The Dubbing Database

The Pink Panther is a 2006 American comedy-mystery film and a reboot of The Pink Panther franchise, marking the tenth installment in the series. It is also the first Pink Panther film to be released since Son of the Pink Panther released in 1993. In this film, Inspector Jacques Clouseau is assigned to solve the murder of a famous football coach and the theft of the famous Pink Panther diamond. The film was directed by Shawn Levy, stars Steve Martin as Clouseau and also co-stars Kevin Kline, Jean Reno, Emily Mortimer, and Beyoncé Knowles.

The film received mostly negative reviews but was a commercial success, earning $164 million worldwide. The Pink Panther was released theatrically on February 10, 2006, and was released on DVD and Blu-ray on June 13, 2006. A sequel was released on February 6, 2009.

International versions[]

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Language Title
The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (Bulgarian) Bulgarian
(TV7, voice-over)
Розовата пантера
The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (Bulgarian) Bulgarian
(NOVA, voice-over)
Розовата пантера
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Czech Růžový panter
The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (Estonian) Estonian
Roosa panter
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Finnish Vaaleanpunainen pantteri
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png French (Canada) La panthère rose
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png French (France) La panthère rose
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png German Der rosarote Panther
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Greek Ο Ροζ Πάνθηρας
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Hungarian A rózsaszin párduc
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Italian La pantera rosa
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Japanese ピンクパンサー
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Latvian Rozā Pantera
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Norwegian Den rosa panteren
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Polish Różowa Pantera
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Portuguese (Brazil) A Pantera Cor de Rosa
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Portuguese (Portugal) A Pantera Cor-de-Rosa
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Romanian Pantera roz
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Russian Розовая пантера
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Serbian Pink Panter
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Spanish La pantera rosa
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Swedish Rosa Pantern
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Turkish Pembe panter
File:The Pink Panther (2006) - logo (English).png Ukrainian Рожева пантера

