The Dubbing Database

The Pink Panther: Passport to Peril (known as The Pink Panther's Passport to Peril in United Kingdom) is a 1996 video game developed by Wanderlust Interactive and published by BMG Interactive.

A sequel, The Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink, was made and released a year later.


Character Actor
Pink Panther (The Pink Panther Passport to Peril)
Pink Panther
Michael Sinterniklaas
Louie (The Pink Panther Passport to Peril)
Young Li
Fishing Guys
Great wall of China
Purple Gallinule
Paranoid Archer
Father in China
Inspector Clouseau (The Pink Panther Passport to Peril)
Inspector Clouseau
Barry Carrollo
Von Schmarty (The Pink Panther Passport to Peril)
Von Schmarty
Big Nose (The Pink Panther Passport to Peril)
Big Nose
The Dogfather (The Pink Panther Passport to Peril)
The Dogfather
Reed Weaver
Rug Vendor
Patron in Cairo
Sir Baldly
Magazine Vendor
Pugg (The Pink Panther Passport to Peril)
John Fedinatz
Pigeon Chelsea Altman
Right Click Audio Narrator Simon Winchester
Snake Charmer Michael DeBienville
Tea Guy
Spice Guy
Fruit Vendor
Mourning Boy Jared Faber
Little boy in Pub
Frilled Lizard
Koala bear
Frank the bird
Homesick Clam Lewis Faber
Young Man with incense Michael Foran
Coffee Vendor Philip Galinsky
Aboriginal man
Clothing Vendor Mike Gaylord
Hurdy Gurdy Man
Clothing Snake Tracy Gilbert
Smiling Woman
Indian mother in village
Flower Vendor
Woman dipping sari
Aboriginal woman
Stable Boy Andrew Hurley
Little Boy in Parliament Sq.
Rugby star #2
Priest at Durga's temple
Yaks 1 & 2
Stewardess Emily Kapnek
Wangley Robert Linn
Brass Vendor John Lipow
Patron in coffee house
Australia Info Woman Mari Minges
Brawling Camper #1 Michele O. Medlin
Calligraphy Boy
Little girls in village
Rugby star #1 Gavin Parker
Father in Parliament sq.
Sir Manly
Helicopter Pilot James Petropoulos
Kebab Vendor
King of Bhutan Paul Reisch
Cow Joe Shane
Cook in Bhutan Cheryl Sims
Jackson (The Pink Panther Passport to Peril)
Neil Stewart
Additional voices
John Fedinatz
John O'Cray
Lisa DeSimone
John Montagna
Jason Paige
C.E. Smith
Neil Stewart
Spirit of Praise Choir
Background Vocals
Emily Kapnek
Evans Faber
Jared Faber
Lisa Gentile
Michael Sinteriklaas
Shawana Kemp
Rap Vocals
Brian Gaidry


Song Singer(s)
Falkes Day
Neil Stewart
C.E. Smith
Shawana Kemp
China's Billion
Lisa DeSimone
Emily Kapnek
In Bhutan
John Montagna
Michael Sinteriklaas
Jared Faber
The Castle System
C.E. Smith
Brian Gaidry
Taj Mahal
Jason Paige
Lisa Gentile
John Montagna
Same Black Sky
Rosanne Drucker
Trapped in a Bubble
Michelle Medlin
Michael Sinteriklaas
Evan Faber
Ona Tzar
Emily Kapnek

International versions[]

Language Title
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (Danish) Danish Den Lyserøde Panter På Hemmelig Mission I Udlandet
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (Dutch) Dutch Pink Panther; Paspoort naar Avontuur
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (Finnish) Finnish Vaaleanpunainen Pantteri - Matkalippu vaaraan
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (French) French La Panthère Rose : Passeport pour le Danger
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (German) German Pink Panthers gefährliche Mission
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (Hebrew) Hebrew הפנתר הורוד משימה בינלאומית
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (Italian) Italian La Pantera Rosa Passaporto Per Il Pericolo
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (English) Mandarin (China) 粉红豹:通往危险的护照
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (Norwegian) Norwegian Rosa Panteren I Den Farefulle Ferden
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (Polish) Polish Na kłopoty Pantera
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (Portuguese Brazilian) Portuguese (Brazil) A Pantera Cor de Rosa: Passaporte para o Perigo
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (Russian) Russian Розовая Пантера: Право на риск
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (Spanish) Spanish (Spain) La Pantera Rosa en Misión Peligrosa
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (Swedish) Swedish Rosa Pantern i Resa På Egen Risk

Translated Titles[]

Language Title
The Pink Panther Passport to Peril - logo (Lithuanian) Lithuanian Rožinė Pantera „Teisė rizikuoti“[1]

