The Dubbing Database

Os Vegetais is one of several Brazilian Portuguese dubs of VeggieTales. It has previously aired on SBT.


Character Actor
Bob the Tomato (VeggieTales)
Bob, o Tomate
Manolo Rey
Sérgio Fortuna
Larry the Cucumber (VeggieTales)
Larry, o Pepino
Sérgio Stern
Junior Asparagus (VeggieTales)
Júnior Aspargo
Ana Lúcia Menezes
Aline Ghezzi
Laura Carrot (VeggieTales)
Laura Cenoura
Christiane Monteiro
Petunia Rhubarb (VeggieTales)
Petúnia Ruibarbo
Christiane Louise
Archibald Asparagus (VeggieTales)
Arquibaldo Aspargo
Cláudio Galvan
Sérgio Fortuna
Jimmy Gourd (VeggieTales)
Jimmy Abóbora
Marcos Souza
Sérgio Fortuna
Jerry Gourd (VeggieTales)
Jerry Abóbora
Reginaldo Primo
Sérgio Fortuna
Mr. Nezzer (VeggieTales)
Sr. Nosor
Julio Cézar Barreiros
Sérgio Fortuna
Paulo Bernardo
(in Gideon: Tuba Warrior)
Mr. Lunt (VeggieTales)
Sr. Dentinho/Sr. Lunt
Cláudio Galvan
Sérgio Fortuna
Pa Grape (VeggieTales)
Pa Uva
Paulo Bernardo
Sérgio Fortuna
Dad Asparagus (VeggieTales)
Pai Aspargo
Mauro Horta
Sérgio Fortuna
Ricardo Vooght
(in Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush)
Mom Asparagus (VeggieTales)
Mãe Aspargo
Carol Crespo
(in Where's God When I'm S-Scared?)
Aline Ghezzi
(in Rack, Shack and Benny)
Márcia Coutinho
(singing in An Easter Carol)
Jean-Claude Pea (VeggieTales)
Jean-Claude Ervilha
Marcelo Garcia
Sérgio Fortuna
Philippe Pea (VeggieTales)
Philippe Ervilha
Oscar Henriques
Sérgio Fortuna
Sérgio Muniz
(in Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler)
Scallion 1 (VeggieTales)
Cebolinha 1
Bruno Rocha
(in Where's God When I'm S-Scared?, Madame Blueberry and The Ballad of Little Joe)
Léo Martins
(in God Wants Me to Forgive Them!?!, Duke and the Great Pie War and Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush)
Cláudio Galvan
(in King George and the Ducky and Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen)
Sérgio Fortuna
Scallion 2 (VeggieTales)
Cebolinha 2
Marcelo Sandryni
(in Are You My Neighbor?)
Sérgio Fortuna
Scallion 3 (VeggieTales)
Cebolinha 3
Sérgio Fortuna
Blind Lemon Lincoln (VeggieTales)
Lincoln, o Limão Cego
Madame Blueberry (VeggieTales)
Madame Blueberry
Maíra Góes
Márcia Coutinho
Phil Winklestein (VeggieTales)
Pedro Pedrosa
Léo Martins
Sérgio Fortuna
The Pear (VeggieTales)
A Pêra
Sérgio Fortuna
The Peach (VeggieTales)
O Pêssego
Khalil (VeggieTales)
Ma Grape (VeggieTales)
Ma Uva
Iara Riça
Márcia Coutinho
Tom Grape (VeggieTales)
Tom Uva
Fernando Lopes
Sérgio Fortuna
Rosie Grape (VeggieTales)
Rosie Uva
Flávia Saddy
Aline Ghezzi
Henry the Potato (VeggieTales)
Henry, a Batata
Cláudio Galvan
Lovey Asparagus (VeggieTales)
Querida Aspargo
Carol Crespo
Aline Ghezzi
Palmy (VeggieTales)
Carlos Seidl
Sérgio Fortuna
Lenny Carrot (VeggieTales)
Lenny Cenoura
Léo Martins
Aline Ghezzi
Scooter Carrot (VeggieTales)
Scooter Cenoura
Jorge Vasconcellos
Sérgio Fortuna
George (VeggieTales)
Alfredo Martins
Figaro (VeggieTales)
Christophe Pea (VeggieTales)
Christophe Ervilha
Oscar Henriques
Goliath (VeggieTales)
Bruno Rocha
Gourdon Smithson (VeggieTales)
Gourdon Smithson
Annie Onion (VeggieTales)
Ana Cebola
Rosane Corrêa
Márcia Coutinho
Percy Pea (VeggieTales)
Percy Ervilha
Marco Moreira
(in The Toy That Saved Christmas)
Marcelo Sandryni
(in Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen)
Oscar Henriques
(in Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush)
Marcelo Garcia
(in Gideon: Tuba Warrior)
Sérgio Fortuna
Lil' Pea (VeggieTales)
Ervilha Pequena
Marcelo Garcia
(in Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush)
Márcia Coutinho
Buzz Saw Louie (VeggieTales)
Louie Serra-Circular
Sérgio Muniz
Sérgio Fortuna
Dad Pea (VeggieTales)
Pai Ervilha
Léo Martins
Snoodle Lou (VeggieTales)
Snoodle Lou
Bárbara Aline Ghezzi
Esther (VeggieTales)
Marlene Costa
Márcia Coutinho
Miss Achmetha (VeggieTales)
Miss Malagueta
Márcia Coutinho
(in Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen)
Aline Ghezzi
(in A Snoodle's Tale)
Carol Crespo
(in Duke and the Great Pie War)
Penelope (VeggieTales)
Maíra Góes
Márcia Coutinho
Mabel (VeggieTales)
Carol Crespo
Márcia Coutinho
Charlie Pincher (VeggieTales)
Charlie Pincher
Bruno Rocha
(in The Star of Christmas)
Marcos Souza
(in An Easter Carol)
Sérgio Fortuna
(in Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler)
Grandma Nezzer (VeggieTales)
Vovó Nosor
Márcia Morelli
Hope (VeggieTales)
Cristina Mel
Snoodle Doo (VeggieTales)
Snoodle Doo
Thiago Fagundes
Leo (VeggieTales)
Apollo Gourd (VeggieTales)
Apollo Abóbora
Bruno Rocha
Sérgio Fortuna
Po-Ta-To (VeggieTales)
Ricardo Telles
Oscar (VeggieTales)
Marcos Souza
Narrador das Canções Divertidas Ricardo Vooght
Carlos Roberto
(in Are You My Neighbor?, Rack, Shack and Benny, The Toy That Saved Christmas and The End of Silliness?)
Márcio Chaves
(in Duke and the Great Pie War, Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler and Gideon: Tuba Warrior)
Additional voices
Sérgio Fortuna
Aline Ghezzi
Márcia Coutinho
Thiago Fagundes
Fernanda Baronne
Christiane Louise
Carol Crespo
Bruno Rocha
Ricardo Vooght
Julio Cézar Barreiros
Rafael Rodrigo
Marcos Souza
Renan Freitas
Carlos Roberto
Technical staff
Marlene Costa
Musical version
Musical direction
Musical adaptation
Sérgio Fortuna


Brazilian Portuguese title Original title
1 O Que Fazer Quando Estou Com Medo? Where's God When I'm S-Scared?
2 Perdoar... Por Quê? God Wants Me to Forgive Them!?!
3 Você é Meu Vizinho? Are You My Neighbor?
4 Os Três Amigos Rack, Shack and Benny
5 Davi e o Gigante Dave and the Giant Pickle
6 O Brinquedo Que Salvou o Natal The Toy That Saved Christmas
8 Larry-Boy e a Grande Mentira Larry-Boy! and the Fib from Outer Space!
10 Madame Blueberry Madame Blueberry
11 As Últimas Canções Divertidas? The End of Silliness?
12 Larry-Boy contra a Erva Daninha Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed
13 Rei George e o Patinho King George and the Ducky
14 Ester... A Menina Que Se Tornou Rainha Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen
15 Lilo, o Viking Bondoso Lyle the Kindly Viking
16 Canções Divertidas: Contagem Regressiva The Ultimate Silly Song Countdown
18 A Estrela de Natal The Star of Christmas
20 A Balada do Pequeno Joe The Ballad of Little Joe
21 Um Conto de Páscoa An Easter Carol
22 A História de um Snoodle A Snoodle's Tale
23 Sumô da Ópera Sumo of the Opera
24 Duque e a Grande Guerra de Torta Duke and the Great Pie War
25 Minnesota Cuke e a Escova Perdida de Sansão Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush
27 Sheerluck Holmes e o Resgate da Régua Dourada Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler
29 Gideão e a Sua Tuba Gideon: Tuba Warrior


  • This dub has a male voiceover saying the episode title. Most videos have it said as the corresponding segment starts or on their respective title card, but there are some exceptions:
    • God Wants Me to Forgive Them?!? and Madame Blueberry (the announcer is heard during the fade-in to the opening countertop)
    • The End of Silliness? (the announcer is heard after the theme song)
    • Lyle the Kindly Viking (no announcer is heard introducing both segments)
    • The Ballad of Little Joe (the announcer is heard as the ending credits start)
    • Duke and the Great Pie War (the announcer is heard saying the title twice; the first instance is the title card before the countertop, the second instance is when the "Princess and the Pie War" segment starts)
  • The reasons for the show being re-dubbed twice are as follows:
  • When TV channel SBT decided to acquire broadcast rights for the series, they thought the Audio News dub was bad and therefore didn't pass the quality test required by SBT. This led to the decision to redub the series at the studios of Herbert Richers, which resulted in a fight between Marco Ribeiro (founder of Audio News) and the CEO of Big Idea Brasil.
    • Additionally, according to Marco, he was very saddened by how things turned out, especially because many projects had been canceled, such as a CD (the name is unknown) that was being dubbed at Audio News.
    • Because of this, Marco rarely talks about VeggieTales nowadays.
  • SBT sometimes provided cut masters to Big Idea Brasil rather than the uncut masters for some episodes. For example, Gideon: Tuba Warrior is missing the countertops as well as The Story of George Mueller. It also uses the intro from the non-religious cut.
    • Additionally, select episodes (ex. Sumo of the Opera) used the non-religious foreign cut.
  • They had only released a few DVDs, leading to most of the episodes that were dubbed being lost or kept hidden, until they were gradually found and released online, being recovered from both old recordings and new airings on a Christian focused channel called Rede Boas Novas.


  • This and the 2nd Audio News dub sometimes dubs in more character grunts and noises which were not present in the original English version.
  • All three dubs alternate between changing and not changing the names of real locations mentioned in the show (such as when reading a viewer letter, or Frankencelery revealing where he lives) to locations in Brazil.
  • In The Star of Christmas, Miss Pickering says "cajueiro" (cashew) rather than "ameixa" (plum). This was done in order to rhyme with "bombeiro" (firefighter).
    • This drastically alters the scene so that Miss Pickering appears to be unable to remember the word "bombeiro" being used in the title for The Princess and the Plumber, rather than having her stop midway through the word "plumber".


  • In the re-dub of A Snoodle's Tale, the What Have We Learned song has no vocals.
  • In the Bob Lends a Helping...Hand? storybook, the English voices can be heard.
  • On the DVD of Are You My Neighbor?, the DVD Rom, Images, and Scripts, are odly included as files on the DVD in their English form.
  • In the "Diversão!" section of the dvd, "DVD Rom" is misspelled as "DVD Room".