This version of the The Fairly OddParents theme song is played at the start of every episode of season 10 of The Fairly OddParents.
- Singers: ?
Timmy's still an average kid That no one understands Chloe's his new neighbor And she's ruining all his plans – Ahh! All the wishes In the world So why should he care? Jorgen has reported there's a fairy shortage So Timmy has to share His OddParents, Fairly OddParents – More than one? – This should be fun! OddParents, Fairly OddParents Feather suit, nature boots, laser shooting rescue – World peace, kale treats, bunny feet, real neat! – What? No! Leave me alone! My fairies! Get your own! OddParents, Fairly OddParents Timmy, beware, you'll have to share Your Fairly OddParents - Yeah, right.
- Singers: Mustafa Sami / مصطفى سامي and Shaymaa Shaalan / شيماء شعلان
تيمي يا ناس لسه زهقان ومحدش فاهمه ليه كلوي تبقى جارته ومبوظة خططه عليه – أأأأأأ! كل الأمنيات في الدنيا كانت ملك ايديه جوردن قال أن أنت وكلوي هتشاركوا الأمنيات وهيشارك كوزمو و واندا معاها – أكثر من واحد؟ – ده هيبقى ممتع تيمي هيشارك كوزمو و واندا بدلة ريش، جزمة نار، ضوء الليزر والانقاذ – السلام، العلاج، الأرنوب، كل شي – طيب ليه كل ده تشاركيني فيهم ليه؟! كلوي هتبقى شريكة تيمي وتيمي برضو لازم يشارك في كوزمو و واندا - صح
timi ya nas lisih zahqan wamuhadish fahimih lih kulawi tabqaa jaratuh wamubuzat khatatah ealayh - 'a'a'a'a'a'a! kulu al'umniaat fi aldunya kanat malik aydih jurdin qal 'an 'ant wakulawi hatasharakuu al'umniaat wahayusharik kuzmu w wanda maeaha - 'akthar min wahidi? - dah hiibqaa mumtie timi hishark kuzmu w wanda badlat rish, jazmat nari, daw' alliyzar walianiqadh - alsalami, alealaji, al'arnuba, kulu shy - tayib lih kulu dah tusharikini fihim liahi?! kulawi hatabqaa sharikat taymiun watimi birdu lazim yusharik fi kuzmu w wanda - saha
This version re-uses the vocals from the original intro, but redubs the dialogue.
Тими е добро момче, но кой да го разбере? Мама, татко, Вики, му нареждат всеки ден. - Ааа... Живее в мрак, не знае как, сам да се спаси. Но вълшебни рибки в миг поделят всеки трик, страхотни са, нали? Това са кръстници доста чудати! - И не едно! - Какъв купон! Кръстници - феи крилати, има ли други от тях по-луди? - Мюслите - добра храна, крак за късмет, не каква за мен. - Как? Не, разкарай се! Феите ми, ще ти се! Кръстници доста чудати, и миг не спиш, с тях смело летиш, и стават чудеса! [Кръстници-вълшебници] - Да, бе!
Timi e dobro momche, no koĭ da go razbere? Mama, tatko, Viki, mu narezhdat vseki den. - Aaa... Zhivee v mrak, ne znae kak, sam da se spasi. No vŭlshebni ribki v mig podelyat vseki trik, strakhotni sa, nali? Tova sa krŭstnitsi dosta chudati! - I ne edno! - Kakŭv kupon! Krŭstnitsi - fei krilati, ima li drugi ot tyakh po-ludi? - Myuslite - dobra khrana, krak za kŭsmet, ne kakva za men. - Kak? Ne, razkaraĭ se! Feite mi, shte ti se! Krŭstnitsi dosta chudati, i mig ne spish, s tyakh smelo letish, i stavat chudesa! [Krŭstnitsi-vŭlshebnitsi] - Da, be!
Timmy is a good boy but who will understand it? Mom, Dad, Vicky, they order him every day. - Aah... He lives in the dark, he doesn't know how, to save himself. But magic fishes in an instant share every trick, they are great, aren't they? These are quite strange godparents! - And not one! - What a party! Godmothers - winged fairies, are there others of them crazier? - Muesli - good food, lucky foot, not for me. - How? No, get off! My fairies, you will! Godfathers quite strange, and you don't sleep for a moment, you fly boldly with them, and miracles happen! [Godparents Wizards] - Yeah right!
- Singers: Jadranka Krištof and Daniel Dizdar
Timija već znaju svi, i vile njegove. Kloi tu je nova, i Timi mrzi je. – AAAAAAA Zašto mrzi curu tu, pitate se vi. Zato jer će s njome dijelit' vile svoje, to nova mora je! Te čudnovile roditelje svoje. – Što te muči? – Baš zabavno zvuči! Čudnovile roditelje svoje, dijeliti mora on s curicom napornom. – Slatka sam, volim sve, sve što radim sjajno je! – Što, ne, pusti me, moje vile, snađi se! Čudnovile roditelje svoje, Timi naš dragi dijelit' će vile svoje te! – Ma da! [Čudnovili roditelji]
- Singers: ?
Please provide Czech lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?
Please provide Danish lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?
Please provide Dutch lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?
Please provide Finnish lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?
Timmy est toujours un garçon normal que personne ne comprend. Chloé est sa nouvelle voisine qui ruine tous ses plans. (Aaaaah !) Tous ses vœux sont exaucés, pourquoi serait-il inquiet ? Mais Jorgen annonce qu'on ne trouve plus de fées, donc Timmy doit partager... parrains magiques ! Parrains magiques ! Deux enfants !? Ça va être marrant ! Parrains magiques ! Ses parrains magiques ! Vestes en plumes, bottes sauvage Tire-laser, sauvetage ! Faisons la paix Mangeons-en Pieds de lapin Chat rangé ! Qu'est-ce tu dis ?! Part d'ici ! Mes parrains, C'est les miens ! Parrains magiques ! Tes parrains magiques ! Timmy, sache que tu dois partager Tes parrains magiques ! (Tu parles !)
Timmy is always a normal boy that no one understands. Chloe is his new neighbor who ruins all his plans. (Aaaaah!) All his wishes are granted, why would he worry? But Jorgen tells him that he no longer finds any more fairies, so Timmy has to share... ...his magical godparents! Magical godparents! Two children! This is going to be fun! Magical godparents! His magical godparents! Feather jackets, wild boots Laser shooter, rescue! Let's make peace Let's eat some Rabbit's feet Tidy cat! What are you saying?! Get out of here! My godparents, Are mine! Magical godparents! Your magical godparents! Timmy, know that you have to share Your magical godparents! (You speak!)
- Singers: ?
Timmy hat immer noch den Bogen raus, denn Timmy ist nicht dumm. Chloe, seine neue Nachbarin, um Sie kommt er nicht herum. So viele Wünsche steh'n im frei, die Welt ist bunt und heil. Van Ramme sagt "es gäbe Elfenknappheit", also muss Timmy teil'n. Seine Elfen Cosmo und Wanda. - Willst Du uns? - Das geht rund. Seine Elfen Cosmo und Wanda. ?,?,?, Freundschaft - Sonnenschein, ?, Hasilein, der Schrank ist mein. - Was, nein!, Geh' mir weg!, Meine Elfen!, Finger weg! Eure Elfen Cosmo und Wanda. Timmy, finde dich damit ab, denn Chloe ist auf Zack. - Na klar!
Timmy still has the hang of it, because Timmy is not stupid. Chloe, his new neighbor, he can't get around her. He has so many wishes, the world is colorful and whole. Van Ramme says "there's a shortage of elves," so Timmy has to share. His elves Cosmo and Wanda. - Do you want us? - It's going well. His elves Cosmo and Wanda. ?,?,?, Friendship - Sunshine, ?, Hasilein, the closet is mine. - What, no!, Get away from me!, My elves!, Hands off! Your elves Cosmo and Wanda. Timmy, get over it, because Chloe is on the ball. - Of course!
Hungarian (SDI Media Hungary)[]
- Singers: ?
This version re-uses the vocals from the original intro, but redubs the dialogue.
Sajna Tim csak átlagos, kit senki meg nem ért. Mami, apu, Vicky sem érti, így a sorsa szenvedés. Ááá! Véget ér a balféklét, ha elrejt kis szobád. Mert két kicsi varázshal őrzi őt, és megtesz, mit kíván. Ők azok! Angyalok, bár kicsit nagyok Még egy lány? Olyan vagány! Angyalok, bár kicsit nagyok. Csuda-show, borsó, frankó, de jó! Békét! Süss még! Nyusziláb! Ezt nézd! Hagyj már! Ne dumáj! Őket én nem adom! Angyalok, bár kicsit nagyok. A kis szobádba Vicky nem néz. Így őrző-angyalok. Ja persze.
Italian (main dub)[]
- Singers: Gabriele Lopez and Laura Cosenza
Timmy uguale agli altri è, Ma solo lui lo sa! Chloe è la sua vicina, E problemi solo dà! -AAAAAAAH! I desideri che lui ha Diventano realtà (realtà) I Fantagenitori son finiti ormai, Condividerli dovrà! Ragionevolmente strano... -Un'altra bambina? -Sarà divertente! E ci farà la mano, Piumato, bruciato, gli serve un'aiuto! -Pace, verdure, e la camera pulire! -Io no! Questi miei Fantagenitori non ti dò! Non è così poi strano, Timmy può farcela, lo sa E ci si abituerà! -Adesso va bene.
Timmy is the same as everyone else, But only he knows that! Chloe is his neighbour, And she is nothing but problems! -AAAAAAAH! The wishes he has Become reality (reality) The fairy godparents are over at least, He will have to share them! This is reasonably weird... -A new girl? -It will be fun! And he will get used to it, Feathered, burned, he needs a hand! -Peace, vegetables, and cleaning your room! -No! I'm not giving away my fairy godparents! This is not weird after all, Timmy knows that he can do it And will get used to it! -Now it's fine.
Korean (Nickelodeon)[]
- Singers: ?
모두 나를 괴짜 티미 사고뭉치래 전학 온 옆집 클로이도 나만 괴롭혀 – 아아아아아아~ 세상 모든 소원들 다 내 거였는데 수호천사 모자라서 클로이랑 나눠야 한다 오~ 아~ 나의 수호천사들 – 클로이까지? – 더재밌겠다! 아~ 나의 수호천사들 뚝딱! 뿅뿅! 이얍! 짜쟌! – 세계 평화! 맛있는 간식! 토끼발! 방 청소! – 안돼! 저리가! 수호천사는 내 거야! 아~ 나의 수호천사들 내 마음 알고 사랑주는 소중한 친구들 - 그건 그래
Modu naleul goejja timi sagomungchilae jeonhag on yeopjib keulloido naman goelobhyeo – Aaaaaa~ sesang modeun sowondeul da nae geoyeossneunde suhocheonsa mojalaseo keulloilang nanwoya handa o~ a~ naui suhocheonsadeul – keulloikkaji? – deojaemissgessda! a~ naui suhocheonsadeul ttugttag! ppyongppyong! iyab! jjajyan! – segye pyeonghwa! mas-issneun gansig! tokkibal! bang cheongso! – andwae! jeoliga! suhocheonsaneun nae geoya! a~ naui suhocheonsadeul nae ma-eum algo salangjuneun sojunghan chingudeul - geugeon geulae
Everyone calls me the nerdy Timmy troublemaker Even my next door neighbor, Chloe, who transferred to school, is only bothering me. – Ahhh~ All the wishes in the world were mine I don't have enough guardian angels, so I have to share it with Chloe. Oh~ ah~ my guardian angels – Even Chloe? – It will be more fun! Ah, my guardian angels Snap! Boom! Yay! Ta-da! – World peace! Delicious snack! Rabbit's foot! Clean your room! - No! Go away! The guardian angel is mine! Ah, my guardian angels Precious friends who know my heart and love me - That's right.
Mandarin (China)[]
- Singers: ?
Please provide Mandarin lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?
Please provide Norwegian lyrics if you can
Polish (Start International)[]
- Singers: Anna Apostolakis-Gluzińska and Adam Krylik
Timmy wciąż przeciętny gość Wpadek ma za dwóch Ma nową sąsiadkę, co rujnuje plany mu - AAAAAA!!! Może spełnić życzeń sto, więc nie będzie źle Jorgen wpada z wieścią, cięcia znowu będą i musi dzielić się swoimi wróżkami, chrzestnymi wróżkami - Więcej ich? - Może śmiesznie być Wróżkami, chrzestnymi wróżkami Z piórek ciuch, leśny zuch, ??? - Ocal świat, baton łap, królik chwat, wszędzie ład! - Co? Nie! Odczep się! Moje wróżki, skołuj se! Wróżkami, chrzestnymi wróżkami Timmy, szkoda łez, zmiana zasad jest I musisz dzielić się - Akurat [Wróżkowie chrzestni]
Timmy is still an average guy He has twice as many mishaps He has a new neighbour which ruins his plans - AAAAAA!!! He can fulfil a hundred wishes, so it won't be bad Jorgen comes by with the news, there will be cuts again and must share with their fairies, fairy godparents -More of them? - It might be funny Fairies, fairy godparents Feather clothes, a forest scout, ??? - Save the world, catch candy bar, brave rabbit, order everywhere! - What? No! Back off! My fairies, get your own! Fairies, fairy godparents Timmy, no more tears, the rules changed And you have to share - Exactly [The Fairly OddParents]
Portuguese (Brazil)[]
- Singers: Raphael Rossatto and Jullie
Please provide Brazilian Portuguese lyrics if you can
Portuguese (Portugal, 112 Studios)[]
- Singers: Ana Vieira and Sérgio Calvinho
O Timmy continua um miúdo normal Que ninguém compreende E agora tem a Chloe Para estragar os planos dele – Aaaaaaahh! Há desejos infinitos Para quê dramatizar? O Jorgen informou que há falta de fadas O Timmy tem de partilhar Eles são os Padrinhos Mágicos – Dois afilhados? – Estamos tão tramados! Os Padrinhos Mágicos Vão abanar, ainda dar e salvar o mundo – Quero paz, vão gostar, vai ser giro partilhar! – Isso não! São só meus! Quero os dois! Arranja os teus! Os Padrinhos Mágicos Timmy, sê ativo, já não tens um exclusivo Dos Padrinhos Mágicos! – Sim, pois!
Timmy is still a normal kid That no one understands And now he's got Chloe To ruin his plans - Aaaaaahh! There are infinite desires Why dramatize? Jorgen reported that there's a lack of fairies Timmy has to share They are the Fairly OddParents – Two godchildren? – We are so screwed! The Fairly OddParents They'll shake, even give and save the world - I want peace, you'll like it, it'll be fun to share! - Oh, no! They're just mine! I want both! Get your own! The Fairly OddParents Timmy, be active, you no longer have an exclusive From the Fairy OddParents!! - Yeah, right!
- Singers: ?
Please provide Romanian lyrics if you can
Russian (Nickelodeon)[]
- Singers: ?
Тимми просто паренёк, Непонятый никем, вот еще и Хлоя, подкинула проблем – АААААААА Казалось бы владельцу фей, чего еще желать? Но вот беда на всех детей совсем недавно, их стало не хватать! Феи крёстные, сделают все что хочешь – Двое вас? – Ну просто класс! Феи, сделают что хочешь Пух, прах и перья, лазеры веселье – Миру мир, зелень в дом, мы порядок наведём! – Что? Нет, феи мои отстань от них, своих заведи! Феи, сделают что хочешь Как ему не злиться, нужно поделиться Феями крестными! - Ври больше.
Timmi prosto parenok, Neponyatyy nikem, vot yeshche i Khloya, podkinula problem – AAAAAAAA Kazalos' by vladel'tsu fey, chego yeshche zhelat'? No vot beda na vsekh detey sovsem nedavno, ikh stalo ne khvatat'! Fei krostnyye, sdelayut vse chto khochesh' – Dvoye vas? – Nu prosto klass! Fei, sdelayut chto khochesh' Pukh, prakh i per'ya, lazery vesel'ye – Miru mir, zelen' v dom, my poryadok navedom! – Chto? Net, fei moi otstan' ot nikh, svoikh zavedi! Fei, sdelayut chto khochesh' Kak yemu ne zlit'sya, nuzhno podelit'sya Feyami krestnymi! - Vri bol'she.
- Singers: ?
Тими сасвим обичан клинац je, и нико га не капира! A Клои je скоро дошла, и Тими je нервира! -AAAAAA Шта пожели добиje, па зашто брине све! И Jорген рече вила сад je била мања, и сад и делите! Те Чудновиле Родитеље своje! - Шта те мучи? - Баш забавно звучи! Чудновиле Родитеље своje! Броjанице, капице, ласери, спасавање! - Мирис, светло и слаткиши, слатки зека само ти. - Шта! Не! Пусти! Moje виле! Нестани! Чудновиле Родитеље своje! Тими ће да дели тешке воље, Чудновиле Родитеље! - Ma даj.
Timi sasvim običan klinac je, i niko ga ne kapira! A Kloi je skoro došla, i Timi je nervira! -AAAAAA Šta poželi dobije, pa zašto brine sve! I Jorgen reče vila sad je bila manja, i sad i delite! Te Čudnovile Roditelje svoje! - Šta te muči? - Baš zabavno zvuči! Čudnovile Roditelje svoje! Brojanice, kapice, laseri, spasavanje! - Miris, svetlo i slatkiši, slatki zeka samo ti. - Šta! Ne! Pusti! Moje vile! Nestani! Te Čudnovile Roditelje svoje! Timi će da deli teške volje, Čudnovile Roditelje! - Ma daj.
- Singers: ?
Please provide Slovene lyrics if you can
Spanish (Spain)[]
- Singers: ?
Nadie entiende a Timmy Es un chico muy normal Chloe es su vecina Y sus planes va a arruinar – ¡Ahh! Mil deseos tiene así que Eso le da igual Jorgen comunica una escasez de hadas Y él compartirá A sus padrinos, sus padrinos mágicos – ¿Varios son? – ¡Sera muy molón! Padrinos, padrinos mágicos Plumas, botas naturales, laser de rescate – Paz mundial, snacks de col, un conejo, ¡Qué primón! – ¿Qué? ¡No! ¡Míos son! ¡Búscate otros, por favor! Padrinos, padrinos mágicos Ten cuidado Timmy o dile adiós A tus padrinos mágicos [Los padrinos mágicos] - Sí, vamos.
- Singers: ?
Please provide Swedish lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?
Please provide Thai lyrics if you can
- Singers: ?
Please provide Ukrainian lyrics if you can
Dialogue only[]
- Timmy and Chloe: Nirayu Zuhdi
- Wanda: Noriah Abd Rahman
- Cosmo: Faizal Isa
- Vicky: Suriani Samsudin
[...] – Lebih dari satu? – Ini pasti menyeronokkan! [...] – Dunia aman, makanan kale, kaki arnab, bilik bersih! – Tolonglah! Jangan kacau! Pari-pari saya! Dapatkan sendiri! [...] - Yalah tu.
[...] – More than one? – This should be fun! [...] – World peace, kale food, bunny feet, clean room! – Please! Don't bother! My fairies! Get your own! [...] - Yeah, right.
Mandarin (Taiwan)[]
- Timmy and Vicky: Liu Hongyun / 刘红韵
- Cosmo: Chen Yi / 陈轶
The dialogues are taken from the Chinese Mandarin version.
Please provide Mandarin lyrics if you can
Spanish (Latin America)[]
- Timmy: Arianna López
- Wanda: Jackeline Junguito
- Cosmo: Orlando Noguera
- Vicky: Patricia Azan
- Chloe: Carolina Ayala
[...] – ¿Más de uno? – ¡Y yo me uno! [...] – ¡Paz mundial, vegetales de conejo, a limpiar! – ¿Qué? ¡Nó, déjame en paz! ¡Son mis hadas! ¡Busca la ???! [...] - ¡Es verdad!
Missing versions[]
- The Indonesian version of this theme song, if dubbed, has not surfaced anywhere online. It cannot be added anywhere on this page until either the audio and/or lyrics are provided.
- This version of the song was not covered in the Hebrew dub.
- The Bulgarian and Hungarian versions re-use the vocals from the original intro, but redubs the dialogue.