The Dubbing Database

Princess Power is a series based on the 2005 book of the same name by Savannah Guthrie and Allison Oppenheim, which was created by Elise Allen. The series was released on Netflix on January 30, 2023.


Character Actor
Penny Pineapple (Princess Power)
Penelope “Penny” Pineapple
Luna Bella Zamora
File:Kira Kiwi (Princess Power).png
Kira Kiwi
Dana Heath
File:Bea Blueberry (Princess Power).png
Beatrice “Bea” Gertrude Ingeborg Blueberry
Madison Calderon
File:Rita Raspberry (Princess Power).png
Rita Raspberry
Trinity Jo-Li Bliss
File:Miss Fussywiggles (Princess Power).png
Miss Fussywiggles
Alanna Ubach
File:Great Aunt Bussyboots (Princess Power).png
Great Aunt Bussyboots
Rita Moreno
King Barton (Princess Power)
King Barton
Andrew Rannells
Queen Ryung (Princess Power)
Queen Ryung
Jenna Ushkowitz
File:Joon (Princess Power).png
Ian Loh
Sir Benedict (Princess Power)
Sir Benedict
Tan France
Ara (Princess Power)
Micaiah Chen
File:Seung (Princess Power).png
Eric Bauza
File:Queen Katia (Princess Power).png
Queen Katia
Ciera Payton
Karina (Princess Power)
Anairis Quiñones
Felipe (Princess Power)
Antonio Raul Corbo
Sena (Princess Power)
Isabella Russo
File:Kaue (Princess Power).png
Jermaine Fowler
File:Susie Seedplanter (Princess Power).png
Susie Seedplanter
Savannah Guthrie
File:Headmistress Miranda (Princess Power).png
Headmistress Miranda
Drew Barrymore
File:The Principal (Princess Power).png
The Principal
Jessica DiCicco

International versions[]

Language Title Channels
Princess Power - logo (Arabic) Arabic قوة الأميرات Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Czech) Czech Síla princezen Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Danish) Danish Prinsessepower Netflix
Princess Power - logo (English) Dutch Princess Power Netflix
Princess Power - logo (English) English (UK) Princess Power Netflix
Princess Power - logo (English) Filipino Princess Power Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Finnish) Finnish Prinsessavoima Netflix
Princess Power - logo (English) French Princess Power
Princesses à l'action (Canada)
Princess Power - logo (English) German Princess Power Netflix
Princess Power - logo (English) Greek Princess Power Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Hebrew) Hebrew כוח נסיכה Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Hindi) Hindi प्रिंसेस पावर Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Hungarian) Hungarian Gyümölcshercegnők Netflix
Princess Power - logo (English) Indonesian Princess Power Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Italian) Italian Il potere delle principesse Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Japanese) Japanese プリンセス・パワー Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Korean) Korean 프린세스 파워 Netflix
Princess Power - logo (English) Malay Princess Power Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Mandarin) Mandarin 公主力量 Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Norwegian) Norwegian Fruktprinsessene Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Persian, Digitoon) Persian
پرنسس های پر قدرت Digitoon
Princess Power - logo (English) Persian
پرنسس قدرتمند Filimo
Princess Power - logo (English) Persian
پرنسس قدرتمند Namava
Princess Power - logo (Polish) Polish Moc księżniczek Netflix
Princess Power - logo (English) Portuguese (Brazil) Poder de Princesa Netflix
Princess Power - logo (European Portuguese) Portuguese (Portugal) O Poder das Princesas Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Romanian) Romanian Puterea prințeselor Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Spanish Latin America) Spanish (Latin America) Poder de princesas Netflix
Screenshot 20230605-132245 Spanish (Spain) El poder de las princesas Netflix
Princess Power - logo (English) Swedish Princess Power Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Thai) Thai พลังเจ้าหญิง Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Turkish) Turkish Prenses Gücü Netflix (seasons 1-2)
Princess Power - logo (Ukrainian) Ukrainian Сила принцес Netflix

Subtitled versions[]

Language Title Channels
Princess Power - logo (Mandarin) Chinese (Simplified) 公主力量 Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Russian) Russian Сила принцесс Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Turkish) Turkish Prenses Gücü Netflix (season 3)

Title translations[]

Language Title Channels
Princess Power - logo (Mandarin) Cantonese 公主力量 Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Croatian) Croatian Superprinceze Netflix
Princess Power - logo (Vietnamese) Vietnamese Những công chúa trái cây Netflix

