The Dubbing Database

Sunđer Bob Kockalone (written in Cyrillic script as Сунђер Боб Коцкалоне) is one of two Serbian dubs of SpongeBob SquarePants. It has previously aired on Pink Kids and TV Vijesti, and it is currently airing on Nickelodeon, Nicktoons and B92. Dubbed in-house by B92, it premiered on said channel in Yugoslavia on 28 June 2002. The first ten seasons were dubbed, after which it was succeeded by Gold Digi Net's dub of the same title due to a change in B92's management leading the channel to stop producing dubs in-house.

The dub features a highly "Serbianised" script, akin to unlicensed voice-overs of films that were released on pirated VHS tapes in Yugoslavia during the 1970s-90s. This lead the dub to become a cult classic in Serbia, where it became one of the most-watched programs on B92 — among general audiences, let alone children — and had a large amount of DVDs and merchandise released.

Controversy occurred when the B92 dub was replaced with the Gold Digi Net dub, which lead to the B92 cast being featured for the dub of the film Sponge on the Run, long after the B92 dub of the series had been succeeded by the Gold Digi Net one.


Character Actor
SpongeBob SquarePants (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Sunđer Bob Kockalone
Сунђер Боб Коцкалоне
Vladislava Đorđević
Владислава Ђорђевић
Karen Plankton (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Sandy Cheeks (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Sendi Obraščić
Сенди Обрашчић
Mrs. Puff (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Gđa. Pufna
Гђа. Пуфна
Pearl Krabs (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Margaret SquarePants (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Margaret Kockalone
Маргарет Коцкалоне
Grandma SquarePants (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Baka Kockalone
Бака Коцкалоне
Mama Krabs (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Betsi Kraba
Бетси Краба
Stanley S. SquarePants (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Stenli S. Kockalone
Стенли С. Коцкалоне
Mermaid Man (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Eugene Krabs (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Keba Kraba
Кеба Краба
Patrick Star (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Patrik Zvezda
Патрик Звезда
Dimitrije Stojanović
Димитрије Стојановић
Squidward Tentacles (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Lignjoslav Pipak
Лигњослав Пипак
Sheldon Plankton (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Patchy the Pirate (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Gusar Zakrpa
Гусар Закрпа
Barnacle Boy (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Flying Dutchman (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Leteći Holanđanin
Летећи Холанђанин
Larry the Lobster (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Lari Jastog
Лари Јастог
Painty the Pirate (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Painty the Pirate
BlackJack (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Rođak Ajnc
Рођак Ајнц
Bubble Bass (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Grgeč/Debeli Grga
Гргеч/Дебели Грга
King Neptune (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Kralj Neptun
Краљ Нертун
Dimitrije Stojanović
Димитрије Стојановић
(season 1)
Mladen Andrejević
Младен Андреjевић
(season 6)
Žika Milenković
Жика Миленковић
(season 10)
Queen Amphitrite (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Kraljica Amfitrita
Краљица Амфитрита
Vera Čukić
Вера Чукић
(season 6)
Vladislava Đorđević
Владислава Ђорђевић
(season 10)
Triton (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Bojan Žirović
Боjан Жировић
Jack Kahuna Laguna (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Tanasije Razozdani Talasić
Танасије Разоздани Таласић
Zoran Kostić Cane
Зоран Костић Цане
French Narrator (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Đole Rahaja
Ђоле Рахаја
Harold SquarePants (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Harold Kockalone
Харолд Коцкалоне
Potty the Parrot (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Squilliam Fancyson (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Lignjorad Fenserić
Лигњорад Фенсерић
Captain Blue SquarePants (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Captain Blue SquarePants
Dirty Bubble (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Prljavi m(j)ehur/mehurić
Прљави м(ј)ехур/мехурић
Đole Rahaja
Ђоле Рахаја
Srđan Anđelić "Mjehur"
Срђан Анђелић "Мjехур"
("The Bad Guy Club for Villains")
Man Ray (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Dimitrije Stojanović
Димитрије Стојановић
(seasons 2-3)
Žika Milenković
Жика Миленковић
(season 6)
Pink (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Tijana Dapčević
Тиjана Дапчевић
Most female characters
Vladislava Đorđević
Владислава Ђорђевић
Additional voices
Nikola Živković
Никола Живковић
[note 2]
Goran Dimitrijević
Горан Димитриjевић
Nikola Gregović
Никола Греговић
[note 1]
Technical staff
Dialog recorder
Vladimir Janković Slonče
Владимир Jанковић Слонче
(seasons 1–2, late 3-8)
Robert Klajn
Роберт Клаjн
(mid season 3)
Nikola Gregović
Никола Греговић
(mid season 9)
Vladan Slijepčević
Владан Слиjепчевић
(late season 9-10)
Đole Rahaja
Ђоле Рахаја
Lip-sync editing
Nikola Živković
Никола Живковић
(seasons 1–4, late 6-7)
Nikola Uspenski
Никола Успенски
(mid season 5)
Branislav Petrović Banana
Бранислав Петровић Банана
(late season 5-6)
Nikola Živković
Никола Живковић
(season 8)
Nikola Gregović
Никола Греговић
(seasons 9-10)
Mix and sound designer
Nikola Živković
Никола Живковић
(seasons 1–4, 9-10)
Vladimir Uspenski
Владимир Успенски
(mid season 5)
Nikola Gregović
Никола Греговић
(mid season 9)
Vladan Tripković
Владан Трипковић
Miroslav Živanović
Мирослав Живановић
(seasons 8-10)
Miki Ristić
Мики Ристић
(seasons 1–6)
Nedeljko Kovačić
Недељко Ковачић
(late season 6-7)
Dimitrije Stojanović
Димитрије Стојановић
(seasons 8-10)
Production manager
Đorđe Lukić
Ђорђе Лукић


This section is incomplete. You can help The Dubbing Database by finishing it.
Serbian title Original title
1 Тражи се радник
Traži se radnik
Help Wanted
Усисивач на дну мора
Usisivač na dnu mora
Reef Blower
Чај у Сендиној кућици на дрвету
Čaj u Sendinoj kućici na drvetu
Tea at the Treedome
16 Дан заљубљених
Dan zaljubljenih
Valentine's Day
The Paper
32 Притисак
Димљени кикирики
Dimljeni kikiriki
The Smoking Peanut
41 Зелене алге дома мог
Zelene alge doma mog
The Algae's Always Greener
Сунђер спасилац на дужности
Sunđer spasilac na dužnosti
SpongeGuard on Duty
42 Сунђер Бобов клуб
Sunđer Bobov klub
Club SpongeBob
Мој љупки морски коњић
Moj ljupki morski konjić
My Pretty Seahorse


Dubbing credits[]


  • The dubbing credits are added as scrolling text over the original credits. Some time cards were also localised. However, the majority of text was not localised but instead translated through a narrator.
  • When a song is played in an episode, it is also used over the ending credits.
  • The scene in "Just One Bite" where Squidward triggers a security system leading to two gas explosions, which was censored from broadcasts in the US and most other countries from January 2002 onwards, is retained in this dub and still airs on B92. However, it is censored on Nickelodeon and Nicktoons.
  • The dub contains several references to B92:
    • The episode "SB-129" was renamed "SB-192" which is a reference to the network that airs SpongeBob in that country, B92.
    • Most of the Bikini Bottom News reporters and announcers were voiced by well-known TV and radio presenters for B92: Miloš Maksimović, Zoran Kesić (24 sata sa Zoranom Kesićem), Miloš Urošević (Galileo), Srđan Anđelić "Mjehur" (Devedesetdvojke), Pavle Veljković (Stand By; Radio B92), Dragan Ilić, Gorica Nešović (both Ilić and Nešović worked on the show Dizanje) and Goran Dimitrijević.
    • In the episode "Earworm," Squidward mentions that he will listen to Radio B92, rather than a "little public radio."
  • The song "Sweet Victory" was dubbed, making this, Hebrew and Georgian the only dubs to have the song dubbed.
  • This dub contains several references to Serbia:
    • In the episodes "Party Pooper Pants" and "Atlantis SquarePantis," New Encino was localized as New Belgrade - including in the song "Back in Encino" - while the other episodes of the Patchy the Pirate era like "Christmas Who?," "The Sponge Who Could Fly," and "Ugh," it has its original name.
    • In the episode "Atlantis SquarePantis," Patchy actually mentions the song "Crna dama," by the band Smak, rather than Frampton Comes Alive! while he destroys the audio cassette. Also, when he talks to Potty on the phone, he mentions that he was stuck on the Gazela Bridge, rather than being stuck on US Route 101, since the setting is based on New Belgrade.
    • In the episode "Missing Identity," when Patrick finds a record of the band StingRay 5000 in a dumpster, the name of the band is localized as Pasta ZZ, as Đole Rahaja (Đorđe Lukić) and Branislav Petrović were the past members of the band.
    • In the episode "Don't Look Now," Reef Cinema was changed to "Bioskop Jadran," a reference to the cinema located in Novi Sad.
  • In the episode "Boating Buddies," the cowboy character speaks in Croatian (Ijekavian).
  • Mermaid Man and Triton are both called Triton in this dub.
  • Squidward's Serbian name Lignjoslav is based on the given name Miroslav, mixed with the word lignja, meaning squid, replacing the "Miro-" part.
  • This is one of the few dubs where SpongeBob is voiced by a woman. Gold Digi Net's Serbian DVD dub, the first Slovenian dub, Nickelodeon's Lithuanian voice-over, the Armenian dub, and the North Macedonian dub from MRT1 also have this.
  • Karen's voice is highly vocoded in this dub.
  • The theme song has been re-recorded numerous times, with different versions being played depending on the episode. These re-recordings feature some variations, with some being sung by Dimitrije Stojanović as Painty the Pirate, and others being sung by him and Vladislava Đorđević as various characters they voiced in the dub. They also feature different variations of the end of the song, with some featuring Vladislava Đorđević laughing or saying "To sam ja!" (That's me!) in her SpongeBob voice after the flute part.


  1. Cane, rambo u crtaću (sr) (03. 08. 2009).


  1. Credited as Greg.
  2. In seasons 8-10, he was credited as Džoni Fazoni, which would be Americanized as Johnny Fazonny
