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"The Monkey Song" is a song from the 1993 American Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation animated slapstick and sketch comedy series Animaniacs. The song features Dr. Scratchansniff singing about a few encounters he has with the Warner siblings and how they are driving him insane, to the point where the song ends with him threatening to cook them into stew.
It is a parody of the song "Monkey" by Harry Belafonte. The lyrics were originally written by Norman Span and Irving Burgie, then adapted by Tom Ruegger for the show.
- Singers: Rob Paulsen (Dr. Scratchansniff, Yakko), Jess Harnell (Wakko), Tress MacNeille (Dot, Hello Nurse, Marita [speaking]), Frank Welker (Flavio), Wendy Knudsen (Marita [singing])
One Monday morning, I got up late, And there were these monkeys outside the gate. The guard tried to stop them but he had no luck. The monkeys got free and they run amok. I don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. Don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. I don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. Don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. My office was run by the studio nurse. I came downstairs and what could be worse? The monkeys was doing a crazy dance. They put buggies in my underpants. I don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. Don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. Monkeys dance, then I dance, too. Don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. I ran outside to get a stick, But I'm telling you, friends, those monkeys was quick, 'Cause when I returned, much to my disgrace, Those monkeys had the nurse in a mad embrace! I don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. For a nickel, I'll give you a clue. I didn't know your eyes were blue. I don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. Yessir, woo! Aw, play dat thing! I went to me bath for a shower and shave. Them monkeys going to put me into my grave! The entire bathroom was laid to waste, And they shaved my head with minty toothpaste! I don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. Don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. They's crazy nutso! I'm tellin' you! Don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. Well, by this time, I was feelin' dread. They was using a shoebrush to shine me head. I asked them to leave, but they stayed around. They pulled the chain, and, whee, I went down! I don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. Don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. Call my lawyer! I'm ready to sue! Don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. Yessir, brother! Well, me patience ran out and I'm telling you sure, Tomorrow, I show those monkeys the door! And if they don't leave, I'm inviting you, To my house for dumplings and monkey stew! I don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. Don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. Now I'm in the stew. Oh pooh... Don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. Watch out for monkeys, I'm telling you! Don't know what to say, the monkeys won't do. We're not monkeys, we're just cuckoo! Don't know what to say, The Warners won't do!
- Singers: Mario Mirković (Yakko), Željko Šestić (Wakko), Jasna Bilušić (Dot), TBA (Dr. Scratchansniff, Hello Nurse, Flavio, Marita)
Please provide Croatian lyrics if you can
- Singers: Andrian Locovei (Dr. Scratchansniff), Sebastian Lupu (Yakko), Richard Balint (Wakko), Ioana Dagău (Dot), Anca Sigmirean (Hello Nurse), Corina Cernea (Marita), Ion Ruscuț (Flavio)
Luni dimineață când m-am trezit Trei maimuțe erau deja la poartă Portarul a încercat în zadar să le oprească Dar ca să vezi, au scăpat! Habar nu am ce o să facă Habar nu am ce pot să facă! Habar nu am ce pot să facă Habar nu am ce pot să facă! În birou, era asistenta Când cobor, ce crezi că mi-dat să văd? Maimuțele de zor dansau Ceva-n pantaloni mi-au turnat! Habar nu am ce nu pot să facă Habar nu am ce pot să facă! Ele dansez, dansez și eu Habar nu am ce pot să facă! Alerg să iau un băț și eu Dar maimuțele sunt rapid de rău Când mă-ntorc, ce crezi că văd? Asistenta [?] porcăriei Habar n-am ce nu pot să facă Pot să-ți dau câteva indicii Nu știam că ai ochi albaștri Habar nu am ce nu pot să facă! Da domnule, yoohoo! Așa, cântă cu noi! Când să fac și eu un duș, Maimuțele au și apărut Ăștia sunt niște țicniți M-au bărbierit cu pastă de dinți Habar nu am ce nu pot să facă Habar nu am ce pot să facă! Sunt țicniți, dar dreptul, crede-mă Habar nu am ce pot să facă! Deja mi se făcuse teamă Chelia mi-au făceau să sclipească I-am dat afară, n-au ascultat Au tras apă și au plecat Habar nu am ce nu pot să facă Habar nu am ce pot să facă! Sun avocatul, vă dau în judecată Habar nu am ce pot să facă! Așa, frate! S-a zis cu răbdarea, răbdarea mea Și vă spun părerea, părerea mea Mâine, le arăt eu lor Ci de vor să rămâne, vă invit la friptură! Habar nu am ce nu pot să facă Habar nu am ce pot să facă! M-au băgat în oală, o... Habar nu am ce pot să facă! La maimuțe vă rog să aveți grijă! Habar nu am ce pot să facă! Nu suntem maimuțe, suntem țicniți Frații Warner pot orice să facă!
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