The Dubbing Database
Not to be confused with the 1933 motion picture or its 2020 remake.

The Invisible Man is a Italian-French-Spanish-Taiwanese animated television series produced by MoonScoop Group, in co-production with BRB Internacional, Screen 21, Rai Fiction, and SMEC Media and Entertainment, and with the participation of M6, Disney Television France, Antena 3 and Eurocartoons.

International versions[]

Language Title Channels
The Invisible Man (2005) - opening title card (Albanian) Albanian Njeriu i padukshëm Tring Tring (formerly)
Tring Kids (intermittently)
The Invisible Man - logo (Arabic) Arabic الرجل الخفي MBC 3 (formerly)
The Invisible Man - logo (English) Czech Neviditelný muž Megamax (formerly)
The Invisible Man - logo (English) French Les nouvelles aventures de l'homme invisible M6 (formerly)
Disney Channel (formerly)
RTS 1 (formerly)[2]
2M (formerly)[3]
MBC 1 (formerly)[4]
The Invisible Man - logo (English) Hungarian Láthatatlan Alan Megamax (formerly)
The Invisible Man - logo (Italian) Italian L'uomo invisibile Rai 2 (formerly)
Rai Gulp (formerly)
The Invisible Man - logo (English) Portuguese (Portugal) O Homem Invisível RTP2 (formerly)
The Invisible Man - logo (English) Romanian Omul invizibil Megamax (formerly)
The Invisible Man - logo (European Spanish) Spanish (Spain) El hombre invisible Antena 3 (formerly)
Canal Panda (formerly)[5]

