"The Mad Doctor Isn't Mad" is a song from the 2012 Disney video game Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two.
It is the second musical number sung by the Mad Doctor. Explaining that he had turned a new leaf, he also says that Wasteland is in grave danger, and that he needs to continue helping around.
- Singers: Jim Meskimen (The Mad Doctor), Frank Welker (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit)
Mickey, you don't trust me, yes, I know I was an evil greedy toon, but that was long ago And now this Mad, Mad Doctor is no longer really mad I've turned myself around, if I could help you, I'd be glad But danger is coming, and Blotworx is their name The Blotlings made some weapons, it's a shame, yes, it's a shame The weapons, the earthquakes, it's not a happy day Wasteland is in danger, I would say - "Hey Doc, you okay?" ...Doc, are you okay? - I'll drop Beetleworx off, there's much they need to mend We're off to help the other lands 'Til then, good luck, my friends!
- Singers: ??? (The Mad Doctor), ??? (Oswald)
Please provide Arabic lyrics if you can
- Singers: ??? (Šílený doktor), ??? (Osvald)
Please provide Czech lyrics if you can
- Singers: Gilles Morvan (Le Savane Fou), Serge Faliu (Oswald le lapin chanceux)
Mickey, je sais, tu t'méfies de moi, J'étais profondement méchant \ Mais je n'suis plus comme ça. Le savant fou que j'étais \ Aujourd'hui s'est assagi, Si tu acceptais mon aide \ J'en s'rais honoré, mon ami. Attention, prenez garde \ À ces Animataches, Les encreurs se sont armés \ J'ai bien peur qu'ils ne se fachent! Toutes ces armes! \ Ces séismes! \ Ah, bon sang, quelle journée! Le monde doit faire face à ce danger! - "Eh, Doc, tout va bien?" Est-ce que tout va bien? J'emmène les chromocrocs \ Ils ont beaucoup à faire. Ils doivent aider les autres terres \ Alors, bonne chance, mes frères!
- Singers: Alexander Wesselsky (Mad Doctor), Uwe Büschken (Oswald)
Please provide German lyrics if you can
- Singers: Ernesto Brancucci (Lo Scienziato Pazzo), Franco Mannella (Oswald)
So che non ti fidi neanche un po' Ero malvagio anziché no, è vero, sì, lo so Ma oggi è assai diverso l'uomo che tu vedi qui E se mi ascolterai, ti proverò che è così Coraggio, amici, e state attenti a voi Con tutte quelle armi, siamo noi, i nuovi eroi Che tempi! Che dramma! È un giorno triste ormai E Rifiutolanda è nei guai - "Ehi, dottore! Tutto bene?" ...Dimmi come stai... - Serve un contributo, e voglio dare il mio Il tempo vola rapido per me Perciò, addio!
I know you don't trust me, not one bit I was evil instead of good, it's true, yes, I know But now the man you see here is rather different And if you listen to me, I'll prove you that it's true Come on, friends, and watch yourselves With all those weapons, we're the new heroes What a time! Such drama! It's a sad day at this point And Garbageland is in trouble - "Hey, doctor! Is everything alright?" ...Tell me how you're doing... - There's need for help, and I want to give mine Time flies fast for me Thus, goodbye!
- Singers: Naoya Uchida (マッド・ドクター), Kunihiro Kawamoto (オズワルド)
Please provide Japanese lyrics if you can
- Singers: Jarosław Boberek (Szalony Doktorek), Wojciech Paszkowski (Oswald)
Please provide Polish lyrics if you can
- Singers: Andrey Pirog (Психдоктор), Mikhail Khrustalev (Кролик Освальд)
Please provide Russian lyrics if you can
Spanish (Latin America)[]
- Singers: Ricardo Murguía (Doctor Loco), Moisés Palacios (Oswald el Conejo Afortunado)
Please provide Spanish lyrics if you can
Spanish (Spain)[]
- Singers: Félix Alcolea (El Doctor Loco), Rafa Romero (Oswald)
Please provide Spanish lyrics if you can
- Singers: ??? (Mad Doctor), ??? (Oswald)
Please provide Swedish lyrics if you can