"The Ballad Of Magellan" is a song from the 1993 American Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation animated slapstick and sketch comedy series Animaniacs. The song features Yakko and his siblings harmonize to the tune of "Git Along, Little Dogies" about the voyage of Ferdinand Magellan, where he tries to find a western route to the East Indies.
The lyrics were written by John P. McCann and Paul Rugg, with the harmonies sung in the chorus being arranged by Julie Bernstein.
- Singers: Rob Paulsen (Yakko, Ferdinand Magellan [TV]), Jess Harnell (Wakko), Tress MacNeille (Dot), and TBA (Ferdinand Magellan [Album])
There once was a man, his name was Magellan. A Portuguese skipper, the girls found him cute. He sailed with five ships to find the East Indies, Then come back to Spain with a bounty of loot. Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, oh, happy Magellan! Starting your journey with hardly a care! Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, strong, brave Magellan, You'll find the East Indies, you just don't know where! They crossed the Atlantic and spotted a country. Magellan said: "It's the East Indies at last!" But then someone shouted "Hey, that's Argentina!" Magellan got cranky and chopped down the mast. Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, settle down, Magellan! Put down that axe! There's no time to despair! Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, keep trying, Magellan, You'll find the East Indies, you just don't know where! A great storm arose in the mighty Pacific. The five little ships were diminished to three. At last, land was sighted, Magellan was happy. But then someone shouted: "Hey, that's Chile!" Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, cheer up, Magellan! Check out your map and don't tear out your hair! Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, keep trying, Magellan, You'll find the East Indies, you just don't know where! It took them five months, but they crossed the Pacific. They spotted a land that was dotted with palms. Magellan proclaimed: "Yes! That's the East Indies!" But then someone shouted: "Hey, I think that's Guam..." Ai yi yi yi, oops, Magellan! Your fun little journey's become a nightmare! Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, keep trying, Magellan, You'll find the East Indies, you just don't know where! They sailed due west to the Philippine Islands Magellan was pleased as the natives drew near But then someone shouted: "I think they're attacking!" Magellan said "What?" and got hit by a spear... Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, farewell, Magellan! You almost made it! It's really not fair! Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, oh, ghost of Magellan, The East Indies Islands were right over there!
- Singers: Rafat Bazoo / رأفت بازو (Yakko), Zeyad Errafae'ie / زياد الرفاعي (Wakko), Fatma Saad / فاطمة سعد (Dot) and TBA (Ferdinand Magellan)
عام الف وخمس مائة وتسعة عشر أبحر قبطان اسمه ماجلان بحث عن جزر الإنديز الغربية ليعود بكنوزٍ لبلاد الأسبان هيلا هيلا يا ماجلان أنزل اشرعتك وأبحر بأمان هيلا هيلا يا ماجلان بشجاعتك ستجد كنوزاً بالأطنان عبروا الأطلسي والموج العاتي ولمحوا في الأفق (يابسةً انا آتي!) لكن شخصاً صرخ (إنها الأرجنتين!) فغضب البطل وهم بتكسير السفن هيلا هيلا يا ماجلان ابعد هذي الفأس وابحر بأمان تابع مسيرتك مثل الشجعان وستجد الجزر ولكن ليس الآن وهبت عاصفةٌ عاتيةٌ في البحر ففقد سفينتين في أثناء الليل وأخيراً فرِحَ عند رؤية البر لكن أحدهم قال (لكنها تشيلي!) هيلا هيلا يا ماجلان دع شعرك وشأنه هيا ابحر بأمان راجع معلوماتك يا ماجلان وستجد كنوزك ولكن ليس الآن قد مرت شهورٌ عديدة بلا جدوى وعبروا الهادي، المحيط العملاق رأوا أرضاً فقال (إنها جزر الإنديز!) وأحدهم قال (غوام التي في الآفاق) هيلا لا لا لا يا ماجلان نزهتك الحلوة قد صارت كابوسا هيا تابع رحلتك وأبحر بأمان وسنجد لك في الإنديز عروسة اتجهوا غرباً نحو الفلبين ففرحوا بسكانها الأصليين فقال أحدهم (يبدون شرسين.. انتبه!) (رمح!؟) وأصيب البطل المسكين هيلا هيلا يا ماجلان أوشكت على تحقيق الحلم الضائع مسكينٌ أنت يا ماجلان فالإنديز الغربي أمام عينيك
- Singers: Hervé Rey (Yakko), Michel Mella (Wakko), Barbara Tissier (Dot) and TBA (Ferdinand Magellan)
Please provide French lyrics if you can
Il y a bien longtemps que vivait Magellan Marin portugais à la barbe séductrice Il prit cinq navires, rêvant de découvrir Les îles des Moluques pour faire le plein d'épices Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, oh gentil Magellan Le début du voyage n'a rien de casse-cou Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, vaillant Magellan Tu trouveras les Moluques, mais Dieu seul sait où Traversant l'Atlantique, virent une terre désertique Magellan dit "Hé les Moluques sont bien là!" Mais quelqu'un s'écria : "C'est l'Argentine, je crois!" Magellan craqua et abattit un mât Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, calme-toi Magellan Pose cette hache, tu dois tenir le coup Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, Accroche-toi Magellan Tu trouveras les Moluques, mais Dieu seul sait où Une tempête épique éclata dans l'Pacifique Et des cinq bateaux, trois relevèrent le défi Une terre fut repérée, Magellan jubile Mais une voix s'écria : "Hé, c'est le Chili!" Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, sourit Magellan Regarde ta carte et ne vire pas fou Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, , accroche-toi Magellan Tu trouveras les Moluques, mais Dieu seul sait où Cinq longs mois passèrent puis ils virent une terre Une plage dorée, des palmiers, une eau claire Magellan hurla : "Les Moluques, les voilà!" Mais quelqu'un s'écria : "C'est le Guam, mon p'tit père!" Aie, aie, aie, aie, oups, Magellan Ton voyage dans les îles, quel cauchemar mon chou Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, accroche-toi Magellan Tu trouveras les Moluques, mais Dieu seul sait où Naviguant sans [...] vers les îles Philippines Comblant Magellan, les sauvages été là Mais quelqu'un s'écria : "Ils nous attaquent, je crois!" Magellan dit "Quoi?", quand une lance le tua Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, adieu Magellan C'est vraiment dommage d'échouer à deux doigts Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, fantôme de Magellan Les îles que tu cherchais été juste là
Magellan lived a long time ago Portuguese sailor with a seductive beard He took five ships, dreaming of discovering The Moluccan islands to stock up on spices Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, oh sweet Magellan The start of the journey is not at all risky Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, valiant Magellan You will find the Moluccas, but only God knows where Crossing the Atlantic, saw a desert land Magellan says "Hey the Moluccas are here!" But someone shouted: “It’s Argentina, I think!” Magellan broke down and brought down a mast Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, calm down Magellan Put that ax down, you gotta hold on Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, Hang in there Magellan You will find the Moluccas, but only God knows where An epic storm broke out in the Pacific And of the five boats, three took up the challenge A land was spotted, Magellan jubilant But a voice cried out: “Hey, it’s Chile!” Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, smiles Magellan Look at your map and don't go crazy Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, hang on Magellan You will find the Moluccas, but only God knows where Five long months passed then they saw a land A golden beach, palm trees, clear water Magellan shouted: “The Moluccas, here they come!” But someone shouted: “It’s Guam, my little father!” Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, oops, Magellan Your trip to the islands, what a nightmare my darling Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, hang on Magellan You will find the Moluccas, but only God knows where Sailing without [...] towards the Philippine Islands Filling Magellan, the savages have been there But someone shouted: “They are attacking us, I think!” Magellan said "What?", when a spear killed him Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, goodbye Magellan It's really a shame to fail so close Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, ghost of Magellan The islands you were looking for were right theree!
- Singers: Frank Schaff (Yakko), Santiago Ziesmer (Wakko), Ranja Bonalana (Dot) and TBA (Ferdinand Magellan)
Es war einmal ein portugiesischer Käp'tän Er hieß Magellan, sehr beliebt war der Mann. Mit fünf Schiffen wollt' er Ostindien entdecken Und mit reicher Beute zurückkehren, dann. Wuppedei jajo, Magellan, du Entdecker, Los geht die Reise, entspann' dein Gesicht! Wuppedei jajo, ist Seeluft nicht lecker? Du findest Ostindien, nur wo weißt du nicht! Man bezwang den Atlantik, dann kam Land in Sicht. Magellan sagte "Endlich! Ostindien voraus!" Doch irgendwer rief dann "Das ist Argentinien!" Und Magellan rastete fürchterlich aus. Wuppedei jajo, Magellan, bleib' doch heiter, Leg die Axt nieder und sei wieder froh! Wuppedei jajo, Magellan, such' nur weiter! Du findest Ostindien, du weißt bloß nicht, wo! Ein mächtiger Sturm tobte auf dem Pazifik, Von fünf Schiffen schafften es nicht einmal vier. Dann kam Land in Sicht, Magellan war sehr glücklich. Doch irgendwer rief dann "Schau, hier sind wir!" Wuppedei jajo, Magellan, bleib' gelassen, Und schau' in die Karte, nach vorn geht die Sicht! Wuppedei jajo, du wirst dich schon fassen! Du findest Ostindien, nur wo weißt du nicht! Fünf Monate kreuzten sie durch den Pazifik, Bis dann voller Palmen ein Land in Sicht kam. Magellan war sich sicher: "Ja, das ist Ostindien!", Doch irgendwer rief dann "Ich glaub', das ist Guam". Eieiei ei, dumm gelaufen, Mit Schande befleckt ist dein Weißblech-Trikot! Wuppedei jajo, Magellan, kurz verschnaufen. Du findest Ostindien, du weißt bloß nicht, wo! Sie segelten westwärts zu den Philippinen und freuten sich auf die Begrüßung dort sehr. Doch irgendwer rief dann "Sieht aus wie ein Angriff!" Magellan sagte "Was?" und schon traf ihn ein Speer. Wuppedei jajo, Magellan, ruh' in Frieden, du hättest es beinah geschafft, um ein Haar! Wuppedei jajo, dein Geist bleibt hier liegen! Gemein, dass Ostindien hier drüben gleich war!
Once upon a time there was a Portuguese captain, His name was Magellan and the man was very popular. He wanted to discover the East Indies with five ships, And then return with rich booty. Wuppedei jajo, Magellan, you explorer, Let the journey begin, relax your face! Wuppedei jajo, isn't sea air delicious? You'll find the East Indies, but you don't know where! They conquered the Atlantic and then land came into sight. Magellan said "At last! East Indies ahead!" But someone then shouted “This is Argentina!” And Magellan freaked out horribly. Wuppedei jajo, Magellan, stay cheerful, Put down the ax and be happy again! Wuppedei jajo, Magellan, just keep looking! You'll find the East Indies, you just don't know where! A mighty storm raged on the Pacific, Out of five ships, not even four made it. Then land came into sight, Magellan was very happy. But someone then shouted “Look, here we are!” Wuppedei jajo, Magellan, stay calm, And look at the map, the view is forward! Wuppedei jajo, you'll be able to pull yourself together! You'll find the East Indies, but you don't know where! They cruised the Pacific for five months, Until a land full of palm trees came into view. Magellan was sure: "Yes, this is the East Indies!" But someone then shouted, “I think it’s Guam.” Eieiei ei, gone stupid, Your tinplate jersey is stained with shame! Wuppedei jajo, Magellan, take a quick breather! You'll find the East Indies, you just don't know where! They sailed west to the Philippines, And we were really looking forward to being welcomed there. But someone then shouted "Looks like an attack!" Magellan said "What?" and then a spear hit him. Wuppedei jajo, Magellan, rest in peace, You almost made it, by a hair's breadth! Wuppedei jajo, your spirit remains here, Mean that the East Indies was the same over here!
- Singers: Massimiliano Alto (Yakko), Davide Lepore (Wakko) and Ilaria Latini (Dot)
C'era una volta un uomo, Magellano si chiamava. Era un portoghese aitante e carino. Salpò con cinque navi, le Indie cercava. In Spagna ritornò con un grande bottino. Magellano è il più forte del mondo! Si mise in viaggio come andasse alle Hawaii! Magellano sei audace e mai stanco! Scoprirai le Indie ma dove ancora non sai! Passato l'Atlantico videro terra. Magellano disse: "Oh ecco finalmente le Indie!" Ma qualcuno gridò: "Ma quella è l'Argentina!" Magellano, infuriato, l'albero maestro tagliò. Magellano sei di una calma rabbiosa! Butta via l'ascia, non disperare mai! Magellano, vai continua l'impresas! Scoprirai le Indie ma dove ancora non sai! Ci fu una tempesta di quelle tremende. delle cinque navette ne rimasero tre. Una terra qui in vista e Magellano esultante. Ma qualcuno gridò: "Ecco il Cile dov'è!" Magellano dai, stai su con la vita! Studia le mappe o la barba strapperai! Magellano, vai aggiusta la rotta! Scoprirai le Indie ma dove ancora non sai! Traversarono l'oceano in cinque mesi, cinque. Poi videro palme in gran quantità. Magellano esclamò: "Ah finalmente le Indie!" Ma qualcuno gridò: "Ehi, a me mi pare Guam..." Ai, ai, ai, ai, è dura la botta! Questo tuo viaggio è incuperai! Magellano vai, aggiusta la rotta! Scoprirai le Indie ma dove ancora non sai! E via verso l'ovest le Filippine! Agli indigeni sorrideva e diceva di sì! Ma qualcuno avvisò: "Ehi, quelli attaccano!" Magellano disse: "Cosa?", e una lancia lo colpì! Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, addio, Magellano! Quasi ce la facevi, non è giusto così! Ora ci sopra tu, fantasma di Magellano! Le Indie che cercavi sono a un passo da qui!
Once upon a time there was a man, his name was Magellan. He was a handsome and cute Portuguese man. He set sail with five ships, he was looking for the Indies. In Spain, he returned with great booty. Magellan is the strongest in the world! He set out as if he was going to Hawaii! Magellan, you are bold and never tired! You will discover the Indies but you don't know where yet! Once they crossed the Atlantic they saw land. Magellan said: "Oh here is the Indies at last!" But someone shouted: "But that's Argentina!" Magellan, enraged, cut the mast. Magellan you are furiously calm! Throw away the axe, never despair! Magellan, go continue the enterprise! You will discover the Indies but you don't know where yet! There was a terrible storm. Of the five shuttles, three remained. A land was in sight and Magellan was exultant. But someone shouted: "That's where Chile is!" Magellan, come on, cheer up! Study the maps or you will tear your beard! Magellan, go adjust the course! You will discover the Indies but you don't know where yet! They crossed the ocean in five months, five. Then they saw palm trees in large quantities. Magellan exclaimed: "Ah finally the Indies!" But someone shouted, "Hey, I think it's Guam..." Ai, ai, ai, ai, it's a hard blow! This journey of yours is about to get darker! Magellan, go adjust the course! You will discover the Indies but you don't know where yet! And off to the west, the Philippines. To the natives he smiled and said yes. But someone warned: "Hey, they're attacking!" Magellan said, "What?", and a spear hit him. Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, goodbye, Magellan! You almost made it, it's not right like that! Now you're on top of it, ghost of Magellan! The Indies you were looking for are just a step away!
Portuguese (Brazil)[]
- Singers: Clécio Souto (Yakko), Marcus Jardym (Wakko), Marisa Leal (Dot) and TBA (Ferdinand Magellan)
Capitão português, Magalhães foi seu nome. As garotas o achavam um pedaço de homem. Com cinco navios para as Índias partiu, Voltou para a Espanha com tudo que viu. Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, Magalhães a cantar, Começando a viagem sem se preocupar! Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, corajoso demais, Viajar para achar as Índias Orientais! Cruzaram o Atlântico avistaram um país. Magalhães então diz: "As Índias Orientais afinal!" Alguém então grita: "Olha lá a Argentina!" Ele quebrou o mastro quando se irritou. Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, fique calminho! Abaixo o machado e seja bonzinho! Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, não perca a esperança, Você vai achar deixa de ser criança! Parece que a chuva está contra vocês, Dos cinco navios sobraram só três. Feliz com a conquista de ter terra a vista, dançando, ele ouviu: "Olha lá é o Chile!" Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, sorria querido! Cheque seu mapa e confie, amigo! Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, não vá desistir! Se quer mesmo achar vai ter que insistir! Cruzando o Pacífico, cinco meses levou, e vendo palmeiras ele proclamou. Bem alto falou: "Sim, são as Índias Orientais!" Mas alguém gritou: "Eu acho que é Guam!" Ai-yi-yi-yi, que desespero! A sua viagem virou pesadelo! Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, não vá desistir! Se quer mesmo achar vai ter que insistir! Eles foram pro o oeste, e as Filipinas. e toda alegria foi bem pequenina. Quando alguém gritou: "Estão atacando!" E ele falou e uma flechada levou. Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, adeus Magalhães! Sabemos que fez tudo pra conseguir! Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, senhor fantasma, As ilhas Índias estão bem ali!
Portuguese captain, Magellan was his name. The girls thought he was a hunk of a man. With five ships for the Indies he set out, He returned to Spain with everything he saw. Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, Magellan singing, Starting the journey without worrying! Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, too brave, To travel to find the East Indies! They crossed the Atlantic and saw a country. Magellan then says: "The East Indies after all!" Someone then shouts: "Look at Argentina!" He broke the pole when he got angry. Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, stay calm! Put down the ax and be good! Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, don't lose hope, You will think you are no longer a child! It seems like the rain is against you, Of the five ships, only three remained. Happy with the achievement of having land in sight, dancing, he heard: "Look, it's Chile!" Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, smile darling! Check your map and trust, friend! Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, don't give up! If you really want to find it, you’ll have to insist! Crossing the Pacific took five months, and seeing palm trees he proclaimed. Loudly he said: "Yes, it's the East Indies!" But someone shouted, "I think it's Guam!" Ai-yi-yi-yi, how desperate! His trip turned into a nightmare! Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, don't give up! If you really want to find it, you’ll have to insist! They went west, and the Philippines. and all the joy was very small. When someone shouted, "They're attacking!" And he spoke and he was shot with an arrow. Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, goodbye Magellan! We know you did everything to achieve this! Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, mister ghost, The Indies islands are right there!
- Singers: Pyotr Markin / Пётр Маркин (Yakko, singing), Yuriy Malyarov / Юрий Маляров (Yakko, speaking), Roman Berchenko / Роман Берченко (Wakko, singing), Boris Tokarev / Борис Токарев (Wakko, speaking), Alisa Kurganova / Алиса Курганова (Dot, singing), Lyudmila Gnilova / Людмила Гнилова (Dot, speaking) and TBA (Magellan)
Жил-был Магеллан, мореход знаменитый. Решил он на запад до Индии плыть... Пустился он в путь на пяти каравеллах, Чтоб этим монерам богатства добыть. Юпи-тай-йя-йо! Расслабся, дружище. Пусти беззаботно по морю свой флот. Юпи-тай-йя-йо! Найдёшь ты что ищешь. И к Индии флот твой волною прибьёт... Проплыл он Атлантику, берег увидел. Воскликнул он: "Индия! К ней я приплыл!" Но кто-то заметил: "Да нет, Аргентина" Тут Маки взбесился и мачту срубил. Юпи-тай-йя-йо! Расслабься, приятель. Отложь свой топорик, в бутылку не лезь. Юпи-тай-йя-йо! Порыскай по карте. Найдёшь ты, что ищешь, но только не здесь! И в Тихом настигла сильнейшая буря. И бедных корабликов стало лишь три. Вот суша мелькнула, наш Маки был счастлив. Но кто-то заметил: "Да это ж Чили!" Юпи-тай-йя-йо! Не куксись, приятель. С картой ты сверься, всё тщательно взвесь. Юпи-тай-йя-йо! Не плыть же обратно! Найдёшь ты что ищешь, но только не здесь. Пять месяцев плыли они через Тихий. Глядь, остров средь моря, три деревца там. Наш Маки воскликнул: "Вот Индия! Точно!" Но кто-то заметил: "Да нет, вроде Гуам..." Ай-яй-яй-яй! Облом, бедняшка. В кошмар превратился приятный круиз. Юпи-тай-йя-йо! Пускай тебе тяжко, Найдёшь ты что ищешь, за дело берись. На запад плывя, он открыл Филлипины. Там встретил туземцев, радушных на вид. Вдруг кто-то заметил, "взялись за дубины." Спросил Маки: "Что?!" и тот час был убит... Юпи-тай-йя-йо! Ведь какая жалость! Надо ж случится подобной беде... И плыть то всего ничего оставалось! Твоя то ведь Индия эвона где...
Zhil-byl Magellan, morehod znamenityj. Reshil on na zapad do Indii plyt'... Pustilsja on v put' na pjati karavellah, Chtob jetim moneram bogatstva dobyt'. Jupi-taj-jja-jo! Rasslabsja, druzhishhe. Pusti bezzabotno po morju svoj flot. Jupi-taj-jja-jo! Najdjosh' ty chto ishhesh'. I k Indii flot tvoj volnoju prib'jot... Proplyl on Atlantiku, bereg uvidel. Voskliknul on: "Indija! K nej ja priplyl!" No kto-to zametil: "Da net, Argentina" Tut Maki vzbesilsja i machtu srubil. Jupi-taj-jja-jo! Rasslab'sja, prijatel'. Otlozh' svoj toporik, v butylku ne lez'. Jupi-taj-jja-jo! Poryskaj po karte. Najdjosh' ty, chto ishhesh', no tol'ko ne zdes'! I v Tihom nastigla sil'nejshaja burja. I bednyh korablikov stalo lish' tri. Vot susha mel'knula, nash Maki byl schastliv. No kto-to zametil: "Da jeto zh Chili!" Jupi-taj-jja-jo! Ne kuksis', prijatel'. S kartoj ty sver'sja, vsjo tshhatel'no vzves'. Jupi-taj-jja-jo! Ne plyt' zhe obratno! Najdjosh' ty chto ishhesh', no tol'ko ne zdes'. Pjat' mesjacev plyli oni cherez Tihij. Gljad', ostrov sred' morja, tri derevca tam. Nash Maki voskliknul: "Vot Indija! Tochno!" No kto-to zametil: "Da net, vrode Guam..." Aj-jaj-jaj-jaj! Oblom, bednjashka. V koshmar prevratilsja prijatnyj kruiz. Jupi-taj-jja-jo! Puskaj tebe tjazhko, Najdjosh' ty chto ishhesh', za delo beris'. Na zapad plyvja, on otkryl Fillipiny. Tam vstretil tuzemcev, radushnyh na vid. Vdrug kto-to zametil, "vzjalis' za dubiny." Sprosil Maki: "Chto?!" i tot chas byl ubit... Jupi-taj-jja-jo! Ved' kakaja zhalost'! Nado zh sluchitsja podobnoj bede... I plyt' to vsego nichego ostavalos'! Tvoja to ved' Indija jevona gde...
Once upon a time there lived Magellan, a famous sailor. He decided to sail west to India... He set off on five caravels, So that these monks can get riches. Yupi-tay-ya-yo! Relax, buddy. Send your fleet carefree across the sea. Yupi-tay-ya-yo! You will find what you are looking for. And your fleet will hit India like a wave... He swam across the Atlantic and saw the shore. He exclaimed: “India! I have sailed to it!” But someone remarked: “No, it's Argentina.” Then Maki got mad and cut down the mast. Yupi-tay-ya-yo! Relax, buddy. Put down your hatchet, don't go into the bottle. Yupi-tay-ya-yo! Search the map. You will find what you are looking for, but not here! And a strong storm overtook the Pacific. And there were only three poor boats. Here the land flashed, our Maki was happy. But someone remarked: “Yes, this is Chile!” Yupi-tay-ya-yo! Don't freak out, buddy. Check the map and weigh everything carefully. Yupi-tay-ya-yo! Don't swim back! You will find what you are looking for, but not here. They sailed through the Pacific for five months. Lo and behold, an island in the middle of the sea, three trees there. Our Maki exclaimed: “This is India! Exactly!” But someone remarked: “No, I think it's Guam.” Ay-yay-yay-yay! Bummer, poor thing. A pleasant cruise turned into a nightmare. Yupi-tay-ya-yo! Even if it's hard for you Once you find what you are looking for, get down to business. Sailing west, he discovered the Philippines. There, he met the natives, who looked hospitable. Suddenly someone noticed "they took up their clubs". Maki asked: "What?!" and that hour he was killed... Yupi-tay-ya-yo! What a pity! Something like this must happen... And there was nothing left to swim! That's where your India is, after all...
- Singers: Rafael Monsalve (Yakko), Giset Blanco (Wakko), Elena Prieto (Dot) and Orlando Noguera (Ferdinand Magellan)
Un gran hombre fue llamado Magallanes, Él muy admirado por su gran valor. A las Indias fue en busca de especias, Para regresar contento de allá. Yupi yay-hay-ho, feliz Magallanes, ¡Te fuiste de viaje sin lentes de sol! Yupi yay-hay-ho, feliz Magallanes, ¡Las Indias del Este en el mapa no están! Un gran recorrido hizo Magallanes, Y contento gritó: "¡Son las Indias, por fin!" Pero Wakko le dijo: "¡Ey, es Argentina!" Magallanes, furioso, el mástil cortó. ¡Yupi yay-hay-ho, feliz Magallanes! ¡Deja esa hacha y ponte a buscar! Yupi yay-hay-ho, feliz Magallanes, ¡Las Indias del Este en el mapa no están! Una gran tormenta cayó en el viaje, De los cinco barcos, ahora quedan tres. Magallanes vio terra, bailó de alegría, Pero Dot le dijo: "Ey, eso es Chile." ¡Yupi yay-hay-ho, sonríe, Magallanes! ¡Mira en tu mapa y calcula otra vez! Yupi yay-hay-ho, sonríe, Magallanes, ¡Las Indias del Este en el mapa no están! Viajó cinco meses por todo el Pacífico, Y al ver una isla, Magallanes sonrió. Y él opinó: "¡Sí! ¡Son las Indias del Este!" Pero Wakko le dijo: "Oye, creo que es Guam..." ¡Ay, ay, ay, ay, oh Magallanes! ¡Dándote golpes no vas a llegar! Yupi yay-hay-ho, oh Magallanes, ¡Las Indias del Este en el mapa no están! A las Filipinas llegamos contentos, Tres indios nativos nos fueron a ver. Y todos dijimos: "¡Vienen al ataque! ¡Cuidado!" Y de pronto, un golpe se oyó. Yupi Yay-hay-ho, ¡adiós Magallanes! Casi lo logras, ¡otra vez será! Yupi, oh, fantasma de Magallanes, ¡Las Indias del Este estaban allí!
A great man was called Magellan, He was greatly admired for his great courage. To the Indies he went in search of spices, To return happy from there. Yupi yay-hay-ho, happy Magellan, You went on a trip without sunglasses! Yupi yay-hay-ho, happy Magellan, The East Indies are not on the map! Magellan made a great journey, And he, happy, shouted: "It's the Indies, finally!" But Wakko told him: "Hey, it's Argentina!" Magellan, furious, cut the mast. Yupi yay-hay-ho, happy Magellan! Put down that ax and get searching! Yupi yay-hay-ho, happy Magellan, The East Indies are not on the map! A great storm fell on the trip, Of the five ships, three now remain. Magellan saw land, he danced for joy, But Dot told him: "Hey, that's Chile." Yupi yay-hay-ho, smile, Magellan! Look at your map and calculate again! Yupi yay-hay-ho, smile, Magellan, The East Indies are not on the map! He traveled for five months throughout the Pacific, And when he saw an island, Magellan smiled. And he said: "Yes! It's the East Indies!" But Wakko told him: "Hey, I think it's Guam..." Oh, oh, oh, oh, Magellan! By hitting yourself you won't get there! Yupi yay-hay-ho, oh Magellan, The East Indies are not on the map! We arrived to the Philippines happy, Three native Indians came to see us. And we all said: "They're coming to attack! Be careful!" And suddenly, a knock was heard. Yupi Yay-hay-ho, goodbye Magellan! You almost made it, it will be again! Yupi, oh, ghost of Magellan, The East Indies were there!
The version aired in Spain has more reverb added, but the same lyrics and vocals.
Missing versions[]
There are two versions of this song that are known or highly likely to exist and have not surfaced anywhere online. They cannot be added anywhere on this page until either the audio or the lyrics are provided.