The Dubbing Database

The Backyardigans theme song was originally written by McPaul Smith, composed by Evan Lurie, and performed solely by the series’ main cast, depending on the season.

English (USA)[]

Pablo: Zach Tyler Eisen (season 1), Jake Goldberg (seasons 2-4), Sean Curley (singing)
Tyrone: Reginald Davis Jr. (season 1-2), Jordan Coleman (seasons 2-3), Chris Grant Jr. (season 4), Corwin C. Tuggles (singing, season 1), Leon Thomas III (singing, season 2-3), Tyrel Jackson Williams (singing, seasons 3-4)
Uniqua: LaShawn Jefferies (speaking), Jamia Simone Nash (singing, seasons 1-3), Avion Baker (singing, season 4)
Tasha: Naelee Rae (speaking, seasons 1-2), Gianna Bruzzese (speaking, seasons 3-4), Kristin Klabunde (singing, seasons 1-3), Gabriella Malek (singing, seasons 3-4)
Austin: Jonah Bobo (speaking), Thomas Sharkey (singing, seasons 1-3), Nicholas Barasch (singing, season 4)

Hi, I’m Pablo
My name’s Tyrone
I’m Uniqua
I’m Tasha
And my name’s Austin
And we’re…

Your backyard friends, the Backyardigans
Together in the backyard again
In the place where we belong
Where we’ll prob’ly sing a song
And we’ll maybe dance along

We’ve got the whole wide world in our yard to explore
We always find things we’ve never seen before
That’s why everyday we’re back for more
With your friends, the Backyardigans



Pablo: Maringlen Deçolli
Tyrone: Ray Kasemi
Uniqua: Suela Xhonuzi
Tasha: Gerona Karabashi
Austin: Alkeo Doko

This version only dubs the spoken introduction at the beginning, with the rest being subtitled.

Ç'kemi, unë jam Pablo*
Mua më quajnë Tajron*
Unë jam Unikua
Unë jam Tasha
Dhe mua më quajnë Austin*
Dhe ne jemi…

Ne çamarrokët miq të mirë në kopsht u kthyem përsëri
Bashkë do të luajmë në kopsht përsëri
Aty është vendi jonë
Aty mbase do këndojmë një këngë
Dhe mbase do kërcejmë së bashku

Ne kemi të gjithë botën në kopshtin tonë për të eksploruar
Ne gjithmonë gjejmë gjëra qënuk i kishim ditur më parë
Kjo është arsyeja për të cilën ne kthehemi çdo ditë për më shumë 
Me miqtë tuaj të kopshtit

Hi, I’m Pablo
My name’s Tajron
I’m Unikua
I’m Tasha
And my name’s Austin
And we’re…

Our playful gang of good friends, back in the garden again
Together we’ll play in the garden again
There [the garden] is our place
There, we’ll probably sing a song
And we’ll maybe dance together

We’ve got the whole wide world in our garden to explore
We always find things we’ve never seen before
That’s why everyday we’re back for more
With your garden friends

  • Përshëndetje, unë jam Pablo (Hello, I'm Pablo) in episode S01E19-S01E20.
  • Unë quhem Tajron (I'm called Tajron) in episodes S01E03–S01E05, S01E09, and S01E20.
  • Emri im është Austin (My name's Austin) in episode S01E17.


Pablo: Kristen Shalavaci
Tyrone: Ray Kasemi
Uniqua: Nigela Ruka
Tasha: Jessika Kasemi
Austin: Jurgen Caka

This version only dubs the spoken introduction at the beginning, with the rest being subtitled.

Përshëndetje, unë jam Pablo.
Unë jam Tajron
Unë jam Unikua
Unë jam Tasha
Kurse unë jam Osten
Dhe ne jemi…

Miqtë tuaj më të mirë,
Çamarrokët e kopshtit!

Luajme çdo ditë bashkë,
në oborrin tonë.

Ku ndoshta do të këndojmë,
pse jo dhe të vallëzojmë.

Kemi një botë për të zbuluar,
gjëra që kurrë s'na kanë treguar.

Ja pse mblidhemi çdo ditë në kopësht 
me miqtë tanë, Camarrokët e vegjël!

Hi, I’m Pablo
I’m Tajron
I’m Uniqua
I’m Tasha
As for me, I'm Osten
And we’re…

Your best friends,
the Garden Gang!

We play every day together,
in our yard.

We’ll probably wanna sing,
why not, and dance.

We have a world to discover,
things that we've never seen.

That’s why we gather every day in the garden
with our friends, the Small Gang

Arabic (Baraem)[]


Pablo: Joumana Zonji / جمانة الزنجي
Tyrone: Rosie Al-Yaziji / روزي اليازجي
Uniqua: Suhair Nasser Al-Din / سهير ناصر الدين
Tasha: Nisreen Masoud / نسرين مسعود
Austin: Silina Choueiry / سيلينا شويري

مرحبا ، أنا بابلو
وأنا اسمه تايرون
أنا أونيكا
وأنا تاشا
اسمي أوستن

في ساحة المرح نحن نلعب
سويا في ساحة المرح نمرح
نحن الخمسة سوياا
سنغني أغنية
هيا غنوا معنا

إنا العالم لنا لنستكشفه
سيرينا أشياء جديدة
فلنختبر العالم وإياكم في ساحة المرح يا أصدقاء
في ساحة المرح يا أصدقاء

marhaban ، 'ana bablu
wa'ana asmuh tayrun
ana 'uwnika
wa'ana tasha
aismi 'uwstin

fi sahat almarah nahn naleab
sawiana fi sahat almarah namrah
nahn alkhamsat suyaa
snughni 'ughniatan
hayaa ghanau maeana

'iinaa alealam lana linastakshifah
sirina 'ashya' jadidat
falnakhtabir alealam wa'iiaakum fi
sahat almarah ya 'asdiqa'

Hi, I am Pablo
I'm named Tyrone
I’m Uniqua
I’m Tasha
My name's Austin
And now...

In the Fun Yard, we're playing
Together in the Fun Yard, having fun
We're five together
We'll sing songs
Come on, sing with us

We have the world to explore
It will show us new things
Let's check out the world with you
In the Fun Yard, friends


Singers: ?

This version uses a custom song.

Please provide Arabic lyrics if you can


Singers: ?

Please provide Bengali lyrics if you can


Pablo: Petr Neskusil
Tyrone: Pavel Tesař
Uniqua: Jana Mařasová
Tasha: Klára Šumanová
Austin: Zbyšek Pantůček

Ahoj, já jsem Pablo
Mne řikaji Tyrone
A mně Uniqua
Já jsem Tasha
A já jsem Austin
My jsme…

Kámoši z plácku pár nezbedů
Kráčíme dvorkem do příběhu
Jako rybky ve vodě
Zpíváme si v’pohodě
A né kvuli náhodě

Zde mužem zkoumat svět z jeho paletou krás
Cokoli zkusí si tady každý z nás
Mít vlastní svět nezbedů 
My jsme kámoši z plácku pár nezbedů
[Intersonic uvadí: Malí Nezbedové]

Hi, I’m Pablo
I’m called Tyrone
And I’m Uniqua
I’m Tasha
And I’m Austin
And we’re…

Buddies from the place of a few playful kids
We’ll walk from the yard into a story
Like fish in water
We can sing nicely
And not by chance

Here we can explore the world with its variety of beauties
Each of us can try anything here
We have our own world of playfulness
We are buddies from the place of a few playful kids
[Intersonic presents: The Little Playful Kids]


Pablo: ? (season 1), Silas Victor Phillipson (seasons 2-3)
Tyrone: Carl Hagen Hernvig
Uniqua: Mathilde Bremerskov Kaysen
Tasha: Sally Miehe-Renard
Austin: ? (season 1), Carl Weyde (seasons 2-3)

Hej, jeg er Pablo
Jeg hedder Tyrone 
Jeg er Uniqua 
Jeg er Tasha
Og jeg hedder Austin 
Og vi er…

Fem venner kendt som Backyardigans 
Vi' klar til eventyr, leg, og dans 
Vi kan lege dagen lang
Og vi gør det med en sang 
Lad os bare komme i gang 

Vi finder sjove steder hvor vi rejser hen 
Lige i vores have kom bare med min ven 
Hver dag tager vi på eventyr igen 
Så tag med os Backyardigans

Hi, I’m Pablo
I’m called Tyrone
I’m Uniqua
I’m Tasha
And I’m called Austin
And we’re…

Five friends known as the Backyardigans
We’re ready for adventure, play, and dance
We can play all day long
And we do it with a song
Let’s just get going

We find fun places wherever we travel to
Be in our garden, just come along my friend
Every day we will go on an adventure again
So come with us, the Backyardigans


Pablo: Jody Pijper
Tyrone: Nathalie Haneveld
Uniqua: Manon Ros
Tasha: Jannemien Cnossen
Austin: Birgit Schuurman

Hoi, ik ben Pablo 
Mijn naam is Tyrone 
Ik heet Uniqua
Ik Tasha
En ik ben Austin 

Hoi, hoi, wij zijn de Backyardigans
Speel met ons mee in de achtertuin
Want daar voelen wij ons vrij 
En daar zijn we altijd blij

Vanuit de tuin gaan wij elke dag ergens heen
Want deze tuin is het rijk voor ons alleen
Pak je jas want we gaan nu meteen
Hoi, wij zijn de Backyardigans

Hi, I am Pablo
My name is Tyrone
I’m called Uniqua
I’m Tasha
And I am Austin

Hi, hi, we are the Backyardigans
Play with us in the backyard
Because, there, we feel free
And, there, we're always happy
Come, you’re part of us, too

From out of the yard, we go somewhere every day
Because this yard is the land for us alone
Pack your coat, ‘cause we go right now
Hi, we are the Backyardigans

English (UK)[]

Pablo: Janet James
Tyrone and Tasha: Maria Darling (seasons 1-2), Emma Tate (seasons 3-4)
Uniqua and Austin: Lizzie Waterworth

Hi, I'm Pablo!
My name's Tyrone!
I'm Uniqua!
I'm Tasha!
And my name's Austin!
And we're your backyard friends, the Backyardigans!
Together in the backyard again!
In the place where we belong.
Where we'll probably sing a song.
And we'll maybe dance along!
We've got the whole wide world in our yard to explore!
We always find things we've never seen before.
That's why every day we're back for more!
With your friends, the Backyardigans!


Pablo: Valérie Lecot
Tyrone: Véronique Fyon
Uniqua: Marie-Line Landerwijn
Tasha: Maia Baran
Austin: Nathalie Stas

Bonjour, j'suis Pablo
Je suis Théo*
Et moi, c'est Victoria
Je suis Tasha
Et moi, c'est Austin
Et nous sommes ... 

Tes p’tits amis, Les Mélodilous
Nos mélodies te plairont beaucoup
Nous jouerons dans le jardin
En chantant de gais refrains
En dansant avec entrain

Il y a tant de coins encore a explorer
Il y a tant d'aventures à inventer
Viens chanter et danser avec nous
Tes amis, les Mélodilous

Hi, I'm Pablo
I'm Théo
And me, I'm Victoria
I’m Tasha
And me, I’m Austin
And we’re…

Your lil friends, the Playful Melody Kids
You’ll enjoy our melodies very much
We’ll play in the garden
Singing happy choruses
Dancing with energy

There are so many places to explore
There are so many adventures to create
Come sing and dance with us
Your friends, the Playful Melody Kids

*Et moi, c'est Théo (And me, I'm Tyrone) prior to S04E04.


Pablo: Marco Eßer
Tyrone: Henning Katz
Uniqua: Johanna Hintze
Tasha: Soraya Richter
Austin: David Ohayon (seasons 1-2), Johann Hillmann (seasons 3-4)

Tag, ich bin Pablo
Und ich bin Tyrone
Ich heiße Uniqua
Und ich bin Tasha
Mein Name ist Austin
Und wir sind…

Eure fünf Freunde, die Backyardigans
Hört unser Lied wir hoffen ihr erkennt
Weil wir hier zu Hause sind
Singen wir für jedes Kind
Und ich tanze wie der Wind

In unserm Garten, lernen wir viel von der Welt
Und, tag für Tag, tun wir das was uns gefällt
Die Geschichten erzählen euch eure fünf Greunde, die Backyardigans

Hi, I’m Pablo
And I’m Tyrone
I’m called Uniqua
And I’m Tasha
My name is Austin
And we’re…

Your five friends, the Backyardigans
Hear our song that we hope you’ll recognize
Because we’re at home here
Singing to every kid
And I dance like the wind

In our garden, we learn a lot from the world
And, day by day, we do what we like
Our tales tell you about your five friends, the Backyardigans


Pablo: Eti Castro / אתי קסטרו
Tyrone: Inbar Gal / ענבר גל (season 1), Shirly Lilu / שירלי לילו (seasons 2-4)
Uniqua: Talya Barkay / טליה ברקאי
Tasha: Einat Azulay / עינת אזולאי
Austin: Doron Ben-Ami / דורון בן-עמי (season 1), Dor Srugo / דור סרוגו (seasons 2-4)

היי, אני עידו
ולי קוראים ירון
אני מיכאלה
אני דנה
ולי קוראים יוני

בואו איתי לחצר שלי
כאן, לשחק בחצר שלי
איזה יופי של דמיון
כמה טוב לנו לחלום
נשחק כאן כל היום

בואו נחקור יחדיו, יש עולם שלם
כמה נחמד לגלות הכל איתכם
כאן, פתאום, זה כמו קסם
כאן, עם חבורת החצר שלי

hai, ani idu
veli kora'im yaron
ani miche'ela
ani dana
veli kora'im yoni

bo'o iti lechtzer shli
kan, leshchak bechtzer shli
iza yofi shel dimyon
kma tov lenu lechlum
nischak kan kel hayom

bo'o nechakor yehadav, yesh olam shlam
kma nechamed liglot hakel ithem
kan, pit'om, ze kmu kasem
kan, im chboret hachtzer shli

Hi, I’m Ido
And my name is Yaron
I’m Michaela
I’m Dana
And my name’s Yoni
And we’re…

Come with me to my yard
[Come] here to play in my yard
What a beautiful imagination [we have]
How great it is for us to dream
We will play here all day

Let’s explore together, there’s a whole world [out there]
It’s so nice to discover everything with you
Here, it’s suddenly like magic
Here, with my yard gang


Singers: ?

This version only dubs the spoken introduction at the beginning.

हाय, मैं हूँ पाब्लो।
मेरा नाम है टाइरोन।
मैं हूँ यूनिक्वा।
मेरा नाम है ताशा।
मैं हूँ ऑस्टिन।
और हम हैं...

Hi, main hoon Pablo
Mera naam hai Tyrone
Main hoon Uniqua
Mera naam hai Tasha
Main hoon Austin
Aur ham hai...

Indonesian (TV)[]

Pablo: Endang Ayu
Tyrone: Lis Kurniasih
Uniqua: Uphite Tea
Tasha: Jessy Millianty
Austin: Merry Siti Mariam

Hi, aku Pablo
Namaku Tyrone
Aku Uniqua
Aku Tasya
Namaku Austin
Dan kami…

P’liharaan dan juga teman
Bersama tinggal di halaman belakang

Kami punya suruh dunia di halaman belakang
Kami juga menemukan yang belum…
…pernah kami lihat sebelumnya dengan teman-teman, di halaman belakang

Hi, I’m Pablo
My name’s Tyrone
I'm Uniqua
I’m Tasya
My name’s Austin

And we’re…
Animal companions who are also friends
Living together in the backyard

We’ve got the whole world in our backyard
We also find what we haven’t…
…ever seen before, with friends, on the backyard

Indonesian (DVD)[]

Singers: ?

This version only dubs the spoken introduction at the beginning, with the rest being subtitled.

Hi, aku Pablo
Namaku Tyrone
Aku Uniqua
Aku Tasha*
Aku Austin*
Dan kami…

Sahabat halaman belakangmu para Backyardigan
Bersama di halaman belakang lagi
Di tempat seharusnya kami berada
Mungkin kami akan bernyanyi
Mungkin juga menari

Ada seluruh dunia di halaman kami untuk dijelajah
Kami selalu menemukan sesuatu yang belum pernah kami lihat
Karena itu setiap hari kami selalu kembali
Bersama teman temanmu para Backyardigan.

Hi, I’m Pablo
My name’s Tyrone
I’m Uniqua
I’m Tasha
I’m Austin
And we’re…

Your backyard friends, the Backyardigans
Together in the backyard again
In the place where we belong
We’ll probably sing
We’ll maybe dance, too

There’s a whole world in our yard to explore
We always find something we’ve never seen before
That’s why everyday we’re back together
With your friends, the Backyardigans

  • Aku Tasa (I'm Tasa) prior to the third season.
  • Namaku Austin (My name's Austin) in episode S02E01.


Pablo: Barbara Pitotti
Tyrone: Alessio De Filippis
Uniqua: Ilaria Latini
Tasha: Antonella Baldini
Austin: Laura Latini

Ciao, io sono Pablo
Io mi chiamo Tyrone
Io sono Uniqua
Io sono Tasha
Io mi chiamo Austin
E noi…

...siamo gli Zonzoli qui per te
Magici amici e sai perché?
Puoi giocare insieme a me
O cantare un po' con me
O ballare come me

Scoprire cose che no hai visto mai
Esplorare il mondo della fantasia
Te diverterai perché siamo gli Zonzoli qui per te

Hi, I’m Pablo
And my name’s Tyrone
I’m Uniqua
I’m Tasha
My name’s Austin
And we…

...are the Wanderers, here for you
Magical friends, and you why?
You can play with me
Or sing a little with me
Or dance like me

Discover things that you’ve never seen
Explore the world of fantasy
You’ll have fun because we’re the Wanderers, here for you


Pablo: Akemi Misaki / 御崎朱美
Tyrone: Mari Maruta / まるたまり
Uniqua: Chie Kōjiro / 神代知衣
Tasha: Kana Ueda / 植田佳奈
Austin: Maki Mizuma / 水間真紀




Yā, Paburo da
Boku wa Tairon
Yunīkī da yo
Watashi wa Tāsha
Boku wa Ōsutin
Gonin de...

Boku-ra, Bakkuyādiganzu
Kyō mo issho ni asobou
Bōken ni deyou
Uta o utaou
Dansu o odorou

Boku-ra no niwa wa suteki na basho ni kawaru
Boku-ra to issho ni mita koto mo nai sekai de asonde ii yo
Boku-ra, Bakkuyādiganzu

Hi, it's Pablo
I'm Tyrone
It's Uniki
I'm Tasha
I'm Austin
With the five of us...

We're the Backyardigans
Today, let's play together, too
Let's go out on an adventure
Let's sing a song
Let's dance a dance

Our garden can turn into a lovely place
Together with us, you can play in a world you've never seen before
We're the Backyardigans

Korean (EBS)[]

Pablo: Kim Seo-yeong / 김서영
Tyrone: Lee So-yeong / 이소영
Uniqua: Bae Jeong-mi / 배정미
Tasha: Yang Jeong-hwa / 양정화
Austin: Hong So-yeong / 홍소영

안녕, 난 펭코야
내 이름은 코니
난 유니
난 푸아
내 이름은 카루

정다운 다섯 꾸러기들
꿈 많고 착한 다섯 친구
작은 정원에 모여
신나게 노래하고
또 즐겁게 춤추고

우리 함께 상상의 나래 펼치면
활짝 열리는 신비로운 세상 
웃음 가득한 멋진 모험
출발! 꾸러기 상상여행

Annyeong, nan Pengkoya
Nae ireum-eun Koni
Nan Yuni
Nan Pua
Nae ireum-eun Karu

Jeongdaun daseos kkureogideul
Kkum manhgo chaghan daseos chingu
Jag-eun jeong-won-e moyeo
Sinnage noraehago
Tto jeulgeobge chumchugo

Uri hamkke sangsang-ui narae pyeolchimyeon
Hwaljjag yeollineun sinbiloun sesang 
Us-eum gadeughan meosjin moheom
Chulbal! Kkureogi sangsang-yeohaeng

Hi, I’m Pengko
My name’s Koni
I’m Yuni
I’m Pua
My name’s Karu

Five lovely playful kids
Five imaginative and nice friends
Gathered in a small yard
Singing cheerfully
Dancing with enjoyment, too

When we let our imagination run free together
A mystical world is wide-open
A fantastic, laugh-filled adventure
Let’s go! Playful Kids Imagination Journey

*웃음 가득한 모험 찾아 (Us-eum gadeughan moheom chaj-a/Find a laugh-filled adventure) prior to the fourth series.
**출발! (Chulbal!) was not sung prior to the fourth series.

Korean (KTH)[]

Pablo: Ahn Hyeon-seo / 안현서
Tyrone: Ha Eun-jin / 하은진
Tasha: Kim Ha-ru / 김하루
Uniqua: Lee Won-hee / 이원희
Austin: Min Seung-woo / 민승우

This version uses the same lyrics as the fourth series of the EBS dub, only redubbed with different singers.

Lithuanian (voice-over)[]

Reader: ?

Sveiki aš Pablas
Aš Taironas
Aš Junika
Aš Taša
O aš Ostinas
Ir mes…

Jūsų bičiuliai, linksmieji draugai
Dainuokime drauge, širdingai ir šiltai

Pasaulis pilnas dalykų įdomių
Eime su mumis, ieškokim jų kart
Prižadam, bus įdomu tikrai, nes mes linksmieji draugai

Hi, I’m Pablo
I’m Tyrone
I’m Uniqua
I’m Tasha
And I’m Austin
And we’re…

Your friends, the cheerful friends
Let’s sing with passion and enthusiasm

The world is full of interesting things
Come along with us, we’ll look for them together
We promise, it’ll be really interesting, because we’re the cheerful friends

Mandarin (China)[]

Pablo: ?
Tyrone: ?
Uniqua: Zu Qing / 祖晴
Tasha: ?
Austin: ?

This version only dubs the spoken introduction at the beginning, with the rest being subtitled.

我们是。 。 。


小花园大世界 等待我们去探索
奇妙的新事物 以前从来没见过
所以每一天 我们都来继续探索
和朋友们一起 勇当花园小尖兵

Dàjiāhǎo, wǒ shì Pàbùluō
Wǒ míng jiào Tàilóng
Wǒ shì Yóunīkǎ
Wǒ shì Tǎshā
Wǒ de míngzì de Àosītīng
Wǒmen shì…

Nǐ de hòuyuàn xiǎo huǒbàn huāyuán xiǎo jiānbīng
Yīqǐlái dào hòu huāyuán
Wǒmen shǔyú zhè dìfāng
Wǒmen huòxǔ huì chàng zhī gē
Wǒmen huòxǔ huì chàng zhī gē

Xiǎo huāyuán dà shìjiè děngdài wǒmen qù tànsuǒ
Qímiào de xīn shìwù yǐqián cónglái méi jiànguò
Suǒyǐ měi yītiān wǒmen dōu lái jìxù tànsuǒ
Hé péngyǒumen yī qǐ yǒng dāng huāyuán xiǎo jiānbīng

Hi, everyone, I’m Pablo
My name’s Tyrone
I’m Uniqua
I’m Tasha
My name’s Austin

Your backyard friends, the Small Garden Adventurers
Coming together to the backyard
We belong in this place
We will probably sing a song
We will maybe dance

The small garden’s big world is waiting for us to go exploring in
Wonderful, new things, never seen before
That’s why every day we all come back to keep exploring
Bravely together, with friends, the Small Garden Adventurers

Mandarin (Taiwan)[]

Singers: ?

我們是。 。 。



Hāi wǒ shì Bāluó
Wǒ jiào Tàilóng
Wǒ shì Ounīkǎ
Wǒ shì Tǎshā
Wǒ jiào Àosītīng
Wǒmen shì…

Nǐ huāyuán de péngyǒu huāyuán xiǎo jiānbīng
Yòu yīqǐ huí dào huāyuán
Zhè shì shǔyú wǒmen dì dìfāng
Wǒmen kěyǐ chàng shǒu gē
Wǒmen yě huì biān chàng biān tiào

Wǒmen zài zhěnggè huāyuán shìjiè zhōng tànsuǒ
Zǒng shì huì fāxiàn yǐqián méi jiànguò de dōngxī
Suǒyǐ wǒmen měitiān dūhuì gēn nǐ de péngyǒu
Zài huāyuán lǐ xúnbǎo

Hi, I’m Pablo
My name’s Tyrone
I’m Uniqua
I’m Tasha
My name’s Austin
And we’re…

Your garden friends, the Small Garden Adventurers
Together back in the garden
This is the place where we belong
We can sing a song
We will also sing and dance

We’re exploring in the whole wide garden world
We always find things we’e never seen before
That’s why every day we all meet together with your friends
In the garden, searching for treasure


Pablo: Tiare Tāwera
Tyrone: ?
Uniqua: ?
Tasha: ?
Austin: ?

Kia ora, ko au a Pablo
Ko Tyrone tōku ingoa
Ko au Uniqua
Ko au Tasha
Kia ora, ko au a Austin
Ko mātou...

Ko ō koutou hoa Ngā Pakingarara
Ko mātou katoa Ngā Pakingarara
Ko te matekai rā
Ka mā taka waiata
Ka kanikani hoki rā

Kei muri i tō mātou kāinga ko te ao katoa
Mā mātou ētahi mea kāore anō i kitea
Koina ia rā te hoki mai anō
Mātou ō hoa Ngā Pakingarara

Hi, I’m Pablo
My name is Tyrone
I’m Uniqua
I'm Tasha
Hi, I'm Austin

Your friends, the Backyardigans
We're all of the Backyardigans
There's a snack time
We'll play music
And we'll dance, too

In our backyard, the whole world is there
We have some things that we've never seen before
That's why every day we're back again
We're your friends, the Backyardigans


Pablo: Sarah MacDonald Berge (season 1), Siv Klynderud (seasons 2-3)
Tyrone: Lena Meieran
Uniqua: Hanne Dancke Arnesen
Tasha: Christel Marie Blunck (season 1), Benedikte Kruse (seasons 2-3)
Austin: Siri Nilsen

Hei, jeg er Pablo
Jeg heter Anton
Jeg heter Unika
Jeg er Flora
Og jeg heter August
Og vi er…

Din bakgårdsgjeng, synger sitt refreng
I bakgården møtes vi igjen
Vi synger dagen lang
Det er godt å ta en sang
Så det gjør vi gang på gang

Vi har det veldig fint her i bakgården vår
Nytt vi oppdager for hver dag som går
Bare kjempegøy så du forstår her i vår lille bakgårdsgjeng

Hi, I’m Pablo
I’m called Tyrone
I’m called Uniqua
I’m Tasha
And my name’s Austin
And we're…

Your backyard gang, singing their refrain
In the backyard, we meet again
We sing all day long
It’s good to do a song
So we do it again and again

We’re doing well here in our backyard
We discover new things for every passing day
There’s only giant fun, so you understand, here in our little backyard gang

Polish (TV)[]

Pablo: Beata Jankowska-Tzimas
Tyrone: Brygida Turowska
Uniqua: Agnieszka Fajlhauer
Tasha: Katarzyna Łaska
Austin: Beata Wyrąbkiewicz

Cześć, jestem Pinguś
Ja nazywam się Łosiek
Ja Żabusia
Ja jestem Hipcia
A ja Kanguś
A razem…

Podwórka świat to nasz wspólny kąt
Przygody smak i przyjaciół krąg
Na podwórku ty i ja
Spotykamy się co dnia
I bawimy na sto dwa

Tu wśród przyjaciół, gdzie słońca blask, mija czas.
Tu każdy dzień odkrywamy jak we śnie.
Więc od dzisiaj bądź z nami
Gdzie smutku brak i podwórka świat

Hi, I’m Pinguś
My name is Łosiek
I’m Żabusia
I am Hipcia
And I’m Kanguś
And, together…

The backyard world is our own corner
Taste of adventure, and a group of friends
In the backyard, you and I
We’ll be meeting every day
And having great fun

Here, among friends, where the sun shines, time goes by
Here, we discover every day, like in a dream
So, from this day, be with us
Where there’s no sadness and where the backyard world is

Polish (DVD)[]

Pablo: Józef Mika (season 1), Daniel Wojsa (seasons 2-3)
Tyrone: Leszek Zduń (season 1), Jan Radwan (seasons 2-3)
Uniqua: Julita Kożuszek-Borsuk
Tasha and Austin: Dorota Lanton

This version reuses the lyrics from the TV dub.

Portuguese (Brazil)[]

Pablo: Pedro Alcântara (seasons 1-3), Tom Maciel (season 4)
Tyrone: Gabriel Rossati (seasons 1-2; reused vocals, season 3), Bruno Marçal (season 3), Ítalo Luiz (season 4)
Uniqua: Gabriela Milani
Tasha: Natália Mazzi (seasons 1-2; reused vocals, season 3), Ana Carolina Lotto (seasons 3-4)
Austin: Daniel Figueira (seasons 1-3), Nicholas Torres (season 4)

Oi, eu sou Pablo
Eu sou Tyrone*
Eu sou a Uniqua
Eu sou a Tasha
Meu nome é Austin
E nós somos…

Seus amiguinhos os Backyardigans
Juntos nós somos os Backyardigans
Onde é nosso lugar
Nós gostamos de cantar
E gostamos de dançar

Temos o mundo inteiro no nosso quintal
Sempre encontrando coisas novas pra brincar
Todos os dias nós vamos voltar 
Com os amigos, os Backyardigans

Hi, I’m Pablo
I’m Tyrone
I’m Uniqua
I’m Tasha
My name’s Austin
And we’re…

Your little friends, the Backyardigans
Together, we’re the Backyardigans
[This is] where our place is
We like to sing
And we like to dance

We’ve got the whole world in our backyard
We always find new things to play
That’s why every day we’re back
With your friends, The Backyardigans

*Meu nome é Tyrone (My name's Tyrone) prior to season 3.

Portuguese (Portugal)[]

Pablo: Paula Seabra
Tyrone: Joana Carvalho
Uniqua: Rute Pimenta
Tasha and Austin: Raquel Rosmaninho

Olá, sou o Paulo
Eu chamo-me Eugénio
Eu sou a Joana
Eu sou a Ticha
E eu chamo-me Afonso


Os teus amigos com a cabeça no ar
E contigo nós vamos sonhar
Aqui nos vais encontrar
Provavelmente a cantar
E também a dançar

Neste jardim há um mundo por desvendar
Há sempre coisas novas a encontrar
Todos os dias queremos voltar
Os teus amigos contigo a sonhar
[O Jardim dos Amigos]

Hi, I'm Paulo
I’m called Eugénio
I'm Joana
I'm Ticha
And i’m called Afonso

We are...

Your friends with our heads in the air
And with you we'll dream
You'll find us here
Probably singing
And dancing too

In this garden there's a world to discover
There are always new things to find
Every day we want to come back
Your friends with you dreaming
[The Garden of The Friends]

Russian (voice-over)[]

Readers: ?

Currently, the only footage of this version is in low quality.

Привет, я Пабло
А я Тайрон
Я Униква
А я Таша
А меня зовут Остин
И мы ваши друзья, мы играем на заднем дворе
Все вместе играем на заднем дворе
И прямо здесь
Мы споём 
И станцуем

У нас на заднем дворе целый мир, и в нем столько чудес
Мы всегда придумываем что-нибудь новое
Поэтому каждый день мы собираемся здесь
На заднем дворе

Privet, ja Pablo
A ja Tajron
Ja Unikva
A ja Tasha
A menja zovut Ostin
I my...

Vashi druz'ja, my igraem na zadnem dvore
Vse vmeste igraem na zadnem dvore
I prjamo zdes'
My spojom
I stancujem

U nas na zadnem dvore tselyj mir i v nem stol'ko chudes
My vsegda pridumyvaem chto-nibud' novoe
Poetomu kazhdyj den' my sobirajemsja zdes'
Na zadnem dvore

Hi, I'm Pablo
And I'm Tyrone
I'm Uniqua
And I'm Tasha
And my name's Austin
And we're...

Your friends at play in the backyard
All together playing in the backyard
And right here
We'll sing
And dance

We've got the whole world in our backyard, and it has so many wonders
We always make up something new
That's why every day we get together here
In the backyard


Pablo: Aleksa Petrović / Алекса Петровић (S01E01-S03E12), Milan Tubić / Милан Тубић (S03E13-season 4)
Tyrone: Veljko Racić / Вељко Рацић (S01E01-S03E12), Marko Marković / Марко Марковић (S03E13-season 4)
Uniqua: Marina Kutlešić / Марина Кутлешић (S01E01-S03E12), Mina Lazarević / Мина Лазаревић (S03E13-season 4)
Tasha: Mina Nenadović / Мина Ненадовић (S01E01-S03E12), Snežana Nešković / Снежана Нешковић (S03E13-season 4)
Austin: Aleksa Stanilović / Алекса Станиловић (S01E01-S03E12), Milan Antonić / Милан Антонић (S03E13-season 4)

Prior to episode 13 of the third series, only Uniqua and Austin's speaking voices sing both the intro and outro songs.

Здраво, ja сам Кљуца
A ja Телибор
Ja сам Чуданце
Ja сам Нилка*
Moje име je Скоча
A ми смо…

Друштванце за двориштванце
Заjедно с' нама се играjте
Где год треба ми ћемо
Oву песму певаму
И уз њу сви играмо

Све што je oкo нас радо откривамо
И увек нешто ново нађемо
Сваки нови дан ми волимо
Двориштванце смо малено

Zdravo, ja sam Kljuca
A ja Telibor
Ja sam Čudance
Ja sam Nilka
Moje ime je Skoča
A mi smo…

Društvance za dvorištvance
Zajedno s' nama se igrajte
Gde god treba mi ćemo
Ovu pesmu pevamo
I uz nju svi igramo

Sve što je oko nas rado otkrivamo
I uvek nešto novo nađemo
Svaki novi dan mi volimo
Dvorištvance smo maleno

Hi, I’m Kljuca
And I’m Telibor
I’m Čudance
I'm Nilka
My name is Skoča
And we’re…

The small gang in the small backyard
Together you’re with us to play
Whenever you need us
We will sing this song
And we will all play along

We’re happy to explore everything around us
And we’re always finding something new
We love every new day
We, the small backyard gang, are small

  • Ja Nilka (I'm Nilka) prior to S03E13.


Singers: ?

Please provide Sinhala lyrics if you can


Pablo: Kamil Kolárik
Tyrone: Peter Krajčovič
Uniqua: Dominika Žiaranová
Tasha: Daniela Grečnerova
Austin: Daniela Mackovičová (speaking), Peter Krajčovič (singing)

Ahoj, ja som Pablo
Mňa volajú Tyrone
A mně Uniqua
Ja jom Tasha 
A ja som Austin
My sme…

Sme z dvora skupinka nezbedná
Náš nový príbeh sa začína
Pieseň s nami spievať smieš
Dobrodružstvo zažiješ
Možno si zatancuješ

Na dvore celý svet sa skúmať dá
Všetko sa poďla plánu plniť presne má
Ten dvor preto má každý z nás rád
Sme z dvora skupinka nezbedná
[Intersonic uvádza animovaný seriál Malí Nezbedníci]

Hi, I’m Pablo
I’m called Tyrone
And I’m Uniqua
I’m Tasha
And I’m Austin

We’re the playful gang from the yard
Our new story begins
You can sing a song with us
You’ll experience adventures
You’ll maybe dance

In the yard, the whole world can be explored
Everything goes exactly according to plan
That’s why we all love the yard
We’re the playful gang from the yard
[Intersonic presents the animated series The Little Playful Kids]

Spanish (Latin America)[]


Pablo: Elsa Covián
Tyrone: Abraham Vega
Uniqua: Annie Rojas
Tasha: Claudia Bramnfsette
Austin: Manuel Díaz (speaking), Maggie Vera (singing)

¡Hola, soy Pablo!
¡Soy Tyrone!
¡Soy Uniqua!
¡Soy Tasha!
¡Y yo Austin!
¡Y somos amigos tuyos Backyardigans!
¡Todos unidos Backyardigans!
Y bailamos sin cesar.
Y nos encanta cantar.
¡Y nos vamos a quedar!
¡En nuestro patio hay un mundo por explorar!
Cosas increíbles podemos encontrar.
¡Y a diario salimos a jugar!
¡Amigos tuyos, Backyardigans!

S3, S4 E16-20[]

Pablo: Elsa Covián
Tyrone: Alejandro Orozco (speaking), Abraham Vega (singing; reused audio)
Uniqua: Annie Rojas
Tasha: Claudia Bramnfsette
Austin: Héctor Ireta De Alba (speaking), Manuel Díaz (speaking in S03E03), Maggie Vera (singing)

¡Hola, soy Pablo!
¡Mi nombre es Tyrone!
¡Yo soy Uniqua!
¡Y yo soy Tasha!
¡Y yo Austin!
¡Y somos amigos tuyos Backyardigans!
¡Todos unidos Backyardigans!
Y bailamos sin cesar.
Y nos encanta cantar.
¡Y nos vamos a quedar!
¡En nuestro patio hay un mundo por explorar!
Cosas increíbles podemos encontrar.
¡Y a diario salimos a jugar!
¡Amigos tuyos, Backyardigans!

S4 E1-15[]

Pablo: Elsa Covián
Tyrone: Omar Hernandez
Uniqua: Annie Rojas
Tasha: Claudia Bramnfsette
Austin: Alan García (speaking), Maggie Vera (singing)

¡Hola, soy Pablo!
¡Y yo soy Tyrone!
¡Yo soy Uniqua!
¡Y yo Tasha!
¡Me llamo Austin!
¡Y somos amigos tuyos Backyardigans!
¡Todos unidos Backyardigans!
Y bailamos sin cesar.
Y nos encanta cantar.
¡Y nos vamos a quedar!
¡En nuestro patio hay un mundo por explorar!
Cosas increíbles podemos encontrar.
¡Y a diario salimos a jugar!
¡Tus amigos, Backyardigans!

Spanish (Spain)[]

Pablo: Amparo Bravo
Tyrone: Blanca Rada
Uniqua: Isabel Malavia
Tasha: Ana Esther Alborg
Austin: Marta Sainz

Hola, soy Pablo
Mi nombre es Tyrone
Yo soy Uniqua
Soy Tasha
Y yo, Austin
Y somos…

Tus amiguitos del jardín
Juntos de nuevo en el jardín
Donde nos verás jugar
Y canciones entonar
Y puede que también bailar

El mundo entero está dentro del jardín
Encontrarás cosas que hay por descubrir
Y si quieres cada día
Nos encontraremos en el jardín

Hi, I’m Pablo
My name is Tyrone
I’m Uniqua
I’m Tasha
And me, Austin
And we’re…

Your friends from the garden
Together in the garden again
Where you’ll see us play
And sing songs
And can also dance

The whole world is inside of the garden
You’ll find that there are things to discover
And, if you want, every day
We’ll be found in the garden


Singers: ?

Hej jag heter Pablo
Och jag heter Tyrone
Jag är Uniqua
Jag heter Tasha
Och jag heter Austin
Och vi är…

På bakgården finns Backyardigans
Alltid tillsammans på bakgården
Och vi stannar dagen lång
Det kan säkert bli någon sång
Lite dans och håll igång

Och hela världen finns här det ska ni få se
Det händer spännande saker, så häng med
Varje dag ett nytt äventyr
Med dina vänner Backyardigans

Hi, my name's Pablo
And my name's Tyrone
I’m Uniqua
My name's Tasha
And my name’s Austin
And we are…

The Backyardigans, on the yard
Always together on the backyard
And we’re here the whole day long
It can surely be any song
A little dance to keep going

And the whole world is here, you’ll see soon enough
Exciting things happen, so hang with us
Every day’s a new adventure
With your friends, the Backyardigans

*Och is not said prior to the second season.

Thai (2009)[]

Singers: ?

ไง ฉันพาโบล

เราคือเพื่อนเธอ คือแบคยาร์ดดิกันส์


Ngai chan Phabol
Chan chue Tairon
Chan Yunika
Chan Tacha
Chan chue Ostin
Rao khue

Rao khue phuean thoe khue Baekyaddikan
Tha lae tha rao marong phleng sak phleng
Yu nai ni lok ni duai kan
Rao cha ma rong-phleng hai fang
Rao cha din hai thoe dai du

Rao mi lok ni hai thoe dai-khon ha duai-kan
Rao cha dai phop sing thi rao mai-khoei dai choe
Rao chueng klap-ma thuk-wan phuea ok khon-ha
Phro phuak-rao khue Baekyaddikan

Hi, I’m Pablo
My name’s Tyrone
I’m Uniqua
I’m Tasha
My name’s Austin

We’re your friends your friends, the Backyardigans
If, and if, we come to sing a song
We’ll be in this world together
We’ll wanna come and sing for you to hear
We’ll dance so that you can see

We’ve got this world for you to explore together [with us].
We’ll find things we’ve never been able to discover
Then we’re back every day to go out exploring
Because we’re the Backyardigans
