The Dubbing Database

Star vs. as Forças do Mal is the Brazilian Portuguese dub of Star vs. the Forces of Evil. It has previously aired on Disney XD and it is currently airing on Disney Channel in Brazil; it is also available online on Disney+.


Character Actor
Star Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Star Butterfly
Gabriela Milani
Marco Diaz (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Marco Diaz
Daniel Figueira
Ludo (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Marcelo Salsicha
Moon Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Rainha Lua Butterfly
Isabel de Sá
River Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Rei River Butterfly
Luiz Carlos de Moraes
Eclipsa Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Eclipsa Butterfly
Mabel Cezar
Glossaryck (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
César Marchetti
Buff Frog (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Sapo Musculoso
Zeca Rodrigues
Toffee (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Luiz Laffey (S1-S2E18b)
Alexandre Marconatto (S2E22-SE104)
Fábio Moura (S4E10b)
Miss Heinous (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Meteora Butterfly - Half-Monster (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Meteora Butterfly - Monster (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Teenage Meteora (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Srta. Edionda / Meteora Butterfly
Cecília Lemes (seasons 2-3)
Clara Carvalho (S1E10)
Isaura Gomes (S2E09b)
Raquel Carlotti (Teenager)
Tom Lucitor (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Tom Lucitor
Bruno Marçal
Pony Head (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Cabeça Pônei
Flora Paulita
Kelly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Cássia Bisceglia
Mariana Evangelista
Rafael Diaz (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Rafael Diaz
César Emílio
Angie Diaz (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Angie Diaz
Karen Ramalho
Jackie Lynn Thomas (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Jackie Lynn Thomas
Agatha Paulita
Janna Ordonia (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Janna Ordonia
Tarsila Amorim
Ferguson O'durguson (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Bruno Mello
Pedro Alcântara (S4E15b)
Alfonzo Dolittle (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Bruno Dias
File:StarFan 13 (Star vs. the Forces of Evil).png
Fã da Star nº 13
Mariana Zink
Brittney Wong (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Kate Kelly Ricci
Oskar Greason (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Oskar Greason
Glauco Marques (season 1)
Caio Guarnieri (seasons 2, 4)
Principal Skeeves (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Diretor Skeeves
Ricardo Sawaya (season 1)
Cássius Romero (season 2)
Fábio Moura (S3E07b)
Carlos Silveira (S4E15b)
Miss Skullnick (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Srta. Skullnick
Suzete Piloto
Sensei Brantley (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Sensei Brantley
Glauco Marques
Jeremy Birnbaum (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Jeremy Birmbaum
Gabriel Martins
Teenage Mariposa (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Mariposa Diaz
Isabella Guarnieri
Hekapoo (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Priscila Franco
Rhombulus (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Ramón Campos (seasons 2-3)
Glauco Marques (seasons 3-4)
Omnitraxus Prime (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Omnitraxus Prime
Vanderlan Mendes (S2E17a)
Ramon Campos (S2E22)
Sérgio Corcetti (seasons 3-4)
Globgor (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Charles Dalla
Ruberiot (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Raphael Rossatto
Foolduke (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Luiza Porto
Technical staff
Yuri Chesman (S1E01a-08b)
Fabio Azevedo (S1E09a-13)
Thiago Longo (season 2)
Vagner Fagundes (seasons 3-4)
Translation and adaptation
Marco Aurélio Nunes (season 1)
Gustavo Samesima (seasons 2-4)
Musical director
Nandu Valverde (seasons 1-2)
Cidália Castro (seasons 3-4)
Creative director
Raúl Aldana
