The Dubbing Database

Sonic Prime is the Brazilian Portuguese dub of the show of the same name. It was released on Netflix on December 15, 2022, with its first 8 episodes.


Character Actor[1]
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime)
Sonic, o Ouriço
Manolo Rey
Chaos Sonic (Sonic Prime)
Sonic do Caos
Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic Prime)
Miles "Tails" Prower
Jéssica Vieira
Nine (Sonic Prime)
Mangey Tails (Sonic Prime)
Sails Tails (Sonic Prime)
Amy Rose (Sonic Prime)
Amy Rose
Bia Menezes
Rusty Rose (Sonic Prime)
Rose Ferrugem
Thorn Rose (Sonic Prime)
Rose Espinhosa
Black Rose (Sonic Prime)
Rose Negra
Knuckles the Echidna (Sonic Prime)
Knuckles, o Equidna
Leonardo Serrano
Renegade Knucks (Sonic Prime)
Knucks Renegado
Gnarly Knuckles (Sonic Prime)
Knuckles the Dread (Sonic Prime)
Doctor Eggman (Sonic Prime)
Doutor Eggman
Hélio Ribeiro
Mr. Doctor Eggman (Sonic Prime)
Sr. Doutor Eggman
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime)
Shadow, o Ouriço
Reginaldo Primo
Rouge the Bat (Sonic Prime)
Rouge, a Morcega
Flávia Saddy
Rebel Rouge (Sonic Prime)
Rouge Rebelde
Prim Rouge (Sonic Prime)
Batten Rouge (Sonic Prime)
Big the Cat (Sonic Prime)
Big, o Gato
Flávio Back
New Yoke Big the Cat (Sonic Prime)
Cidadão 1998
Hangry Cat (Sonic Prime)
Catfish (Sonic Prime)
Doctor Done It (Sonic Prime)
Doutor Feito
Pádua Moreira
Doctor Don't (Sonic Prime)
Doutor Não
Cadu Paschoal
Doctor Deep (Sonic Prime)
Doutor Profundo
Luiz Sérgio Vieira
Orbot (Sonic Prime)
Filipe Albuquerque
Cubot (Sonic Prime)
Wagner Follare (season 1)
Daniel Müller (season 3)
Squad Commander Red (Sonic Prime)
Comandante do Esquadrão Vermelho
Enzo Dannemann
Jack (Sonic Prime)
Daniel Bartholomeu
Additional voices
Cafi Balloussier
Carina Eiras
Cleiton Rasgah
Daniel Bartholomeu
Enzo Dannemann
Filipe Albuquerque
Ingo Lyrio
Matheus Périssé
Renan Takenouchi
Tabata Portella
Technical staff
Dubbing direction
Matheus Périssé
Guy Demke


Brazilian Portuguese Title Original Title Premiere
1 Em mil pedaços Shattered December 15, 2022
2 A cidade é uma piada The Yoke's on You
3 Fuga de Nova Yoke Escape from New Yoke
4 Briga na selva Unwelcome to the Jungle
5 Cada um no seu galho Barking Up the Wrong Tree
6 Situação desagradável Situation: Grim
7 Chegando em Lugar Nenhum It Takes One to No Place
8 Em equipe There's No ARRGH in "Team"
9 Evite o Vazio Avoid the Void July 13, 2023
10 Batalha no Boscage Battle in the Boscage
11 Segundo fôlego Second Wind
12 Sem saída No Way Out
13 Uma loucura na lógica deles A Madness to Their Methods
14 Problema em dose dupla Double Trouble
15 Controle Cracking Down
16 Chance fantasma Ghost of a Chance
17 Novidades do sinistro Grim Tidings January 11, 2024
18 Domo, doce domo Dome Sweet Dome
19 Sem escapatória No Escape
20 As vidas de Nine Nine's Lives
21 Lar, enfermo lar Home Sick Home
22 O problema está no Tails The Devil Is in the Tails
23 Do começo From the Top


  • Almost all of the actors reprised their characters, except:
    • Anderson Coutinho, who voiced Big the Cat in Sonic X, was replaced by Flávio Back for unknown reasons.
    • Ana Lúcia Menezes, who voiced Amy Rose in Sonic X and Sonic Boom, was replaced by her daughter Bia Menezes, due to her death in 2021.
    • Rosane Corrêa, who voiced Rouge the Bat in Sonic X, was replaced by Flávia Saddy also for unknown reasons.

