"The Ghost and Molly McGee Main Title Theme" is the opening theme of the Disney Channel animated series The Ghost and Molly McGee. It was written by Allie Feder, Mike Kramer, Bill Motz, and Bob Roth.
- Singers: Ashly Burch (Molly McGee) and Dana Snyder (Scratch)
Can't believe you're all mine (Uh, what?) You and me for all time (Ugh!) I'm never, ever, EVER gonna be alone again (Oh boy) The dream team, you and me (For all eternity?) For all eternity! It's the ghost, it's the ghost and Molly McGee (I've been cursed; it's the worst!) Now you're stuck with me~ We're never gonna be apart (Is there a way to hit restart?) Nope! We're the ghost, ghost and Molly McGee That's me! (Well, that's she) The Ghost and Molly McGee!
Arabic (Egypt)[]
- Singers: Monda Moatasem / موندا معتصم (Molly McGee) and Mahmoud Amer / محمود عامر (Scratch)
إنا خلاص أصحاب (قال إيه؟) طول الوقت أحباب أنا عمري، عمري، عمري مهابقى تاني لوحدي (يا خبر) أنا سوا ويه وعدي (على طول على طول؟) أيوا على طول على طول دا الشبح دا الشبح ومولي ماك-جي (دي لعنتي يا فرحتي) هانسى وحدتي (لو ممكن بس نعيد من تاني) لا! احنا الشبح، شبح ومولي ماك-جي دي أنا (أيوا هي) الشبح ومولي ماك-جي
Ina khalas as7ab (Ah eh?) Toulil we2ta a7bab (Aaaah...) Ana 3omri, 3omri, 3OMRI mahab2a tanil wa7di (Ya khabar!) Sawa sawa ya wa3di (3ala toul, 3ala toul?) Aywa, 3ala toul, 3ala toul! Da shaba7, da shaba7, we Molly McGee (Di la3niti, ya farhati!) 7ensa wa7diti Mish 3arif biri2oun 3ani (Lou momkni basi na3id mittani) Eh! I7na shaba7, shaba7 we Molly McGee Di ana (Aywa hiya!) Eshaba7 we Molly McGee!
Arabic (Standard)[]
- Singers: Monda Moatasem / موندا معتصم (Molly McGee) and Mahmoud Amer / محمود عامر (Scratch)
أنت ملكي الآن (ماذا؟) معي تقضي وقتي ولن أكون أبداً ثانية وحدي (يا خبر) سأحافظ على وعدي (للأبد الأبيد؟) للأبد الأبيد إنه شبح إنه شبح ومولي ماك-جي إنها لعنتي، يا خيبتي يالفرحتي ليس لنا نهاية أيمكن أن نعود للبداية؟ (لا) إنه شبح شبح ومولي ماك-جي هذه أنا هذه هي الشبح ومولي ماك-جي
'Anta milkil-'an (Madha?) Ma'i taqdi waqti (Mam?) Wa lan 'akūnu 'abadan thāniatan wahdī (Yā khabar!) Sa'uhafidhu 'ala wa'di (Fil-'abadil-'abīd?) Fil-'abadil-'abid! 'Inahu shabah, 'inahu shabah, wa Molly McGee! ('Inahā la'natī, yā khaybatī) Ya nal-farhatī Laysa lanā nihāya ('Ayumkin 'an na'ūdu lil-bidāya?) La! 'Inahu shabah, shabah wa Molly McGee Hadhihi 'ana (Hadhihi hiya) Ash-shabah wa Molly McGee!
- Singers: Tatyana Etimova / Татяна Етимова (Molly McGee) and Georgi Stoyanov / Георги Стоянов (Scratch)
Мой приятел си ти. (Какво?) С пакости и бели. (Ооо...) С теб няма, няма, НЯМА да съм никога сама. (Помощ!) Страхотни сме, нали? (С теб завинаги?) Със мен завинаги! (Ъх!) Призракът, призракът и Моли МакГий! (Обречен съм! Искам вън!) До мен винаги и няма да се разделим! (Ах, изход има ли кажи?) Не! Призракът е тук с Моли МакГий. Това съм аз! (Аз съм пас!) Призракът и Моли МакГий!
Moj prijatel si ti. (Kakvo?) S pakosti i beli. (Ooo...) S teb njama, njama, NJAMA da sǎm nikoga sama. (Pomošt!) Strahotni sme, nali? (S teb zavinagi?) Sǎs men zavinagi! (Ǎh!) Prizrakǎt, prizrakǎt i Moli MakGij! (Obrečen sǎm! Iskam vǎn!) Do men vinagi i njama da se razdelim! (Ah, izhod ima li kaži?) Ne! Prizrakǎt e tuk s Moli MakGij. Tova sǎm az! (Az sǎm pas!) Prizrakǎt i Moli MakGij!
You are my friend! What? With mischief and trouble With you I will never, never, never be alone! Help! We are amazing, aren't we? With you forever? With me forever! The ghost, the ghost, and Molly McGee I'm doomed! I want out! Next to me always And we won't be apart/won't separate Ah, is there an exit, tell me?! No! The ghost is here With Molly McGee This is me! I will pass! The ghost and Molly mcGee
- Singers: Melodee Mak / 麥智鈞 (Molly McGee) and Gary Choi / 蔡忠衛 (Scratch)
This version was only used for season 1. Starting with Season 2, only some speaking parts are dubbed.
不信你屬於我 跟我結伴最多 (啊) 我從未從未要再一個人孤單去過 (慘啦) 你我成夢幻組 (要去到永久?) 要直去到永遠! 孤獨鬼,孤獨鬼,與莫莉麥琪 (我受詛咒,真係慘) 共我一起了 你我永遠不分開 有冇(法子再次重來) 孤獨鬼與她,莫莉麥琪 就喺我 (冇錯就喺佢) 孤獨鬼與莫莉麥琪
- Singers: Eliška Jirotková (Molly McGee) and Dušan Kollár (Scratch)
Please provide Czech lyrics if you can
- Singers: Thea Iven Ulstrup (Molly McGee) and Mads Knarreborg (Scratch)
Tænk, du tilhører mig (Øh, hvad?) For altid, kun du og jeg (Øhh...) Jeg skal aldrig, aldrig, ALDRIG be' at vær' alene igen (Åh, mand!) Et drømmehold er vi (For evigt og altid?) For evigt og ALTID! (Hvad!?) Spøgelset, spøgelset, og Molly McGee! (Jeg' færdig, det' uværdigt) Det' os for evigt Sammen, aldrig være for sig (Der må da være en udvej!) Næh! Vi er spøg-el-set og Molly McGee Det' mig! (Ja, det' hende.) Spøgelset og Molly McGee!
Think that you belong to me (Uh, what?) For always, only you and me (Ugh..?) I shall never, never NEVER pray to be alone again (Aww man...) A dream team are we (Forever and always?) Forever and ALWAYS! (What?) The ghost, the ghost, and Molly McGee (I'm finished, it's unworthy) It's us forever! Together, never be on one's own (There's gotta be a way out!) Nah! We are the ghost, and Molly McGee It's me (Yes, it's her) The ghost and Molly McGee!
- Singers: Marlies Somers (Molly McGee) and Thomas Cordie (Scratch)
Jij bent lekker van mij (Hè, wat?) Van mij, voor nu en altijd En nooit meer, nooit meer, NOOIT MEER hoeven wij alleen te zijn (Ai, ai) Een droomteam, dat zijn wij (Gaat dat nooit voorbij?) En dat gaat nooit voorbij! 't is de geest, 't is de geest en Molly McGee ('k ben betoverd en veroverd) Nu blijf je bij mij Nee, wij gaan nooit meer uit elkaar (Kan ik nog terug? Is dit echt waar?) Yes! 't is de geest, geest en Molly McGee Dat zijn wij (Ja, dat zijn wij) De geest en Molly McGee!
- Singers: Seera Alexander (Molly McGee) and Antti L. J. Pääkkönen (Scratch)
Ystäväin sä oot mun (Ai mitä) Kanssas aina on sun (Ei oo) En ikinä mä KOSKAAN yksin tuu mä olemaan (Voi jukra) Me ollaan unelma (Aiomme erota) Ei koskaan erota! Haamu on, haamu on kans Molly McGeen (Kirouduin, tuskastuin!) Kanssas kaiken teen Me emme tule eroomaan (Tän saako taakse kelaamaan?) Ei! Haamutaan, haamu ja Molly McGee Eli mä (No siinä se) Haamu ja Molly McGee!
- Singers: Aaricia Dubois (Molly McGee) and Alain Eloy (Scratch)
Nous sommes meilleurs amis (Hèh, quoi ?) Toi et moi pour la vie Plus jamais, jamais, JAMAIS je ne me retrouve seul (Oh, misère !) C'est une belle amitié (Pour toute éternité ?) Pour toute l'éternité ! (Aaah !) Un fantôme, une humaine, amis pour la vie (C'est horrible, j'suis maudit !) Moi, je suis ravie~ Rien ne pourra nous séparer (Comment faire pour rembobiner ?) Fantôme et humain, meilleurs amis J'suis qui ? (C'est Molly) Molly McGee et le fantôme !
We are best friends (Huh, what?) You and me for life I‘ll never, never, NEVER be alone again (Oh, what a misery!) It’s a beautiful friendship (For all eternity?) For all eternity! (Aaah!) A ghost, a human, friends for life (It’s horrible, I’m cursed!) As for me, I’m thrilled~ Nothing can separate us (How do I rewind?) Ghost and human, best friends Who am I? (You’re Molly) Molly McGee and the ghost!
- Singers: Magdalena Höfner (Molly McGee) and Gerald Schaale (Scratch)
Du gehörst jetzt zu mir! (Äh, was?) Ich gehöre zu dir! Ich bin jetzt niemals NIEMALS wieder ohne dich hier (Oh Mann) Das beste Team wir zwei! (Bis in die Ewigkeit?) Bis in die Ewigkeit! Das sind wir, wir der Geist und Molly McGee! (Ich bin verflucht, das ist nicht gut!) Unschlagbar als Team! Wir werden nie alleine sein (Ich glaube ich werde es bereuen!) Wir sind der Geist, der Geist und Molly McGee! Das bin ich! (Ja, das ist sie!) Der Geist und Molly McGee!
- Singers: Leto Ampatzi / Λητώ Αμπατζή (Molly McGee) and Apostolis Psychramis / Αποστόλης Ψυχράμης (Scratch)
Φίλοι μοναδικοί (Ε, τι;) Και για πάντα μαζί (Ωχ!) Ποτέ, ποτέ μου ΜΌΝΗ, δεν θα είμαι εγώ ξανά (Πω ρε φίλε!) Ομάδα εγώ και εσύ (Για πάντα στην ζωή;) Για πάντα ΣΤΗΝ ΖΩΉ! Το φάντασμα, το φάντασμα και η Μόλλι ΜακΓκί! (Τι φρικτό, τρομερό!) Στο πλάι μου εσυ! Για πάντα θα ήμαστε μαζί (Το ξανά πάμε από την αρχή;) Οχι! Αυτό φάντασμα κι Μόλλι ΜακΓκί! Εγώ είμαι αυτή (Ναι αυτή) Το φάντασμα και η Μόλλι ΜακΓκί!
Phíli monadhikí (E, ti?) Kai yia pánta mazí (Okh!) Poté, poté mou MÓNI, dhen tha ímai egó xaná (Po re phíle!) Omádha egó kai esí (Yia pánta stin zí?) Yia pánta STIN ZÍ! To phántasma, to phántasma kai i Molly McGee! (Ti phriktó, tromeró!) Sto plái mou esi! Yia pánta tha ímaste mazí (To xaná páme apó tin arkhí?) Okhi! Aftó phántasma ki Molly McGee! Egó ímai aftí (Nai aftí) To phántasma kai i Molly McGee!
- Singers: Hila Vijeanski / הילה ויז'נסקי (Molly McGee) and Simcha Barbiro / שמחה ברבירו (Scratch)
"כאן איתך לתמיד ("מה?) "אי אפשר להפריד "ואף פעם אף פעם אף פעם לא אהיה שוב בודדה "ביחד נשארים ("לנצח נצחים?) "לנצח נצחים! "כן, אנחנו הרוח ומולי מגי ("זו קללה נוראה) "לנצח איתי "עכשיו אנחנו משפחה ("אני חוזר להתחלה) "כן, אנחנו, הרוח ומולי מגי "זו אני! ("כן, זו היא.) "הרוח ומולי מגי."
- Singers: ?
जब हम हैं मिल गए साथ (क्या?) तो बन गई है यूं बात (ओह्ह) न होंगे कभी, कभी, कभी न होंगे हम जुदा! (हम जैसी) बस यही गाएँगे! (मैं झगड़ूंगी) झगड़े भी करेंगे! ये है भूत, भूत भैया और मौली मग्गी! (सबको डराती, और खुद डरती!) चाहे जितना भागो सामने हैं अपने यार! (और कैसे मैं जाती आर-पार) ये है भूत, भूत भैया और मौली मग्गी मैं गाती! (और मैं बजाती!) द घोस्ट और मौली मग्गी!
Jab ham hain mil gae saath (Kyaa?) To ban gaii hai yoon baat (Ohh) Na honge kabhee, KABHEE, kabhee na honge ham judaa! (Ham jaisee) Bas yahee gaaenge! (Main jhagadoongee) Jhagade bhee karenge! Ye hai bhoot, bhoot bhaiyaa aur Molly McGee! (Sabako ḍaaraatee, aur khud ḍaaratee!) Chaahe jitanaa bhaago Saamane hain apane yaar! (Aur kaise main jaatee aar-paar) Ye hai bhoot, bhoot bhaiyaa aur Molly McGee Main gaatee! (Aur main bajaatee!) The Ghost aur Molly McGee!
- Singers: Dorina Csifó (Molly McGee) and Károly Kassai (Scratch)
Már csak az enyém vagy! Hogy mi? Nem hagyom, hogy elhagyj! Ah! Így engem többé SOSEM bánthat már a bús magány! Nagyég! De hozzánk kötözve... Ez így lesz örökre? Ez így lesz ÖRÖKRE! Nézze meg, szellemet, és Molly McGee-t! Átkozott, lény vagyok De jó is ez így! Mi sohase szakadunk szét! Jaj, bárcsak újra kezdhetnénk! Nem! Itt te én, és még Molly McGee! Pont én! Hát ez tény! A szellem és Molly McGee!
Now you are only mine! Say what? I won't let you leave me! Ah! Loneliness will NEVER hurt me anymore! Oh gosh! But we're now bounded together... Will it last forever? It will last FOREVER Please check out The Ghost and Molly McGee! I'm a cursed, creature And this is just fine! We will never be broken apart! Wow, I wish we could start over! Nope! It's you me, and also, Molly McGee Me, exactly And that's a fact! The Ghost and Molly McGee!
- Speakers: Wahyu Gita Murti (Molly McGee) and Salman Pranata (Scratch)
This version is mostly undubbed from the original English version, with some "spoken bits" of the dialogue being dubbed in Indonesian. Notably, these parts were redubbed several times in other episodes.
[...] Apa?? [...] Astaga. [...] Untuk selamanya [...] Aku terkena mantra ini yang terburuk [...] Adakah tombol yang bisa menulang?? Tidak! [...] Itu aku Ya itulah dia [...]
- Singers: Emanuela Gabriela Ionica (Molly McGee) and Giovanni Baldini (Scratch)
Non ci credo sei mio (Come?) Sempre insieme tu ed io Non sarò più sola ora che tu sei con me (Oh mamma...) Questa amicizia è (Indissolubile?) È indissolubile! Il fantasma, il fantasma e Molly McGee! (Che sciagura, non c'è cura?) Uniti così Non ci separeremo mai (Cambiamo scena o sono guai) No! Ecco il fantasma e Molly McGee Eccola qui! (Oh beh, sì!) Il fantasma e Molly McGee!
- Singers: Ahiru Ōhira / 大平あひる (Molly McGee) and Abe Sōichi / あべそういち (Scratch)
信じられない (何が?) ずっと一緒なんて (あっ...) あたしこれからずっと独りじゃない! (やだね...) ドリームチーム誕生 (このまま永遠に?) そう、このまま永遠! WE ARE GHOST, WE ARE GHOST, AND MOLLY MCGEE (呪いをかけちまった!) もう離れない! 永遠に一緒! (振り出しに戻そう!) だめ! WE ARE GHOST, GHOST AND MOLLY MCGEE! あたしがモリー! (こいつがモリー!) THE GHOST AND MOLLY MCGEE!
Shinjirarenai (Nani ga?) Zuttō issho nante (Aaa...) Atashi korekara zutto hitori janai! (Yada ne...) Dorīmuchīmo tanjō (Konomama eien ni?) Sō, konomama eien! We are ghost, we are ghost, and Molly McGee (Noroi wo kakechimatta!) Mō hanarenai! Eien ni issho! (Furidashi ni modosō!) Dame! We are ghost, ghost and Molly McGee! Atashi ga Molly! (Koitsu ga Molly!) The Ghost and Molly McGee!
I can't believe it (What?) Together forever (Ugh...) From now on I'm not alone! (No...) The birth of a dream team (Like this, for eternity?) Yep, like this, for eternity! We are Ghost, we are Ghost, and Molly McGee (I've been cursed!) Don’t go away! Together for eternity! (Let's go back to the start!) No! We are Ghost, Ghost and Molly McGee! I am Molly! (She is Molly!) The Ghost and Molly McGee!
- Singers: Kim Ja-yeon / 김자연 (Molly McGee) and Lee Jang-won / 이장원 (Scratch)
믿어지지 않아 (어, 뭐?) 우리 함께라니 나 더는 더는 더는, 다신 혼자가 아냐 (오, 이런) 우린 환상의 짝꿍 (영원히 말이야?) 언제까지나! 우리는 몰리 맥기와 유령 저주에 걸렸네 우린 함께야 우린 헤어지지 않아 처음으로 돌릴 순 없나? (없어!) 우리는 몰리 맥기와 유령 난 몰리 (그래, 맞아) 몰리 맥기와 유령
mid-eojiji anh-a (eo, mwo?) uli hamkkelani na deoneun deoneun deoneun, dasin honjaga anya (o, ileon) ulin hwansang-ui jjagkkung (yeong-wonhi mal-iya?) eonjekkajina! ulineun molli maeggiwa yulyeong jeojue geollyeossne ulin hamkkeya ulin heeojiji anh-a cheoeum-eulo dollil sun eobsna? (eobs-eo!) ulineun molli maeggiwa yulyeong nan molli (geulae, maj-a) molli maeggiwa yulyeong
I can't believe it (uh, what?) We're together I'll never, never, never, be alone again! (Oh, no) We're a dream team (Forever?) Forever and ever! We're Molly McGee and the Ghost I’ve been cursed We are together We're not separating Can we go back to the beginning? (No!) We're Molly McGee and the Ghost I'm Molly (Yeah, right) Molly McGee and the Ghost
Mandarin (China)[]
- Singers: Wang Fan Yijia (Molly McGee) and Hu Jiyan (Scratch)
Please provide Mandarin lyrics if you can
Mandarin (Taiwan)[]
- Singers: Lin Pei-Ling / 林沛笭 (Molly McGee) and Niu Kai Yang / 鈕凱暘 (Scratch)
This version was only used for season 1. Starting with Season 2, it is fully undubbed.
Please provide Mandarin lyrics if you can
- Singers: Silje Hagrim Dahl (Molly McGee) and Frank Ole Saetrang (Scratch)
Kan ikke tro du er min (Hva?) Nå blir fremtiden fin (Å...) Skal aldri, aldri, aldri! Være helt alene igjen (Å, boy!) Fra nå av er det vi (Blir så for alltid?) Sånn blir det for alltid! Spøkelset, spøkelset og Molly McGee (Er blitt lurt, er ikke kult!) Så gøy det skal bli Nå får du aldri mere fred (Er det en spoleknapp et sted?) Nei! Vi er spø-kel-set og Molly McGee Det er vi! (Kan man si) Spøkelset og Molly McGee!
Persian (Saam Studio)[]
- Singers: Narges Ahazan (Molly McGee) and Mohammad Reza Solati (Scratch)
Please provide Persian lyrics if you can
- Singers: Ewelina Kudeń-Nowosielska (Molly McGee) and Wojciech Paszkowski (Scratch)
Wierzyć nie chce się, że.. E, co? .. będziesz tu, obok mnie I nigdy, nigdy, nigdy! Już nie rozstaniemy się! O nie! W duecie, ty i ja. Już zawsze ty i ja? Drużyna na sto dwa! Straszny duch, straszny duch i Molly McGee! Klątwą chce więzić mnie! Nie możesz być zły! Na zawsze razem, ty i ja? A może mogę cofnąć czas? Nie. Straszny duch, duch i Molly McGee! To my! Może być. To duch i Molly McGee!
-It's hard to believe that That what? You'll be here next to me And never never NEVER! we will split Oh no! In duet you and me Forever you and me? The best team! Scary ghost, scary ghost and Molly McGee She wants to imprison me with a curse! You can't be mad Forever together, you and me Or maybe I can put the clock back? No Scary ghost, ghost and Molly McGee That's us! Fine, can be It's ghost and Molly McGee
Portuguese (Brazil)[]
- Singers: Luiza Porto (Molly McGee) and Junior Nannetti (Scratch)
Ter você só pra mim! É o que? Juntos até o fim! Ah! E nunca, nunca, NUNCA mais vou me sentir tão só! Essa não! Que dupla sem igual! Eternamente? A gente é imortal! O Fantasma chegou com Molly McGee! Maldição! Essa não! Pra sempre aqui! E nada vai nos separar! Quem sabe se eu recomeçar? Não! O Fantasma chegou com Molly McGee! Sou eu! É ela sim! Molly McGee e o Fantasma!
Having you just for me! (What?) Together until the end! And never, never, nevermore I'll be feeling so alone (Oh no...) Such an unique duo (Eternally?!) We are immortal! The Ghost arrived with Molly McGee Drats, oh no! Forever here And nothing will separate us (Who knows if I restart?), no! The Ghost arrived with Molly McGee (It's me!) (Yes, it's her) Molly McGee and the Ghost
Portuguese (Portugal)[]
- Singers: Mafalda Luís de Castro (Molly McGee) and José Jorge Duarte (Scratch)
Não acredito que és meu (Ah? O quê?!) Para sempre, só tu e eu Sozinha nunca, NUNCA! já não fico nunca mais (Salvem-me) Não há equipa assim (Para toda a eternidade?) Perfeita até ao fim A maldição, a maldição de Molly McGee Amaldiçoado, estou tramado E estás preso a mim! E não nos vamos separar E já não vais reiniciar (Não) É a maldição de Molly McGee Sou eu! Bem, é ela A maldição de Molly McGee
- Singers: Tamara Roman (Molly McGee) and Mike Gheorghiu (Scratch)
Tu ești tot doar al meu (Poftim?) Prieteni vom fii mereu Nici singură, nici tristă eu nu voi mai fi de acum (Oh nu!) O echipă noi vom fii (Chiar pe vecie?) Eternă orice ar fii Sunt fantoma, sunt fantoma și Molly McGee Sunt blestemat, condamnat Prieteni vom fii Noi doi suntem nedespărțiti Speram că voi vă răzgândiți (Nu!) Sunt fantoma, fantoma și Molly McGee Chiar eu Da, chiar ea Fantomă și Molly McGee
You're all mine (What?) Friends we'll always be Neither lonely nor sad will I be anymore (Oh no!) A team we'll be (Really forever?) Eternal, no matter what It's the ghost, it's the ghost and Molly McGee I'm doomed, condemned Friends we'll be You and I are inseparable I was hoping you'd change your mind (No!) It's the ghost, ghost and Molly McGee That's me Yes, that's her The Ghost and Molly McGee!
- Singers: Yelizaveta Zaporozhets / Елизавета Запорожец (Molly McGee) and Alexander Voronov / Александр Воронов (Scratch)
Друг ты лучший мой (Что-что?) Буду рядом с тобой (Ах!) Я знаю, мы друг другу предназначены судьбой (Ой-ой!) Команда – ты и я (На веки вечные?) Врозь нам быть нельзя! Призрак он, дружит с ним лишь Молли Макги (Проклят я, нет, постой!) Застрял ты со мной Не будем вместе мы скучать! (Могу сначала я начать?) Нет! Призрак он, а с ним Молли Макги Это я! (Да, она!) Призрак и Молли Макги!
Drug ty luchshij moj (Chto-chto?) Budu rjadom s toboj (Ah!) Ja znaju, my drug drugu prednaznacheny sud'boj (Oj-oj!) Komanda – ty i ja (Na veki vechnye?) Vroz' nam byt' nel'zja! Prizrak on, druzhit s nim lish' Molli Makgi (Prokljat ja, net, postoj!) Zastrjal ty so mnoj Ne budem vmeste my skuchat'! (Mogu snachala ja nachat'?) Net! Prizrak on, a s nim Molli Makgi Eto ja! (Da, ona!) Prizrak i Molli Makgi!
Spanish (Latin America)[]
- Singers: Florencia Coianis (Molly McGee) and René Sagastume (Scratch)
¿Eres tú para mi? (¿Qué?) Juntos siempre, ¡así! (¡Ah!) Y nunca, nunca, nunca! Nunca sola estaré (ay, ¡no!) Que duo tú y yo (Por la eternidad?) Por la eternidad! El fantasma llegó con Molly McGee ¡Que horror! Mi error Te quedas aquí Y nadie nos va a separar ¡Ayúdenme a escapar! No El fantasma y Molly McGee ¡Soy yo! ¡Ella es! ¡Fantasma y Molly McGee!
Were you made for me? (What?) Together forever, like this! (Ah!) And never, never, never! I will never be alone (Oh, no!) What a duo - you and I (For eternity?) For eternity! The ghost arrived, with Molly McGee How horrendous! And an error... You're staying here! And no one will bring us apart Help me escape - No! The ghost and Molly McGee I'm me! She is! Ghost and Molly McGee!
Spanish (Spain)[]
- Singers: Ana De Castro (Molly McGee) and Abraham Aguilar (Scratch)
Todo mío serás Juntos vamos a estar Y sola nunca, ¡nunca! Volveré a estar jamás Un don tan sin igual ¡Por la eternidad! ¡Tú y yo! El fantasma y Molly McGee Maldición, ahora estoy Ligado a mí Ya, nunca nos separará No hay un botón de reiniciar (¡No!) ¡Somos el fantasma y Molly McGee! ¡Junto a mí! ¡Junto a ti! ¡La maldición de Molly McGee!
- Singers: Emelie Clausen (Molly McGee) and Fredde Granberg (Scratch)
Tänk att nu är du min (Öh, va?) Bättre än någonsin Ska aldrig aldrig ALDRIG känna ensamhet igen (Ojdå) Sån vänskap, som ni vet (Varar i evighet?) Varar i evighet! Spöket är alltid där för Molly McGee (En mardröm, är fördömd) Så ska det förbli Tänk att du in i mitt liv kom (Finns det en knapp som startar om?) Näpp! Det är spöket och Molly McGee Det är jag! (Ja, det är hon) Ett spöket och Molly McGee
Think that now you are mine (Uh, what?) Better than ever Shall never, never, NEVER know loneliness again (Oops!) Such friendship, that you know (Lasts for eternity?) Lasts for eternity! The ghost is always there for Molly McGee (A nightmare, am cursed) So shall it remain Think that you into my life came (Does there exist a button that starts over?) Nope! It's the ghost and Molly McGee It's I! (Yes, it's she) A ghost and Molly McGee!
- Singers: Begüm Günceler (Molly McGee) and Oğuz Özoğul (Scratch)
Artık sen Benimle! A ne? Her zaman Birlikte! Bundan sonra biz asla! Yalnız Kalmayız yine Vay canına! Rüya Takımıyız! Sonsuzluğa kadar mı? Sonsuzluğa Kadar! Hayalet, Hayalet ve Molly McGee! Lanetli Biriyim Takıldın Bana Biz Ayrılamayız asla Keşke Baştan Saysaydık Baştan Yok Hayalet, Hayalet vede Molly McGee! Bu benim! Evet bu o! Hayalet ve Molly McGee!
Missing versions[]
- The song was left in English in the Albanian, Malay, Persian Digitoon, Persian Novin Record, and Thai dubs.
- Although the Taiwanese Mandarin dub performed the song in season 1, in season 2 it is left in English.
- The Persian Digitoon dub heavily shortens the intro, with a voice-over near the end.
- The Indonesian dub only translates the spoken parts of the song, while the rest is retained in English. This is also notoriously redubbed in multiple episodes.
- Similarly, although the Cantonese dub performed the song in season 1, in season 2 only the speaking parts are dubbed, while the rest is English.