Cow
April Winchell
Goofy (Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures)
Bill Farmer
Pluto (Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures)
Cuckoo-Loca (Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures)
Nika Futterman
Billy Beagle (Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures)
Billy Beagle
Jay Leno
Pete (Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures)
Jim Cummings

International versions[]

Language Title Channels
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Albanian) Albanian Miki dhe garuesit e makinave Bang Bang (intermittently)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (English) Arabic ميكي ماوس ميكسد أب أدفنشرز
ميكي والمتسابقون (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Bulgarian) Bulgarian Мики и приятели състезатели Disney Channel (formerly)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Cantonese and Taiwanese Mandarin)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Cantonese and Taiwanese Mandarin)
Cantonese 米奇妙妙車玩轉冒險
米奇妙妙車隊 (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior (formerly)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Czech) Czech Mickey a závodníci Déčko
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Danish)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Danish)
Danish Mickey Mouse hæsblæsende eventyr
Mickey og Racerholdet (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior (formerly)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (English)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Dutch)
Dutch Mickey Mouse doldwaze avonturen
Mickey and the Roadster Racers (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior (formerly)
Disney Channel
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (English) Filipino Mickey and the Roadster Racers TV5 (formerly)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Finnish)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Finnish)
Finnish Mikki Hiiri ja sekalaiset seikkailut
Mikki ja ralliryhmä (seasons 1-2)
Nelonen (formerly)
Disney Junior (formerly)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (French)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (French)
French Les Aventures de Mickey et ses amis
Mickey et ses amis : Top Départ ! (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior
France 5 (formerly)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (German)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (German)
German Micky Maus: Kunterbunte Abenteuer
Micky und die flinken Flitzer (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior (formerly)
Disney Channel
ORF 1 (formerly)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Greek)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Greek)
Greek Μίκυ Μάους Τρελοπεριπέτειες
Ο Μίκυ και οι φίλοι του Σε Αγώνες Ταχύτητας (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Hebrew)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Hebrew, V2)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Hebrew)
Hebrew מיקי מאוס: הרפתקאות מבולבלות
מיקי ומכוניות המירוץ (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (English) Hindi मिकी माउस मिश्रित रोमांच Disney Junior
Disney Channel HD
Disney+ Hotstar
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Hungarian) Hungarian Mickey és az autóversenyzők M2
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (English) Indonesian Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures Disney Channel (formerly)
Disney Junior (formerly)
MNCTV (formerly)
Disney+ Hotstar
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Italian)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Italian)
Italian Topolino strepitose avventure
Topolino e gli amici del rally (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior (formerly)
Rai Yoyo
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Japanese)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Japanese)
Japanese ミッキーマウス ミックス・アドベンチャー
ミッキーマウスとロードレーサーズ (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior
Disney Channel
TV Tokyo[7]
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Korean)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Korean)
Korean 미키마우스 뒤죽박죽 모험
미키와 카레이서 클럽 (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior (formerly)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (English) Latvian
Mikijs un sacīkšu braucēji TV3 (formerly)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (English) Malay Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures Disney Channel (formerly)
Disney Junior (formerly)
Disney+ Hotstar
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Chinese Mandarin) Mandarin (China) 米奇妙妙车队 Disney+
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Cantonese and Taiwanese Mandarin)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Cantonese and Taiwanese Mandarin)
Mandarin (Taiwan) 米奇妙妙車玩轉冒險
米奇妙妙車隊 (seasons 1-2)
Disney Channel (formerly)
Disney Junior (formerly)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Norwegian)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Norwegian)
Norwegian Mikke Mus fabelaktige eventyr
Mikke og racinggjengen (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior (formerly)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Polish)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Polish)
Polish Myszka Miki: Zamieszani w przygody
Miki i raźni rajdowcy (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior
Puls 2
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Brazilian Portuguese)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Latin American Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese)
Portuguese (Brazil) Mickey Mouse: Mix de Aventuras
Mickey Aventuras sobre Rodas (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior (formerly)
Disney Channel
SBT (formerly)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (European Portuguese)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (European Portuguese)
Portuguese (Portugal) Mickey Mouse: Vamos à Aventura
Mickey e os Superpilotos (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Romanian)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Romanian)
Romanian Mickey Mouse: Aventuri încurcate
Mickey și piloții de curse (seasons 1-2)
Disney Channel (formerly)
Disney Junior
Disney+ (Subtitled And Dubbed? Disney+)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Russian)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Russian)
Микки Маус: Мир приключений
Микки и весёлые гонки (seasons 1-2)
Kanal Disney (formerly)
Disney Junior (Scandinavia) (formerly)
Disney Junior (Israel)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Russian) Russian
(TV3 (Latvia), voice-over)
Микки и весёлые гонки 3+
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Mexican Spanish)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Latin American Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese)
Spanish (Latin America) Mickey Mouse: Mix de Aventuras
Mickey: Aventuras sobre ruedas (seasons 1-2)
Disney Channel (United States) (via SAP, formerly)
Disney Jr. (United States) (via SAP)
Disney Junior (Latin America)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (European Spanish)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (European Spanish)
Spanish (Spain) Mickey Mouse: ¡Vamos de aventura!
Mickey y los súper pilotos (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Swedish)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Swedish)
Swedish Musse Pigg makalösa äventyr
Musse och racergänget (seasons 1-2)
Disney Junior (formerly)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (English) Tamil மிக்கி மவுஸ் சாகசங்களை கலக்கியது Disney Junior
Disney Channel HD
Disney+ Hotstar
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (English) Telugu మిక్కీ మౌస్ మిక్స్డ్ అడ్వెంచర్స్ Disney Junior
Disney Channel HD
Disney+ Hotstar
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (English) Thai Mickey and the Roadster Racers Disney+ Hotstar
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Turkish)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Turkish, Disney+)
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures - logo (Turkish)
Turkish Mickey Mouse Çılgın Maceralar
Mickey ve Çılgın Yarışçılar (seasons 1-2)
Disney Channel (formerly)
Disney Junior
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (Ukrainian) Ukrainian Міккі та круті перегони PlusPlus (formerly)
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - logo (English) Uzbek
Mikki va poygalar Bolajon

