The "Ready Jet Go!" theme song is the intro to the 2016 TV series Ready Jet Go!. It was composed by Craig Bartlett and Mike Himelstein. It plays at the start of every episode of the show. The credits include a shortened instrumental version of the song.
In the series finale movie, Ready Jet Go!: Space Camp, the song plays as the end credits roll.
- Singers: ?, Ashleigh Ball, William Ainscough, Dalila Bela and Jaeda Lily Miller
Ready Jet Go! Jet Propulsion, that's his name Jet Propulsion, he'll rocket to fame When he arrived, he created a buzz, 'cuz, There was no house, and then there was He said! "People of earth, you ain't seen nothin' yet! I'm from Bortron 7, and my name is Jet!" Jet Propulsion, that's his name He looks like us, but he isn't the same "I'm a, a space tripper and a galaxy crosser! My parents brought me here in a flying saucer!" And just to prove it was a fact, He flew them out to space and back! With Jet Propulsion! Jet...Pro...pul...sion... Ready Jet Go! He showed up, and now it's a blast Looks like the future really got here fast "Nice to meet you, human race! Tell me all about the place!" Jet Propulsion! Jet Propulsion! Jet Propulsion! Ready Jet Go!
- Singers: ?
Please provide Arabic lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?, Katja Aakkula, Katja Sirkiä, Susa Saukko and Saara Lehtonen
Please provide Finnish lyrics if you can
- Singers: Gilan Shahaf / גילן שחף, Lauren Savir / לורן סביר and Eyal Litvin / אייל ליטוין
Please provide Hebrew lyrics if you can
- Singer: Dániel Máté Pál
Ready Jet Go! Rakéta Jet, ez itt ő Rakéta Jet, nézd de menő Amikor jött nagy feltűnést keltett mert nem volt ház, de aztán meglett Így szólt! "Emberek hé, nem tudtok semmit még! Jet vagyok. A Bortron 7-ről, egy vendég." Rakéta Jet, jó pajtás de úgy néz ki mint mi, de azért más "Én egy űrturistaként jöttem el! Egy repülő csészealj jön a szüleimmel!" Bebizonyította persze sétálni mentek az űrbe! Rakéta Jet! Rakéta... Jet... Go... Ready Jet Go! Hát, eljött és ez szenzánció a jövő ideért, s ez nagyon jó. "Emberiség halihó! Milyen ez a kisbolygó?" Ready Jet Go!
- Singers: Hong Bum-ki / 홍범기, Nam Doh-hyeong / 남도형, Jang Eun-suk / 장은숙 and Jeon Hae-ri / 전해리
Please provide Korean lyrics if you can
Latvian (LTV, voice-over)[]
- Singer: ?
Despite that the dub itself is a voice-over, the intro is properly dubbed.
Please provide Latvian lyrics if you can
- Singers: Miłosz Konkel and Michał Rosiński
Kosmiczny Jet! Jet najlepiej kosmos zna Rakietowy on napęd ci da A kiedy przybył na Ziemię ten gość, to Nie wiedział nikt, gdzie jego dom A on: "Witam was dziś, a na imię mam Jet Jestem z Bortron Siedem, tu zatrzymam się!" Jet Kosmiczny, kto go zna Z wyglądu chłopiec i ziemski głos ma "Uwierz, znam rój planet oraz galaktyki Nasz pojazd sobie kpi z waszych praw fizyki!" Przemierzyć może milion mil W kosmosie będąc kilka chwil Jet Kosmiczny! Jet...Ko...smi...czny... Kosmos on zna! Znów gna, zaskoczy nas czymś Jest odjazdowo podróżować z nim "Witam was Ziemianie dziś Mówcie coś o sobie mi!" Jet Kosmiczny! Jet Kosmiczny! Jet Kosmiczny! Leci nasz Jet!
Portuguese (Brazil)[]
- Singers: ?, Erick Bougleaux, Victor Hugo, Rebeca Joia and Luisa Palomares
Please provide Portuguese lyrics if you can
Portuguese (Portugal)[]
- Singers: Fernando Fernandes[unverified] and Ana Cloe (Jet Propulsion)
Voa, Jet, voa! [As Aventuras Espaciais do Jet] Jet Propulsão, é assim que se chama Jet Propulsão, vai ter muita fama Quando chegou, criou confusão, porque Não tinha casa e depois já tinha e disse: "Pessoas da Terra, que nada vos inquiete! Eu sou de Bortron 7 e o meu nome é Jet!" Jet Propulsão, é assim que se chama Parecido connosco, mas não da espécie humana "Eu sou um viajante, voa todo o vapor Os meus pais é que me trouxeram num disco voador" E para provar que era facto, Levou os amigos para o espaço Jet Propulsão! Jet...Pro...pul...são... Voa, Jet, voa! E agora anda tudo radiante, Pois o futuro chega num instante "Caros humanos, muito prazer! O vosso planeta eu quero ver!" Jet Propulsão! Jet Propulsão! Jet Propulsão! Voa, Jet, voa!
Fly, Jet, fly! [Jet's Space Adventures] Jet Propulsion, that's what he's called Jet Propulsion, he's going to have a lot of fame When he arrived, it created a fuss, because He didn't have a house and then he did and he said: “People of Earth, let nothing worry you! I'm from Bortron 7 and my name is Jet!” Jet Propulsion, that's what he's called Similar to us, but not of the human species “I'm a traveler, flying at full speed My parents brought me here in a flying saucer” And to prove it was a fact, He took the friends into space Jet Propulsion! Jet...Pro...pul...sion... Fly, Jet, fly! And now everything is radiant, Because the future comes in an instant "Dear humans, nice to meet you! I want to see your planet!" Jet Propulsion! Jet Propulsion! Jet Propulsion! Fly, Jet, fly!
- Singers: ?, Tatyana Vesyolkina / Татьяна Весёлкина, Olga Shorokhova / Ольга Шорохова, Tatyana Abramova / Татьяна Абрамова and Vitalia Kornienko / Виталия Корниенко
Please provide Russian lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?, Jathin Thishakya, Kusal Damsith, Onadi Nuhansa and Shuhaizee Dain
Please provide Sinhala lyrics if you can
Spanish (Latin America)[]
- Singers: Ángel Balam, Stefani Villarroel, Navid Cabrera and Angie Mallo
Please provide Spanish lyrics if you can
- Singers: Harun Can, Burcu Güneştutar and ?
Please provide Turkish lyrics if you can
- Singer: Danylo Mariyko / Данило Марійко
На старт, увага, зліт! Джет Ракета — його ім'я, Зустріла радо гостя Земля. З'явився він і дім постав На пустирі, а Джет сказав: "Земляни тепер моя друга сім'я! Вітаю, я Джет, і з Бортрона 7 я!" Джет Ракета, всім другом він став! І стільки цікавого нам розказав: "Польоти крізь космос, галактичні стрибки На нашій тарілці здійснили батьки" Ось така космотуристів сім'я (??????) Джет Ракета! Джет Ра-ке-та... На старт, увага, зліт! Покаже Джет нам космічні дива, Він знає все, це не просто слова. "Гей, земляни, всім привіт! Покажу вам увесь світ!" Джет Ракета! Джет Ракета! Джет Ракета! На старт, увага, зліт!
Na start, uvaha, zlit! Dzhet Raketa — yoho im'ya, Zustrila rado hostya Zemlya. Z'yavyvsya vin i dim postav Na pustyri, a Dzhet skazav: "Zemlyany teper moya druha sim'ya! Vitayu, ya Dzhet, i z Bortrona 7 ya!" Dzhet Raketa, vsim druhom vin stav! I stilʹky tsikavoho nam rozkazav: "Polʹoty krizʹ kosmos, halaktychni strybky Na nashiy tariltsi zdiysnyly batʹky" Osʹ taka kosmoturystiv sim'ya (??????) Dzhet Raketa! Dzhet Ra-ke-ta... Na start, uvaha, zlit! Pokazhe Dzhet nam kosmichni dyva, Vin znaye vse, tse ne prosto slova. "Hey, zemlyany, vsim pryvit! Pokazhu vam uvesʹ svit!" Dzhet Raketa! Dzhet Raketa! Dzhet Raketa! Na start, uvaha, zlit!
- Singer: ?
Bir, ikki, uch, olg'a! Jet Raketa, bizning qahramon Jet Raketa, uchar biz tomon U uchib keldi boshlandi to'zon Yo'qlikdan uy paydo bo'ldi shu on Eshtib ko'r (????) "Sayyoram Bortron etti, ismim (???) Jet!" Jet Raketa, bizning qahramon Bizqa o'xshar, o'zgacha inson (????) Va buni isbotlash uchun Fazoqa biz uchdik bir kun Jet Raketa! Jet...Ra...Ke...Ta... Do'stlar, diqqat, olg'a! Qanday yaxshi biz endi birqamiz Kelajak manzilga birda yetamiz (????) Jet Raketa! Jet Raketa! Jet Raketa! Jet olg'a!
One, two, three, let’s go! Jet Propulsion, our hero! Jet Propulsion, flying towards us! Dust began to fly, From the moment his house appeared out of nowhere. ??????? “I’m from planet Bortron 7, and my name is (????) Jet!” Jet Propulsion, our hero, A special person, like us. ???????? ?????? And in order to prove it, one day we flew into space. Jet Propulsion! Jet…Pro…pul…sion… Friends, ready, go! How great it is now that we’re together The future has finally arrived ??????? Jet Propulsion Jet Propulsion Jet Propulsion Jet, go!
Subtitled versions[]
Please provide Mandarin lyrics if you can
Missing versions[]
The Thai and Norwegian versions, if dubbed, have not surfaced anywhere online. They cannot be added anywhere on this page until either the audio and/or lyrics are provided.
The opening theme is undubbed from the original English version in the Cantonese, Indonesian and Persian (Baniwak Studio) dubs, and the Estonian, Latvian (KidZone) and Lithuanian voice-overs.