The Dubbing Database

SpongeBob is the Italian dub of SpongeBob SquarePants. It has previously aired on Boing, Italia 1 and RSI La 1, and it is currently airing on Nickelodeon, Paramount Channel and Super!.


Character Actor
SpongeBob SquarePants (SpongeBob SquarePants)
SpongeBob SquarePants
Claudio Moneta
Enzo Iacchetti
("What Ever Happened to SpongeBob?", first airing)
Giorgio Bonino
("Truth or Square", first airing)
Patrick Star (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Patrick Stella
Pietro Ubaldi
Squidward Tentacles (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Squiddi Tentacolo
Mario Scarabelli (seasons 1-13)
Claudio Moneta (season 14)
Eugene Krabs (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Mr. Krabs
Mario Zucca
Sheldon Plankton (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Sheldon Plankton
Riccardo Rovatti
Karen Plankton (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Karen Plankton
Rosa Leo Servidio
Pearl Krabs (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Perla Krabs
Sandy Cheeks (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Sandy Cheeks
Laura Brambilla
Mrs. Puff (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Signora Puff
Graziella Porta
Gary (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Federico Danti
(seasons 1–6)
Pietro Ubaldi
(seasons 7–present)
Patchy the Pirate (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Patchy il Pirata
Lorenzo Scattorin
(seasons 2–8)
Claudio Moneta
(seasons 10–present)
Potty the Parrot (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Potty il pappagallo
Claudio Beccari
Diego Sabre
Squilliam Fancyson (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Squilly Elegant
Mario Scarabelli
French Narrator (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Riccardo Rovatti
(1st voice)
Federico Danti
(2nd voice)
Claudio Beccari
(3rd voice)
Stefano Albertini
(4th voice)
Mattia Bressan
(5th voice)
Luca Bottale
(6th voice)
Mermaid Man (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Antonio Paiola
Barnacle Boy (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Diego Sabre
Flying Dutchman (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Olandese Volante
Riccardo Lombardo
Oliviero Corbetta
Paolo Sesana
Federico Danti
Sergio Romanò
Gianni Gaude
Claudio Moneta
Larry the Lobster (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Diego Sabre
(seasons 1–9)
Marco Pagani
(season 10)
Alessandro Zurla
(season 11)
Matteo Brusamonti
(episode 11x23)
Luca Bottale
(episode 12x20)
Claudio Colombo
(season 13)
Patrizio Prata
(season 14)
King Neptune (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Oliviero Corbetta
Alessandro Maria D'Errico
(one episode)
Painty the Pirate (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Painty the Pirate
Riccardo Rovatti
(seasons 1–9, season 10 episode 11–season 12 episode 6)
Marco Carta
(season 10 episode 1–episode 10)
Matteo Markus Bok
(season 12 episode 7–episode 26)
Claudio Moneta
("Truth or Square" part 1, "Unreal Estate", season 13-present)
Bubble Bass (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Bubble Bass[5]
Tony Fuochi
(season 1)
Marco Pagani
Matteo Brusamonti
(season 10 onwards)
Mama Krabs (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Mama Krabs
Grazia Migneco
Mario Zucca
("Enemy In-Law")
Triton (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Paolo De Santis
Jack Kahuna Laguna (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Jack Kahuna Laguna
Nicolas Vaporidis
Stanley S. SquarePants (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Il cugino Stanley
Lorenzo Scattorin
Scooter (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Luigi Rosa
Technical staff
Federico Danti
(seasons 1–9)
Claudio Moneta
(seasons 10–13)
Graziano Galoforo
(season 12)
Claudio Moneta
(seasons 1–12)
Luca Sandri
(season 13)
Laura Distretti[6]
Video editing
Floriana Campanella
Post-Production Audio
Stefano Di Modugno
Post-Production Video
Gabriela Marchini


This section is incomplete. You can help The Dubbing Database by finishing it.
Italian title Original title Premiere
28 Natale negli abissi
Aspettando Babbo Natale
Christmas Who? November 8, 2004 (part1)
November 9, 2004 (part 2)
51 La festa
Il programma della festa
Party Pooper Pants January 21, 2005 (part1)
January 24, 2005 (part 2)
54 Spongebob preistorico
Chi troppo vuole...
Ugh January 31, 2005 (part1)
February 1, 2005 (part 2)
59 La spugna che sapeva volare
I cacciatori di favori
The Sponge Who Could Fly February 14, 2005 (part1)
February 15, 2005 (part 2)
63 Cercasi Gary disperatamente
Torna a casa, Gheri!
Have You Seen This Snail? September 15, 2006 (part1)
September 18, 2006 (part 2)
66 Sfide medievali
I prodi salvatori
Dunces and Dragons September 25, 2006 (part1)
September 26, 2006 (part 2)
81 L'infanzia di Kreb e Plankton
Kid-Plankton contro Kid-Kreb!
Friend or Foe March 17, 2008 (part1)
March 18, 2008 (part 2)
92 L'amuleto di Atlantide
A spasso per la città scomparsa
La mitica bolla
Il nuovo amuleto
Atlantis SquarePantis February 9, 2009 (part1, 1st half)
February 10, 2009 (part 1, 2nd half)
February 11, 2005 part 2, 1st half)
February 11, 2005 (part 2, 2nd half)
96 SpongeBob la peste del West
La resa dei conti
Pest of the West May 30, 2008 (part1)
June 3, 2008 (part 2)
98 Fuga da Bikini Bottom
SpongeBob sindaco
What Ever Happened to SpongeBob? February 13, 2009 (part1)
February 16, 2009 (part 2)


Title cards[]

Season 1[]

Dubbing credits[]

Seasons 1-3
Season 11

Broadcast history[]

Italia 1[]

SpongeBob premiered on Italia 1 on August 30, 2004, and was last shown on February 19, 2012, only the first 7 seasons that were acquired by Mediaset were dubbed and broadcast on the channel.


SpongeBob aired on Boing for the first time in April 2011, just like Italia 1, the first 7 seasons were aired, as the series arrived on the channel through Mediaset, the series was aired rarely and the It last aired on May 30, 2016, when Mediaset's rights to the show expired.


SpongeBob premiered on Super! in June 2012, and still airs on the channel, episodes from season 5 onwards were aired, but currently only recent episodes are aired.


SpongeBob debuted on Nickelodeon on December 24, 2004, when the channel launched in Italy, and still airs with new episodes being broadcast every now and then.


  • Unlike most dubs of the series, this one does not have SpongeBob's name translated.
  • Unlike the majority of children's animation that aired on Italia 1, the theme song was not replaced with an original composition - this was most likely due to the series being owned by Viacom.
  • For the first nine seasons, this dub did not translate the theme song (except for Painty and the kids at the beginning) and instead used an instrumental version without any vocals. This also occured in "Christmas Who." Starting in season 10, however, the theme song was fully dubbed with Italian lyrics.
    • In seasons 10 and 11, the theme song is sung by Marco Carta, a famous Italian singer, whereas in season 13, the theme song is sung by SpongeBob's voice actor, Claudio Moneta.
    • In "It's a SpongeBob Christmas!" and some Season 1 episodes, the theme song is left in English.
  • The first seven seasons' title cards use the background of the credits, but without the wave effect, with the episode name in Cooper Black.
    • SpongeBob's voice actor, Claudio Moneta, reads the title card even though it is localized. This could be the result of dubbing the episode first and then localizing text afterwards.
  • "Truth or Square" was the only episode to use the original background of the title card until season 8.
  • In "Help Wanted", when SpongeBob returns to the Krusty Krab with the hydrodynamic spatula, he sings the 20th Century Studios fanfare.
  • In seasons 1-3, several songs were cut on television (including Nickelodeon VOD) due to licensing issues. They are uncut on home video and streaming and from season 4 onwards.
    • All of these songs were left undubbed from the English version.

