The Dubbing Database
The Dubbing Database

Moj mali poni is the Bosnian dub of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Produced by Federalna TV, the dub first premiered on the channel in Bosnia and Herzegovina on April 5, 2015.[1] Only seasons 3 and 4 were dubbed. Later, the dub aired on Hayatovci starting April 3, 2017.[2][3] The dub features a limited voice cast of four identified actors.


Character Actor
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Ponoćna Iskra
Mirna Jogunčić Kreso
Scootaloo (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Diamond Tiara (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Anita Memović Kajasa
Applejack (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Sweetie Belle (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Anita Memović Kajasa
Mirna Jogunčić Kreso (singing, Pinkie's Lament)
Rarity (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Alma Kobilić Merunka
Mirna Jogunčić Kreso (singing, some parts of Generosity and reprise)
Fluttershy (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Tihan (Flutterguy)
Anita Memović Kajasa (speaking; singing, The Ballad of the Crystal Empire, The Success Song, A True, True Friend, and Let the Rainbow Remind You)
Mirna Jogunčić Kreso (singing, What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me, Bats, Music in the Treetops, and Find the Music in You)
Semir Krivić (as Flutterguy)
Princess Celestia (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Princeza Selestija
Anita Memović Kajasa
Alma Kobilić Merunka (singing, You'll Play Your Part except last line)
Mirna Jogunčić Kreso (singing, Celestia's Ballad and the last line of You'll Play Your Part)
Princess Luna (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Nightmare Moon (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Princeza Luna
Mjesec Nočna Mora
Mirna Jogunčić Kreso (speaking)
Anita Memović Kajasa (singing, You'll Play Your Part)
Princess Cadance (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Princeza Kadensa
Alma Kobilić Merunka
Apple Bloom (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Teddie Safari (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Teddie Safari
Semir Krivić
All male characters
(except Spike)
Semir Krivić
Theme song singer
Mirna Jogunčić Kreso
Technical staff
Amina Hadžimejlić
Ekrem Mulahasanović
Sound engineer
Anica Stjepić-Ćatović


Bosnian title Original title
Bosnia and Herzegovina United States
1 53 Kristalno Kraljevstvo The Crystal Empire
2 54
3 55 Previše Rozeta Too Many Pinkie Pies
4 56 Jedna Pokvarena Jabuka One Bad Apple
5 57 Dvoboj Čarolijom Magic Duel
6 58 Strašne Priče Sleepless in Ponyville
7 59 Akademija Wonderbolt Wonderbolts Academy
8 63 Bodlja-Dadilja Just for Sidekicks
9 60 Susret Porodice Jabukić Apple Family Reunion
10 61 Bodlja Vama na Usluzi Spike at Your Service
11 62 Ostani Miran i Nastavi Polako Keep Calm and Flutter On
12 64 Igre Koje Poniji Igraju Games Ponies Play
13 65 Čarobni Lijek Magical Mystery Cure
14 66 Princeza Ponoćna Iskra Princess Twilight Sparkle
15 67
16 68 Zamko-Manija Castle Mane-ia
17 69 Ne Usuđuj Se Daring Don't
18 70 Leti do Cilja Flight to the Finish
19 71 Moćni Poniji Power Ponies
20 72 Šišmiši Bats!
21 73 Rarity Takes Manehattan
22 74 Pinkie Apple Pie
23 75 Šarenlotina Odluka Rainbow Falls
24 77 Rozetin Ponos Pinkie Pride
25 76 Treći Je Višak Three's a Crowd
26 78 Jednostavni Načini Simple Ways
27 79 Filli Vanilli
28 80 Vrijeme je za Iskru Twilight Time
29 81 Nije Lako Biti Brizić It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
30 82 Neki Poni Bdije Nada Mnom Somepony to Watch Over Me
31 87 Razmjena! Trade Ya!
32 83 Madi Maud Pie
33 84 Koga Slatkica Služi For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
34 85 Nedostatak Samopouzdanja Leap of Faith
35 86 Testiranje, Testiranje 1, 2, 3 Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
36 88 Nadahnuće Inspiration Manifestation
37 89 Ekvestrije Igre Equestria Games
38 90 Iskrino Carstvo Twilight's Kingdom
39 91


Episode titles[]

All of these apply only to Federalna TV.

Season 3
Season 4


  • This dub is incomplete; only seasons 3 and 4 were dubbed.
    • A trailer for the dub featured scenes from season 2 but this was only for promotional footage, no dub of season 2 exists.[4]
  • Although the dub is still based on the original English version, several translations were taken from the two Serbian dubs, similarly to Novi Mediji's Croatian dub for HRT 2 which used audio samples and some of the scripts from them:
    • Most of the characters' names were reused from the Mini dub.
    • Additionally, some of the songs use some of the lyrics from Minimax dub's songs.
  • The English text shown on-screen is usually subtitled.
  • The localized logo used by Federalna TV consists of a plain subtitle at the bottom of the screen. The logo used by Hayatovci - which appears in the corner of the channel, as well as in their promotional mateiral, but not in the series - is completely different, and is instead a localised version of the original My Little Pony logo into Serbo-Croato-Bosnian.
    • The logo Hayatovci used was not created by them; it was taken from the Dubbing Database Wiki as a logo for the Serbian and Croatian dubs, at a time when fanmade logos were permitted to be used on pages. The subtitle was removed, cropping the logo to only the "My Little Pony" (Moj Mali Poni) part. The original user who created the logo, Liggliluff, went uncredited.
  • Both channels use the same translated titles, but the font used for localization is different.
    • Both channels also use different video masters. The Federalna TV masters are clearly edited using older analog equipment, and have a blurrier, VHS-like picture and visual artifacts (the latter being the most noticeable with the on-screen titles and the dubbing credits scroll over the end credits). The Hayatovci masters are edited digitally and have a mostly HD picture.
  • This dub aired alongside all known Serbian and Croatian dubs, due to carriage of Serbian and Croatian channels in Bosnia.
  • The last part of "A True True Friend", after Pinkie's memories, cutie mark and identity are restored, is cut for an unknown reason.


  • On Hayatovci, in S4E1 and 2, "Ponoćna Iskra" in the episode title is not capitalized despite being a proper noun.
  • The Daring Do collector Teddie Safari, who is obviously a female, is voiced by a male voice actor.

IMG 3658IMG 3659


  • Additional characters have had their names fully translated:
    • Daring Do – Smiona
      • A.K. Yearling – Gospođa Ždrijebić
    • Maud Pie – Madi
    • Angel – Anđelo
    • Discord - Nesloga
    • Shining Armor - Sjajni Vitez
    • Cheese Sandwich - Sendvič Od Sira
    • Dr. Caballeron - Jahačević
  • The Cutie Mark Crusaders are referred to as "Klub biljega" (Mark Club)
  • The Everfree Forest is referred to as the "Uvijek-slobodna šuma" (Always free-forest)
  • Cloudsdale is referred to as "Oblakgrad" (Cloudtown)
  • Manehattan is transcribed as "Menhetn", which simply means Manhattan, the real-life city.
  • The Summer Sun Celebration is called "Ljetna Proslava Sunca" (Summer's celebration of the Sun)
  • Cider in this dub has been translated as "apple juice" (sok od jabuke), which doubles as censorship, as cider is mainly an alcoholic drink in Europe.

