The Dubbing Database
The Dubbing Database

One Piece (also known as All'arrembaggio! for episodes 1-53, Tutti all'arrembaggio! for episodes 54-195 and One Piece - tutti all'arrembaggio! for episodes 196-309) is the Italian dub of ワンピース.


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Character Actor
モンキー・D・ルフィ (ワンピース)
モンキー・D・ルフィ (ワンピース) 2
Monkey "Rubber" D. Luffy[1]
Luigi Rosa (episodes 1-255)
Davide Garbolino (episode 125, a few lines)
Renato Novara (episodes 256 onwards)
Patrizia Scianca (young, first voice)
Monica Bonetto (young, episode 45)
Cinzia Massironi (young, episode 279)
Jolanda Granato (young, episode 316)
Marcella Silvestri (young, episode 457)
ロロノア・ゾロ (ワンピース)
ロロノア・ゾロ (ワンピース) 2
Roronoa Zoro
Patrizio Prata
Federica Valenti (young, first voice)
Monica Bonetto (young, episode 24)
Elisabetta Spinelli (young, episode 39)
Benedetta Ponticelli (young, episode 504)
ナミ (ワンピース)
ナミ (ワンピース) 2
Emanuela Pacotto
ウソップ (ワンピース)
ウソップ (ワンピース) 2
Luca Bottale
サンジ (ワンピース)
サンジ (ワンピース) 2
Lorenzo Scattorin
Irene Scalzo (young)
Lorella De Luca (young, episode 282)
トニートニー・チョッパー (ワンピース)
トニートニー・チョッパー (ワンピース) 2
Renny Renny Chopper
Federica Valenti
ニコ・ロビン (ワンピース)
ニコ・ロビン (ワンピース) 2
Nico Robin
Patrizia Scianca
Debora Magnaghi (young)
フランキー (ワンピース)
フランキー (ワンピース) 2
Riccardo Rovatti
Leonardo Graziano (young)
Paolo De Santis (young, episodes 256-309)
Maurizio Merluzzo (young, episode 323)
ブルック (ワンピース)
ブルック (ワンピース) 2
Daniele Demma (episodes 337-578)
Alessandro Zurla (episode 579 onwards)
ジンベエ (ワンピース)
Pietro Ubaldi
シャンクス (ワンピース)
Giorgio Bonino (episodes 4-151)
Diego Sabre (episodes 279-400)
Paolo Sesana (episodes 461-505)
Federico Zanandrea (episodes 461-505, only during flashbacks)
Alessandro Zurla (episode 573)
Gianluca Iacono (young, episode 8)
ヘルメッポ (ワンピース)
Diego Sabre (episodes 2-69)
Alessandro Rigotti (episodes 280-323)
Massimo Di Benedetto (episodes 460-461, 463 onwards)
Maurizio Merluzzo (episodes 462, 511)


Song Singer(s)
Cristina D'Avena
Giorgio Vanni
Tutti all'arrembaggio!
Cristina D'Avena
Giorgio Vanni
Pirati all'arrembaggio
Cristina D'Avena
Antonio Divincenzo


  1. Early on, the character is just named Rubber. When his Wanted poster appears on screen for the first time, with the original name clearly visible, the scene was altered to add a dialogue where he explains to Usop that "Rubber" is a nickname he got after eating the Gom Gom Fruit and "Monkey D. Luffy" is his real name. The "Rubber" monicker is kept around until episode 578, and after that he's just called "Luffy" like in the original version.
  2. Initially, his name was written Usopp and pronounced "Us-op" rather than "who-sop". From episode 579 onwards the character's name is written and pronounced as in the original version.