The Dubbing Database

My Little Pony: Vänskap är magiskt (formerly known as My Little Pony: Vänskap är magisk) is the Swedish dub of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. The dub premiered on Boomerang in Sweden on September 26, 2011; it also aired on the parent channel, Cartoon Network. Only the first season aired on both channels. Nickelodeon would continue airing the show from season 2 onwards starting June 8, 2013, while also airing the previous seasons; this stopped after season 8.

The entirety of season 9, the last season of the show, would exclusively stream on the Viaplay service in May 2020, which also currently hosts seasons 6-8 of the dub. The dub is currently available on Netflix. This dub has also seen various DVD releases since 2014, alongside Danish, Finnish, and Norwegian audio, from distributors Clear Vision and VLMedia Oy. A demo dub of the episode "The Ticket Master" was released prior on DVDs in 2011.

On April 22, 2021, the official Swedish My Little Pony YouTube account began uploading full episodes of the dub.[1]


Character Actor
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Twilight Sparkle
Lina Hedlund
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Rainbow Dash
Jill Wrethagen (speaking, S1-7; singing, Make This Castle A Home)
Anneli Heed (speaking, S8; singing)
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Pinkie Pie
Amanda Renberg (speaking; singing, S1–3)
Anneli Heed (singing, S4–6)
Applejack (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Emma Lewin Sundberg[2] (except S5-6)
Rarity (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
My Bodell
Fluttershy (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Lizette Pålsson
Joakim Jennefors (Flutterguy, S1)
Spike (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Anneli Heed
Princess Cadance (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Prinsessan Cadance
Queen Chrysalis (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Drottningen Chrysalis
Spitfire (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Silverstream (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Photo Finish (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Photo Finish
Sweetie Drops (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Sweetie Drops
Cherry Jubilee (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Cherry Jubilee[3]
Pound Cake (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Pound Cake
Apple Bloom (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Apple Bloom
Linn Jansson (seasons 2–3)
Scootaloo (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Amanda Renberg
Sweetie Belle (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Sweetie Belle
Anneli Heed (S1E18 onwards; singing)
Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Starlight Glimmer
Annica Smedius (season 5)
Anna Isbäck (seasons 6-9)
Babs Seed (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Jill Wrethagen
Princess Celestia (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Prinsessan Celestia
Jennie Jahns
Princess Luna (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Prinsessan Luna
Josefina Hylén (season 1)
Sharon Dyall (season 2 onwards)
Shining Armor (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Shining Armor
Niklas Gabrielsson
Discord (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Soarin (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Big McIntosh (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Big McIntosh
Joakim Jennefors (season 1)
Mikael Westin (season 2 onwards)
Granny Smith (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Granny Smith
Zara Zimmerman (speaking)
Mr. Carrot Cake (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Herr Cake
Joakim Jennefors (season 1)
Mikael Westin (season 2 onwards)
Mrs. Cup Cake (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Fru Cake
Josefina Hylén
Silver Spoon (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Silver Spoon
Diamond Tiara (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Diamond Tiara
Lizette Pålsson
Cheerilee (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Jennie Jahns (S1E12)
Anneli Heed (S1E18 onward)
Coloratura (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Anna Isbäck
Additional voices
Carla Abrahamsen
Sandra Kassman
Vendela Palmgren
Sebastian Paulsson
Matilda Smedius
Technical staff
Dubbing Studio
SDI Media Sweden
Robin Rönnbäck
Leif Hedegärd (season 1)
Anna Engh (seasons 2–3)

Demo DVD dub[]

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic - title card (Swedish, DVD)

Title card.

MLP FIM - dubbing credits (Swedish, DVD)

Dubbing credits.

MLP FIM - Developed by Lauren (Swedish, DVD)

"Developed for TV by Lauren Faust"

As with other dubs of the show, a Swedish demo dub of the episode "The Ticket Master" was issued and sold on DVDs in 2011, featuring a slightly different voice cast for the main characters. When the finalized dub was being produced, this episode was re-recorded with the new cast for consistency.

The opening theme that was used in this demo dub was reused for the final product.

Character Actor
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Twilight Sparkle
Lina Hedlund
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Pinkie Pie
Amanda Renberg
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Rainbow Dash
Frida Sandén
Applejack (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Emma Lewin
Rarity (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
My Bodell
Fluttershy (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Lizette Pålsson
Spike (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Anneli Heed
Additional voices
Joakim Jennefors



  • Nickelodeon skipped the episode "Flight to the Finish" due to an episode order oversight, and aired the following episode instead. The episode "Bats!" aired twice when the episode order was reset.
  • In later episodes, the title was changed to "My Little Pony: Vänskap är magiskt" in the show title voice-over, as opposed to 'magisk'. Despite this, most sources such as Viaplay still refer to the dub through its original title.
  • Lizette Pålsson, the actress of Fluttershy, does not pronounce the voiceless palatal-velar fricative [ɧ], but instead substitutes it with a voiceless alveolo-palatal sibilant fricative [ɕ].
  • The episode title "Applebuck Season" was translated into "Äppelpengssäsong" ("Apple Money Season").
  • In the episode "Suited for Success", the line "Well, we can't just leave Rarity like this!" is translated to "We can't just leave Rainbow Dash like this!", which ignores that Rainbow Dash was with the Mane Six in the scene.
  • The line "You don't wanna get a tummy ache" was translated as "Du vill väl inte ha ont i tummen?", believing that "tummy" meant "thumb". The context was about eating too fast.
  • In the Winter Wrap Up song, Twilight wonders how she's going to be able to help without using her wand. Magic in the show's universe does not require a wand.
Translations and adaptations
  • In all cases, cider is translated to must (freshly pressed fruit juice).
  • The Wonderbolts referred to as 'Underskruvarna' (Wonderscrews). By season 2 and onwards, they were known as 'Underblixtarna'. In the demo DVD dub and from S6E24 onwards, their name is kept the same as the original.
    • The song At the Gala in "The Best Night Ever", however, used the season 2 name once.
  • Cranky Doodle Donkey is called 'Suris Mulen Åsna' Which roughly translates to "Grumpy Muzzle Donkey" but "Suris Mulen" is actually a play on words derived from the phrase "Sur mulen", which is a common Swedish compound adjective for someone who is frowning. Pinkie Pie describes Cranky as a "sur mulen" donkey in the song Cranky Doodle Joy / Cranky Doodle Donkey.
  • Daring Do is called 'Våghalsen Do' (Daredevil Do).
  • Iron Will is translated as 'Järnviljan' (The iron will).
  • Nightmare Moon is translated as 'Månens Mardrömsmärr' (except in season 4, where it is left untranslated).
  • Filthy Rich is translated as 'Snuskigt Rik'.
  • Sweet Apple Acres is usually not translated. In "Party of One" however, when Rainbow Dash is asking Pinkie Pie to come with her to Sweet Apple Acres she refers to it as 'Sötäppel Farmen' (Sweet Apple Farm).
  • Cheese Sandwich is translated as 'Ostmackan'.
  • In "Applebuck Season":
    • When Twilight Sparkle confronts Applejack by asking her if they can talk - "Kan vi prata?" - Applejack mishears her and first responds with "OM BIN KAN MATAS?! JAG TROR INTE DET." (IF BEES CAN BE FED!?/IF IT'S POSSIBLE TO FEED BEES!? I DON'T THINK SO.). The second time Twilight asks "Kan vi prata? (Can we talk?) she responds "PLOCKAS RAKA? BÖNOR ELLER SELLERI?". Thinking Twilight was asking her for vegetables to pick that are straight, she shouts "BEANS OR CELERY!?". When Twilight raises her voice and asks a third time by saying "Nej! Jag vill prata med dig." (No! I want to speak with you.), Applejack responds "DU VILL HA PASTA MED LEVERPASTEJ? MEN VAD HINDRAR DIG DÅ!?" (YOU WANT PASTA WITH LIVER PÂTÉ? THEN WHAT'S STOPPING YOU!?). "Leverpastej" is a common sandwich topping in Sweden and often used as a funny word, for instance in Swedish kids media, a known example of this would be it's use in "Lira lara loppan": a song by the Swedish children's books author Astrid Lindgren.
    • In the same scene when Twilight tells Applejack "du behöver hjälp" (you need help) Applejack mishears it as "du behöver hjälm" (you need a helmet) and responds with "VA? HJÄLM? Jag behöver ingen hjälm; var ska jag göra av öronen?" which translates to "WHAT!? HELMET!? I don't need no helmet; where would my ears go?". This cleverly matches up with the animation of Applejack looking up (seemingly at her head or ears) during the part of the line where she questions where her ears would go.
  • In earlier seasons Sugarcube Corner has been translated as 'Godishörnan' (Candy Corner) but in later seasons the location was usually only referred to by it's English name.

