"No More Gi" is a song from The Amazing World of Gumball, it plays on the episode The Gi from season 1. It was sung by Gumball and Darwin as a sad farewell song to their once-favorite karate outfits after Nicole tells the boys that they must grow up and stop playing with their uniforms.
Singers: Logan Grove (Gumball), Kwesi Boakye (Darwin)
Life's about abandoning, dream after dream. Hopes and expectations, float away downstream. It's time to kiss our childish ways goodbye. -Grow up? Give mediocrity a try? The games, they have to stop. No more hi-yah! Not even a karate chop. Face up to what maturity means, And forget about our martial arts dreams...
Singers: Omar Hakim (Gumball), Ghadi Hakim (Darwin)
في الحياة تضيع احلامنا، يوماً بعد يوم الأمل و الطموح، لا يعرفان الا النوم وداعاً يا طفولتي، إلى اللقاء اكبر، فكر بحقيقة الأشياء انتهى اللعب وداعاً يا احباب، وداعاً يا احباب وداعاً يا احلى الأحباب و انسى احلى الأحلام,الكاراتيه
Singers: Eba Ojanguren (Gumball), Estíbaliz Lizárraga (Darwin)
Please provide Basque lyrics if you can
Singers: Antoaneta Georgieva (Gumball), ? (Darwin)
Бързо отлетяха си мечтите ни. Толкова надежди срутиха се в миг. Да кажем "сбогом" на детските игри. - Може би явно това ни предстои. Нима ще кажем "Стоп?" Ох, не мога! Но без карате няма живот. Сега това е друга игра. Да забравим за тази наша мечта.
Singers: Zrinka Antičević (Gumball), Anja Nigović (Darwin)
Please provide Croatian lyrics if you can
Singers: Christian Nieuwenhuizen (Gumball), Nathan van der Horst (Darwin)
Er komt een dag dat je je dromen één voor één loslaat. Hoop en verwachtingen drijven naar de zee. Het wordt tijd om onze jeugd vaarwel te zeggen. Het accent op volwassenheid leggen. Alle spelletjes gaan overpoort. Nooit meer Geen karate meer en zeg het voort. Aanvaarden wat volwassenheid is. En accepteren dat je je grote dromen mist.
Singers: ? (Gumball), Luca Elshout (Darwin)
Please provide Finnish lyrics if you can
Singers: Arthur Dubois (Gumball), Sacha Capetullo (Darwin)
Vivre c'est abandonner, rêve après rêve... Ces désirs qui nous élèvent, c'est du passé ! Il est temps de dire adieu a notre enfance. -Grandir, goûter à l'insignifiance... Les jeux, n'ont plus leur place ! Adieu les yah! Même pas une petite baffe ! Faut faire face à la maturité ! Et oublier nos rêve de Ka-ra-té !
Living is to abandon, dream after dream... These desires that uplift us, this was the past! It's time to say goodbye to our childhood. -Growing up, having a taste of the insignifiance The games, have no longer their place! Goodbye the yahs! Not even a little slap! (We) must face the maturity! And forget our Karate dreams!
Singers: Leonhard Rosemann (Gumball), Hans-Christian Straka (Darwin)
Älter werden heißt nunmal, träume begraben... Hoffnungen und Wünsche, kannst du gleich begraben ! Der Kindertagen sagen wir Goodbye ! -Im großen, sonst geht das Leben an dir vorbei... Das Kinderspiel hört auf ! Nie mehr ah-yah ! Sonst wär der Klamottenkauf ! Jetzt auf in die Erwachsenen Welt ! Und vergiss es du wirst kein karate, held !
Singers: Shon Gittelman (Gumball), Shaked Farsi (Darwin)
Please provide Hebrew lyrics if you can
Singers: ?
Please provide Hindi lyrics if you can
Singers: Bálint Magyar (Gumball), Norbert Straub (Darwin)
Délibábot láttam Én, de köddé vált Álmot dédelgettem, csakhogy messze szállt Mi lesz belőled így, sajnos tudom Felnőtt, átlagos, unalmas fazon A játék véget ér Nincs több rúgás Csapókezem megáll S viszlát gyerekes képzelet Mert egy álommal ma kevesebb lett!
I saw a mirage, but it vanished into thin air I cherished a dream, but it was far away I know what you'll become Grown-up, average, boring guy The game is over No more kicking My trap hand stops And goodbye childish imagination For one dream less today!
Singers: ?
Please provide Indonesian lyrics if you can
Singers: ? (Gumball), Andrea Di Maggio (Darwin)
Please provide Italian lyrics if you can
Singers: Junko Takeuchi (Gumball), Yumiko Kobayashi (Darwin)
夢は儚く消えてゆく 希望や期待 砕け散る 子供のままでいたいのに ほら 人並みにならなくちゃ もうおしまい 雄叫びも 空手チョップもなし 大人になるために この夢にさよならを言おう
Korean (1st dub)[]
Singers: Cho Hyun-jung (Gumball), Jang Eun-suk (Darwin)
나이 들 수록 하나 둘, 사라지는 꿈... 희망과 소망이, 멀어지네 ! 어린 시절에게 작별의 키스를... 이제 다 포기해야겠지 ? 두북은 그만 ! "아뵤" 두 그만 ! 벼돌 격파도 그만! 나이를 먹고 철들려면 ! 무술 고수의 꿈 접어야, 해...
Korean (2nd dub)[]
Singers: Jeong Yu-gang (Gumball), An Jin-hyeon (Darwin)
나이 들 수록 하나 둘, 사라지는 꿈... 희망과 소망이, 멀어지네 ! 어린 시절에게 작별의 키스를... 이제 다 포기해야겠지 ? 두북은 그만 ! "아뵤" 두 그만 ! 벼돌 격파도 그만! 나이를 먹고 철들려면 ! 무술 고수의 꿈 접어야, 해...
Voice-over: ?
Please provide Lithuanian lyrics if you can
Singers: Iz Irfan (Gumball), Yasmin Kazar (Darwin)
Please provide Malay lyrics if you can
Mandarin (Taiwan)[]
Singers: ?
Please provide Mandarin lyrics if you can
Persian (IRIB TV5)[]
Singers: ?
Please provide Persian lyrics if you can
Persian (Mahbang Studios)[]
Singers: Hoodin (Gumball), Bita Ighani (Darwin)
Please provide Persian lyrics if you can
Singers: Miłosz Konkel (Gumball), Stanisław Pieszak (Darwin)
W życiu porzucamy wciąż marzenia swe. Chęci i nadzieje, znikają gdzieś. Dziecinnym zachowaniom powiedz cześć. - Dorośnij, na twoje miejsce inni chcą wejść. Okropny taki los. - Już bez hua-dzia! Ostatni już karate cios. Więc stawmy czoło dorosłości, Bo o sztukach walki skończył się sen...
Portuguese (Brazil)[]
Singers: Eduardo Drummond (Gumball), Yago Machado (Darwin)
A vida é abandonar os sonhos que temos Ilusões, expectativas, esperança perdemos! Está na hora de dizer adeus a infância Crescer, enfrentar mediocridade? Chega de brincadeiras Chega de hi-yah! Golpes de Karatê A maturidade temos que encarar e os sonhos de artes marciais deixar pra lá!
Portuguese (Portugal)[]
Singers: Teresa Arcanjo (Gumball), Sissi Martins (Darwin)
Temos de abandonar sonhos sem fim Tantas expectativas que fogem assim Dizer adeus à nossa tenra idade Crescer, aceitar a mediocridade Não há mais karaté Não há mais hi-yah E eu já não sou um bebé A maturidade vai começar e com karaté já não vou sonhar
Singers: Vlad Andrei Constantinescu (Gumball), Valentina Fătu (Darwin)
Please provide Romanian lyrics if you can
Singers: Daniil Treshchov (Gumball), Maxim Gelfand (Darwin)
Please provide Russian lyrics if you can
Singers: Dragana Milošević (Gumball), Đurđina Radić (Darwin)
Please provide Serbian lyrics if you can
Spanish (Latin America)[]
Singers: Isabel Martiñón (Gumball), Gerardo Mendoza (Darwin)
Al crecer olvidaras, sueño de ayer... Nuestras esperanzas tambien se iran Despidete de lo que quieres ser... ¿Crecer? ¿Intentar ser mediocre? Dejar ya de jugar. Y sin gritar ! Dejar de karate ya. ¡Enfrenta lo que es madurez! Adios artes marciales, adios.....
Singers: ?
Please provide Slovene lyrics if you can
Spanish (Spain)[]
Original dub[]
Singers: Mario García (Gumball), Iván Sánchez (Darwin)
Redub version[]
Singers: Pilar Martín (Gumball), Iván Sánchez (Darwin)
Please provide Spanish lyrics if you can
Singers: Erik Westerlind (Gumball), Elias Vaarla (Darwin)
Please provide Swedish lyrics if you can
Singers: ?
Please provide Tamil lyrics if you can
Singers: ?
Please provide Telugu lyrics if you can
Singers: Harun Can
Hayat hayallerinden, vazgeçmek mii ... O yünzden hayal kurmak, gereksiz mi ki ? Çocukluğa veda etmek vakti... Yani büyüyüp sıradan mı olucaz ? Oyun oynamak, bitti. Hiyaa demek yok.... Tek bir tekme bile yok. Ogunluk dedikleri o şey! Dövüş sanatlarını unutmak demek, mi.....
Singers: ?
Please provide Ukrainian lyrics if you can
Vietnamese (Boomerang)[]
Singers: Đoàn Ngọc Huyền (Gumball), Phạm Thị Phương Minh (Darwin)
Please provide Vietnamese lyrics if you can