The Dubbing Database

The Secret World of Benjamin Bear is a Canadian animated TV show and a joint effort produced by Amberwood Entertainment, Secret Bear Productions, and produced with the participation of Bell Broadcast and New Media Fund including animation by Philippine Animation Studio Inc.. It originally aired on Family Channel from 2003 - 2009. 52 episodes were produced.

The Secret World of Benjamin Bear is a continuation series following The Teddy Bears' Picnic (1989), The Teddy Bears' Christmas (1992), The Teddy Bears' Rescue (1997) and The Teddy Bears' Scare (1998) which were set in the mid-20th century with the young Simon and Sally Tanner, and follows the new adventures of Benjamin Bear, set years later in the 2000s where he's now owned by Max Tanner, the son of the now older Simon Tanner. Benjamin is accompanied by his teddy housemate and best friend Howie Bear who, following the same theme of the original Teddy Bears' series with Wally, is young and inexperienced, and must learn from Ben.


Character Actor
Benjamin Bear (The Secret World of Benjamin Bear)
Benjamin Bear
Jonathan Crombie
Howie James Watts
Wally Stuart Stone
Doc Tracey Moore
Edgar of Old John Stocker
Holly Bear Emma Taylor-Isherwood
Eliza Tanner
Sebastian Biggleboar Terrence Scammell
Toot Sweet
Mr. Maclarean
Raymond Rick Jones
Simon Tanner Ryan Lindsey
Sally Tanner Elissa Marcus ("The Teddy Bears' Picnic")
Kylie Schibli ("The Teddy Bears' Christmas")
Betty Samantha Rushforth
Boy on Sled Johnathan Cameron
Amanda Marsha Moreau
Store Clerk Thelma Farmer

International versions[]

Language Title Channels
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (English) Arabic أسرار بندق Baraem (formerly)
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (Czech) Czech Utajený svět médi Benjamina Minimax (formerly)
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (Finnish) Finnish Benin salainen maailma Yle TV2 (formerly)
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (French) French L'ours Benjamin Ici Radio-Canada Télé (formerly)[5]
TFO (formerly)
France 5 (formerly)
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (German) German Benjamin: bärenstark! KiKA (formerly)
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (English) Hebrew העולם הסודי של דובי בן Hop! (formerly)[6]
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (English) Hungarian Benjámin maci titkos világa Minimax (formerly)
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (Italian) Italian Il mondo di Benjamin Italia 1 (formerly)
Playhouse Disney (formerly)
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (Polish) Polish Sekretny świat misia Beniamina TVP1 (formerly)
MiniMini+ (formerly)
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (English) Portuguese
(Pim Pam Pum)
O Mundo Secreto do Urso Benjamin Canal Panda (formerly)[7]
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (English) Portuguese
(Valentim de Carvalho)
O Mundo Secreto de Benjamin RTP2 (formerly)[8]
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (English) Romanian Lumea secretă a lui Ursul Benjamin Minimax (formerly)
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (English) Russian
(Channel One Russia Worldwide Network, dub)
Секреты плюшевых мишек Telenyanya (formerly)
Karusel (formerly)[9]
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (English) Russian
(Plan B Kino, dub)
Тайный мир медвежонка Бенджамина Cartoon Classics
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (English) Russian
Мишка косолапый DVD
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (Scottish Gaelic) Scottish Gaelic Ben am Mathan BBC Alba (formerly)[10]
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (Serbian) Serbian Тајни свет меде Бенџамина Minimax (formerly)
Happy TV (formerly)
RTV 1 (formerly)
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (English) Spanish El mundo secreto del Oso Benjamin[11] unknown
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (Telugu) Telugu బెంజి ది బేర్ Kushi TV (formerly)

Subtitled versions[]

Language Title Channels
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear - logo (Korean) Korean 벤자민 베어의 시크릿 월드 DVD

