The Dubbing Database

Micul meu ponei: Prietenia este magică (also known as My Little Pony: Prietenia este magică on DVDs and Micul meu ponei: Prietenia e magică in one of the title voice-overs) is the Romanian dub of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Produced by Studiourile BTI (previously known as Zone Studio Oradea), the dub first premiered on Minimax in Romania on December 16, 2011. It also aired on JimJam. The dub is available on Netflix. DVDs of this dub were distributed by Editura Media Service Zawada in 2016.[1] The dub completed its original run in November 2019, although the Christmas special Best Gift Ever later aired on December 1, 2019.

Only the first eight seasons aired on Minimax. The channel publically stated they would not be airing the ninth season of the show, but they would concede to airing Rainbow Roadtrip, and spin-off series Pony Life.

A demo dub of the episode "The Ticket Master", with an entirely different cast and opening theme, would be released on DVDs in 2011, which was produced by a different, unidentified dubbing studio located in Bucharest. Despite a finalized dub of the episode existing, JimJam at one point had accidently aired the demo dub of the episode.[2]


Character Actor[3]
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Twilight Sparkle
Iulia Tohotan (seasons 1–4)
Ilinca Ghimbășan (seasons 5–7)
Alessia Popa (S8E1–4)
Sofia Oprescu (S8E5 onwards)
Corina Cernea (singing, S5E26)
Alina Leonte (singing, Flawless)
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Rainbow Dash
Carina Chereji (seasons 1–5)
Carina Marin (singing, S1E11)
Anca Sigmirean (singing, S4E7)
Carla Marin (seasons 6–7)
Ștefana Dușe (season 8)
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Pinkie Pie
Ioana Perneș (seasons 1–4)
Daria Perneș (seasons 5–7)
Alina Leonte (season 8; singing, seasons 5-6 and 8)
Applejack (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Carina Marin (seasons 1–2)
Gabriela Codrea (season 3)
Alina Leonte (seasons 4–8)
Rarity (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Olivia Fodor (speaking, seasons 1–6; singing, S1)
Ioana Perneș (singing, S2E9 and S4E14)
Ioana Dagău (singing, S3)
Denisa Chiș (singing, S4)
Alina Leonte (singing, S5 & Friendship Always Wins)
Georgia Căprărin (seasons 7–8)
Fluttershy (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Ioana Dagău (seasons 1–3)
Denisa Chiș (season 4)
Alina Leonte (singing, S4E14 only)
Anda Tămășanu (seasons 5–8)
Adrian Moraru (Flutterguy, S1E9)
Andrei Lupu (Flutterguy, S4E14)
Spike (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Alina Leonte
Denisa Chiș (singing, S6)
Princess Celestia (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Prințesa Celestia
Gabriela Codrea (seasons 1–3)
Corina Cernea (seasons 4–8)
Princess Luna (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Nightmare Moon (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Prințesa Luna
Nightmare Moon
Mihaela Gherdan (season 1, as Princess Luna)
Mirela Corbeanu (season 1, as Nightmare Moon)
Gabriela Codrea (seasons 2–3; 5 onwards)
Anca Sigmirean (season 4)
Anda Tămășanu (S4E19)
Princess Cadance (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Prințesa Cadance
Mihaela Gherdan (season 2)
Anda Tămășanu (seasons 3–5)
Iulia Tohotan (singing, S4E26)
Shining Armor (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Armură Strălucitoare
Richard Balint (seasons 2–3)
Andrei Lupu (season 4)
Eugen Neag (season 7)
Apple Bloom (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Apple Bloom
Ioana Dagău (seasons 1–3)
Carla Marin (speaking, seasons 4–7; singing, except Light of Your Cutie Mark and in S6E19)
Anca Sigmirean (season 8)
Dania Negrău (some season 2 episodes)
Scootaloo (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Olivia Fodor (speaking, seasons 1–6; singing, S1-2)
Lucia Rogoz (season 7)
Ioana Dagău (singing, S3E4)
Anca Sigmirean (singing, S4E5)
Sweetie Belle (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Sweetie Belle
Mihaela Gherdan (season 1)
Anca Sigmirean (seasons 2–7)
Daria Oprea (S8E26)
Ioana Dagău (singing, S3E4)
Discord (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Discordie (season 2)
Haos (season 3 onwards)
Richard Balint (seasons 2-7)
Ciprian Ciuciu (season 8)
Smolder (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Daria Oprea
Cozy Glow (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Cozy Glow
Daria Creț
Ocellus (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Daria Creț
Alina Leonte (singing)
Silverstream (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Sofia Oprescu
Gallus (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Ciprian Ciuciu
Skeedaddle (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Star Tracker (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Star Tracker
Mayor Mare (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Mayor Mare
Anda Tămășanu (seasons 1 and 4)
Corina Cernea (season 2)
Cheerilee (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Mihaela Gherdan
Anca Sigmirean (S1E18)
Alina Leonte (S4E5)
Corina Cernea (S4E19)
Mr. Carrot Cake (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Mr. Cake
Florian Silaghi (seasons 1–2)
Richard Balint (season 4)
Mrs. Cup Cake (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Doamna Cake
Anca Sigmirean
Mihaela Gherdan (one episode in S2)
Corina Cernea (one episode in S4)
Trixie (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Mihaela Gherdan (S1E6)
Anda Tămășanu (S3E5)
Georgia Căprărin (speaking, season 7 onwards)
Queen Chrysalis (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Regina Chrysalis
Anca Sigmirean (S2E25-26)
Gabriela Codrea (S8E13)
Mihaela Gherdan (singing; disguised as Princess Cadance)
Spitfire (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Gabriela Codrea (seasons 1 and 5)
Mihaela Gherdan (S2E22)
Alina Leonte (season 3)
Cosmin Petruț (S4E10)
Soarin (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Florian Silaghi (season 1 and S4E26)
Paul Zurbău (S4E10)
Silver Spoon (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Silver Spoon
Mirela Corbeanu (seasons 1-2)
Corina Cernea (S3E4)
Anda Tămășanu (seasons 4-5)
Snails (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Cosmin Petruț (some episodes)
Sorin Ionescu (S3E5)
Thorax (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Paul Zurbău (season 6)
Cosmin Petruț (seasons 7–8)
Flim (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Sorin Ionescu (S2E15)
Richard Balint (S4E20)
Răzvan Vicoveanu (S6E20)
Petre Ghimbășan (S8E16)
Flam (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Florian Silaghi (S2E15 and S4E20)
Cosmin Petruț (S6E20)
Paul Zurbău (S8E16)
Sunburst (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Răzvan Vicoveanu (seasons 5–6)
Șerban Borda (season 7)
Cosmin Petruț (season 8)
Iron Will (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Iron Will
Șerban Borda (S7E22)
File:Cloud Chaser (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Gabriela Codrea (S2E22)
Ioana Dagău (S3E7)
Apple Leaves (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Apple Leaves
Iulia Tohotan
Cherry Berry (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Cherry Berry
File:Hinny of the Hills (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Hinny of the Hills
Lightning Dust (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Lightning Dust
Gabriela Codrea (S3E7)
File:Lilly Rose (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Lilly Rose
Ilinca Ghimbășan
Flitter (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Olivia Fodor (S2E22)
Carla Marin (S4E16)
Twinkleshine (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Alina Leonte
Daisy (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Ioana Dagău
Mihaela Gherdan (one episode in S2)
Sweetie Drops (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Sweetie Drops
Gabriela Codrea
Anca Sigmirean (S2E19)
Aura (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Anca Sigmirean
Ioana Perneș (screaming)
Diamond Tiara (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Diamond Tiara
Anca Sigmirean
Anda Tămășanu (singing, The Pony I Want to Be)
Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Starlight Glimmer
Anca Sigmirean (speaking; singing, season 5)
Pound Cake (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Pound Cake
Anca Sigmirean
Yona (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Fleur de Lis (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Fleur de Lis
Muffins (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Apple Dumpling (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Apple Dumpling
Lyra Heartstrings (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Lyra Heartstrings
Shadowbolt (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Wild Fire (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Wild Fire
File:Autumn Gem (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Autumn Gem
Little Strongheart (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Little Strongheart
Daring Do (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
A.K. Yearling (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Îndrăzneața Da
Mane-iac (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Suri Polomare (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Suri Polomare
Rumble (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Ioana Perneș
Ms. Harshwhinny (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Ms. Harshwhinny
Gabriela Codrea (S3E12)
Corina Cernea (season 4)
Babs Seed (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Babs Seed
Carina Chereji
Apple Rose (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Apple Rose
Rose (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Lord Tirek (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Lord Tirek
Adrian Moraru (S4E25-26)
Sorin Ionescu (S8E25-26)
Rockhoof (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Pavel Sîrghi (season 7)
Sorin Ionescu (season 8)
Sapphire Shores (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Sapphire Shores
Gabriela Codrea (S1E19)
Anda Tămășanu (S4E20)
Maud Pie (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Maud Pie
Anda Tămășanu
Gabriela Codrea (S8E4)
Torch Song (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Torch Song
Ioana Perneș (singing)
Coco Pommel (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Coco Pommel
Carla Marin
File:Helia (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Zipporwhill (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Pumpkin Cake (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Pumpkin Cake
Ioana Dagău
Minuette (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Lily Valley (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Lily Valley
Pipsqueak (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Ioana Dagău (S2E4)
Luca Vulpe (S7E21)
Zecora (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Corina Cernea
Gilda (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Granny Smith (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Granny Smith
Matilda (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Ms. Peachbottom (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Ms. Peachbottom
Upper Crust (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Upper Crust
Amethyst Maresbury (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Amethyst Maresbury
Lyrica Lilac (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Lyrica Lilac
Mrs. Shy (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Mrs. Shy
File:Wild Flower (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Wild Flower
Swan Song (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Swan Song
File:Fleur De Verre (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Fleur De Verre
File:Grace (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Ahuizotl (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Richard Balint (season 2)
Florian Silaghi (season 4)
Photo Finish (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Photo Finish
Anda Tămășanu
Aunt Orange (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Matușa Orange
File:Dane Tee Dove (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Dane Tee Dove
File:Elbow Grease (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Elbow Grease
File:Paradise (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Prim Hemline (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Prim Hemline
Goldie Delicious (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Goldie Delicious
File:Orange Swirl (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Orange Swirl
Teddie Safari (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Teddie Safari
File:Bright Smile (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Bright Smile
Cosmin Petruț
File:Crystal Beau (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Crystal Beau
Feather Bangs (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Feather Bangs
Stygian (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Cherry Jubilee (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Cherry Jubilee
Gabriela Codrea
Twist (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Pear Butter (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Pear Butter
Mulia Mild (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Mulia Mild
Cookie Crumbles (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Cookie Crumbles
Lotus Blossom (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Lotus Blossom
The Olden Pony (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
The Olden Pony
Snips (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Florian Silaghi
Chancellor Neighsay (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Cancelarul Neighsay
Hoity Toity (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Hoity Toity
Garble (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Quibble Pants (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Quibble Pants
Uncle Orange (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Unchiul Orange
Dumb-Bell (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Dumb Bell
Golden Gavel (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Golden Gavel
Mihaela Gherdan
Nurse Redheart (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Nurse Redheart
Fancy Pants (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Fancy Pants
Richard Balint
Thunderlane (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Cheese Sandwich (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Cheese Sandwich
Zephyr Breeze (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Zephyr Breeze
Cloudy Quartz (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Cloudy Quartz
Mirela Corbeanu
File:Silver Frames (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Silver Frames
Big McIntosh (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Big McIntosh
Sorin Ionescu
Bulk Biceps (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Bulk Biceps
Prince Blueblood (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Prințul Blueblood
Star Swirl the Bearded (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Star Swirl
Dr. Caballeron (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Dr. Caballeron
Sorin Ionescu (S4E4)
Răzvan Vicoveanu (S6E13)
Fleetfoot (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Andrei Lupu
Trenderhoof (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Seabreeze (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Silver Shill (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Silver Shill
Flash Sentry (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Flash Sentry
King Sombra (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
King Sombra
Adrian Moraru
Steven Magnet (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Sea Serpent
Rin Tripa
Auntie Applesauce (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Mătușa Applesuce
Marlena Prigoreanu
File:Golden Hooves (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Golden Hooves
File:Mercury (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Sandbar (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Paul Zurbău
Mudbriar (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Hoops (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Terramar (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Spot (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Sebastian Lupu
Grand Pear (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Grand Pear
Ion Ruscuț
File:Grandpa Gruff (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic).png
Grandpa Gruff
Bright Mac (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Bright Mac
Eugen Neag
Flash Magnus (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Flash Magnus
Mr. Shy (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Mr. Shy
Autumn Blaze (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Autumn Blaze
Georgia Căprărin
Braeburn (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Gabriela Codrea (S5E7)
Răzvan Vicoveanu (S6E18)
Night Light (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Night Light
Răzvan Vicoveanu
Pharynx (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Double Diamond (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Double Diamond
Răzvan Vicoveanu (S6E25-26)
Paul Zurbău (S5E1-2)
Dr. Fauna (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Dr. Fauna
Gabriela Codrea (S2E10)
Mirela Corbeanu (S7E5)
Corina Cernea (S7E23)
Burnt Oak (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Burnt Oak
Alexandru Rusu
General Seaspray (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
General Seaspray
Additional voices
Ioana Perneș
Daria Perneș
Carina Chereji
Olivia Fodor
Denisa Chiș
Anda Tămășanu
Alina Leonte
Anca Sigmirean
Corina Cernea
Gabriela Codrea
Florian Silaghi
Mihaela Gherdan
Richard Balint
Mirela Corbeanu
Sorin Ionescu
Andrei Lupu
Adrian Moraru
Paul Zurbău
Ion Ruscuț
Lucia Rogoz
Additional voices
Petre Ghimbășan
Răzvan Vicoveanu
Șerban Borda
Ciprian Ciuciu
Georgia Căprărin
Luca Vulpe
Sofia Oprescu
Alessia Popa
Ștefana Dușe
Alexandru Rusu
Daria Creț
Daria Oprea
Consuela Egyed
Ioana Perneș
Anca Sigmirean (for one song)
Gabriela Codrea (S3 only)
Mihaela Gherdan (for one song)
Title voice-over
Ion Ruscuț (seasons 1–4)
Petre Ghimbășan (seasons 5–7)
Alexandru Rusu (season 8)
Technical staff
Translation and adaptation
Bogdan Piticariu (seasons 1, 3–7)
Flavia Dulca (season 2)
Stelian Mierluț (season 8)
Lucia Rogoz (season 1)
Gabriela Codrea (seasons 1–3)
Ion Ruscuț (seasons 4–8)
Adrian Moraru (seasons 4–5)
Corina Cernea (season 8)

Dubbing credits[]



