The Dubbing Database
This article is about the dub. For the voice-over, see here.

Pony bé nhỏ – Tình bạn diệu kỳ (also known as My Little Pony – Tình bạn diệu kỳ on the title card) is the Vietnamese dub of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. The dub began airing on SCTV3 - SaoTV (now known as SeeTV) in Vietnam in 2013, and on VTVCab 20 - ON VFamily (formerly known as VFamily) in 2023.[1]

Only the first episode of the dub was ever made available on Netflix, which provides the show title My Little Pony: Tình bạn diệu kỳ.

This is the only fully dubbed Vietnamese version of Friendship Is Magic, as the rest of them are all voice-overs.


Season 1-2[]

Character Actor
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Lấp Lánh
Lưu Ái Phương
(season 2)
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Cầu Vồng
Applejack (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Bánh Táo
Spike (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Rồng Con
Princess Celestia (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Công chúa Celestia
Princess Luna (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Nữ hoàng Luna
Princess Cadance (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Công chúa Cadance
Queen Chrysalis (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Công chúa Chrysalis
Apple Bloom (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Táo Hoa
Zecora (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Granny Smith (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Granny Smith
Iron Will (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Iron Will
Roma (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Crafty Crate (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Crafty Crate
Theme song singer
Thanh Thảo
Thanh Thảo
Thiên Nhâm
Technical staff
Nguyễn Dân

Seasons 3-7[]

Character Actor
Princess Celestia (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Công chúa Celestia
Phạm Thị Phương Minh
Princess Luna (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Nữ hoàng Luna
Trần Mai Ngọc Châu[2]
Sunburst (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic)
Kim Ngọc Thiện[3]
Theme song singer
Thanh Thảo




  • This dub is incomplete, as the last two seasons of the show were never dubbed.
  • In the first two seasons, the dub is produced exactly like a voice-over but over the M&E track (except the songs in season 1) instead of the English version:
    • In season 1, all of the characters are voiced by only one female and one male voice actor.
    • In season 2, all characters (including the male characters, though their genders are not changed) are voiced by only two voice actresses, one being Lưu Ái Phương and the other is currently unidentified. In most cases, they do not attempt to differentiate their voices between characters.
  • Spike is voiced by a male in seasons 1 and 3 onward, but by a female in season 2 like the original.
  • Most non-verbal sounds like laughter are usually left undubbed from the original English version.
  • Most songs are "sung" as spoken dialogue on top of the instrumental, similar to what the Ukrainian dub used to do. There are exceptions:
    • The opening theme is dubbed, though like the Cantonese ViuTV dub, it is clipped from a dub of the extended theme song.
    • The songs "Smile Song", "Love Is In Bloom", and "B.B.B.F.F." from season 2 were all dubbed for promotional purposes with singers from The Voice Kids Vietnam.
  • Unlike other dubs of the show on the service, the title card for the first episode on Netflix (being the only epispde of the dub that the service provides) is localized in Vietnamese, using the same footage that is aired on SCTV3.


  • Virtually all character names are localized in the first few seasons, although English names are used at least in season 4 onward. The following are some of the names that were translated:
    • Rarity - Lạ Lùng (lit. Strange)
      • In one line in "The Ticket Master", she's called by her English name by Twilight.
    • Apple Jack - Bánh Táo (lit. Apple Cake)
    • Pinkie Pie - Hồng Hào (lit. Pinkie)
    • Twilight - Lấp Lánh (lit. Sparkle)
    • Fluttershy - Mắc Cỡ (lit. Shy)
    • Shining Armor - Áo Giáp Sáng Bóng
    • Apple Bloom - Táo Hoa
    • Sweetie Bell - Xinh Xắn (lit. Pretty)
    • Photo Finish - Chụp Hình
    • Moon Dancer - Trăng Nhún Nhảy
    • Nightmare Moon - Ác Mộng Nguyệt
    • Big McIntosh - Áo Choàng Lớn
    • The Wonderbolts - Đội Tia Chớp
  • Along with that, some places and locations were also localized:
    • Sweet Apple Acres - Làng Táo Ngọt
    • Cloudsdale - Thung Lũng Mây
    • Ponyville - Làng Pony
    • Everfree Forest - Rừng Tự Do
  • "Alicorn" is called "Kỳ Mã" in some cases.
  • "Buckball" is called "Bóng thùng" (lit. Barrel ball).
  • "Hearts and Hooves Day" is called "Ngày Lễ Kết Bạn" (lit. Friends' Day),
  • "Hearth's Warming" is called "Ngày Lễ Tình Bạn" (Friendship's Day)


  • In "Friendship Is Magic, part 1", Applejack introduced to Twilight Sparkle "all of the apple pie(s)" ("À, sao mình không giới thiệu cho bạn các loại bánh táo?"), while in the original version, she was introducing the Apple family.
  • In "The Cutie Pox", Apple Bloom's "fancy" lines were translated directly into Vietnamese, instead of French as the original version.
    • Later, Applejack then thinks that Apple Bloom is "joking".
  • This dub mostly incorrectly refers to Alicorns as Unicorns.
  • In the first two seasons, some dialogues from the characters are missing and were not dubbed.

