The Dubbing Database
Not to be confused with the 1986 series.

Pound Puppies is a Canadian-American animated children's television series developed by Wendy Moss Klein, Nancy Steingard, Paul Germain, and Joe Ansolabehere. The series is about a group of dogs called the Pound Puppies who spend their time at Shelter 17. Their leader Lucky, along with Cookie, Niblet, Squirt, Studel, and her group of squirrels that she recruited, operate a secret underground facility beneath the pound that aims to find new owners for puppies or dogs that come to their pound.

The series debuted on The Hub in the United States on October 10, 2010, the same day the channel replaced Discovery Kids,[2] until it went on hiatus on December 24, 2010; the series aired its last episode on the channel on November 16, 2013. In Canada, the series aired on YTV.


Character Actor
Lucky (Pound Puppies, 2010)
Eric McCormack
Cookie (Pound Puppies, 2010)
Yvette Nicole Brown
Niblet (Pound Puppies, 2010)
John DiMaggio
Strudel (Pound Puppies, 2010)
Alanna Ubach
Squirt (Pound Puppies, 2010)
Michael Rapaport
Rebound (Pound Puppies, 2010)
Brooke Goldner
Cupcake (Pound Puppies, 2010)
Cree Summer
Patches (Pound Puppies, 2010)
Jessica DiCicco
Leonard McLeish (Pound Puppies, 2010)
Leonard McLeish
René Auberjonois
Olaf Hugglesbjork (Pound Puppies, 2010)
Olaf Hugglesbjork
M. Emmet Walsh
Mayor Jerry (Pound Puppies, 2010)
Mayor Jerry
Dabney Coleman (season 1)
John Larroquette (season 2)
Agatha McLeish (Pound Puppies, 2010)
Agatha McLeish
Betty White
Wally Banks Tim Conway

International versions[]

Language Title Channels
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Arabic مخبأ الكلاب السرِي MBC3 (formerly)
Cartoon Network Arabic (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Czech Pound Puppies: Štěňátka do každé rodiny Minimax (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Danish Pound Puppies Cartoon Network (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Dutch Pound Puppies VTM Kids
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Finnish Pound Puppies Nelonen
FOX (FOX Kids block, formerly)[3]
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (French) French Les Puppies : L'Agence Canine Gulli (formerly)
Tiji (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (German) German Pound Puppies – Der Pfotenclub Disney Channel (formerly)
Disney Junior (formerly)
KiKA (formerly)
Super RTL (formerly)
TOGGO Plus (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (Hebrew) Hebrew פאונד פאפיס Arutz HaYeladim (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Hungarian Pound Puppies: Kutyakölyköt minden kiskölyöknek! Minimax (formerly)
TV2 (formerly)
TV2 Kids
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Indonesian Pound Puppies Boomerang (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Italian Pound Puppies Boomerang (formerly)
Cartoonito (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (Korean) Korean 강아지 특공대 : 파운드 퍼피 Laftel[4]
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Malay Pound Puppies Cartoon Network (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Mandarin 小狗邦德 Youku[5]
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Norwegian Pound Puppies Cartoon Network (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Persian پوند پاپی Namava[6]
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Polish Pound Puppies: Psia paczka TeleTOON+ (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Portuguese (Brazil) Pound Puppies[7] Unreleased
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Portuguese (Portugal) Cães Geniais SIC K (formerly)
SIC (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Romanian Pound Puppies, un cățeluș pentru fiecare copil Minimax (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Russian Щенки из приюта № 17 Karusel (formerly)
JimJam (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Serbian Paund Papiz: Štene za svakog čoveka Minimax (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Slovene Pound Puppies: Kužek za vsakogar! Minimax (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Spanish (Latin America) Pound Puppies Canela TV
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Spanish (Spain) Pound Puppies Boing (formerly)
Cartoonito (formerly)
Disney Channel (formerly)
Disney Junior (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Swedish Pound Puppies Cartoon Network (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Turkish Pound Puppies MinikaGO

Language Title Channels
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Bulgarian Лъки и неговата команда EKids (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Estonian Vaprad kutsud KidZone TV (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Latvian
Suņuku superkomanda TV3 (formerly)[8]
Kanāls 2 (formerly)[9]
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Latvian
(KidZone TV)
Drošsirdīgie kucēni KidZone TV (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Lithuanian
Prieglaudinukai JimJam
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Lithuanian
(Kidzone TV)
Šuniukai iš prieglaudos Kidzone TV (formerly)
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Russian Щенки из приюта № 17 KidZone TV (formerly)

Language Title Channels
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Cantonese
(first variant)
小狗之家 ViuTVsix (formerly)[10]
Pound Puppies (2010) - logo (English) Cantonese
(second variant)
磅小狗 HKIBC (formerly)


See also[]
