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The opening theme to Tiny Toon Adventures has had many alternative versions throughout the show's run. Only versions that have been dubbed in other languages will be included here.

How I Spent My Vacation (1992)[]

See here for dubs of this version of the opening.

The Plucky Duck Show (1992)[]

The Plucky Duck Show is a 1992 spin-off of Tiny Toons Adventures that comprised almost entirely of Plucky Duck-centered episodes from the original series. The opening theme of the main series is parodied and sung by Plucky.


Singers: ? (main choir), Joe Alaskey (Plucky Duck)
You're lucky, it's Plucky!
I'm absolutely ducky!
Other shows are yucky, now that Plucky's on the air.
I'm wacky, I'm quacky!
He's an egomaniac-y!
Hamton plays the lackey of this Duck extraordinaire!

Who knows the way to close his endless babbling beak?
Drop an anvil down upon his feathery physique!
Toast him, roast him, the show will still be most him,
It's The Plucky Duck Show and it's on each week!

His antics are frantic,
At times, he gets romantic,
My talent's so gigantic, it'll burst from your TV!
The writers are hackers,
The artists all went crackers,
The actors are yakkers,
But don't complain, it's free.

Plucky goes to Acme Loo to learn to be a star,
There're other toon-sters at the school...
But who cares who they are?
So enjoy, don't be coy, and don't fall for a decoy,
It's The Plucky Duck Show, come and laugh along!

I also wrote this song!


Singers: ? (main choir), ? (Plucky Duck)

Please provide German lyrics if you can

Portuguese (Brazil)[]

Singers: ? (main choir), Marco Antônio Costa (Plucky Duck)

Please provide Portuguese lyrics if you can


Singers: ? (main choir), Alexander Voevodin / Александр Воеводин (Plucky Duck)

Please provide Russian lyrics if you can

Spanish (Latin America)[]

Singers: Giset Blanco, Elena Prieto, Orlando Noguera (Plucky Duck)

Please provide Spanish lyrics if you can

Two-Tone Town Adventures (1992)[]

A parody of the main opening is sung by the Two-Tones in the episode "Two-Tone Town".


Singers: Rob Paulsen (Foxy), Desiree Goyette (Roxy), Robert Morse (Goopy Geer), Joe Alaskey (Plucky Duck)
We're two-tones, we're loony, we're wacky, silly, goony,
You can watch our cartoony on your black-and-white TV!
Our comedy's faster, pitch and alabaster,
Un-colorized adventures, two-tone classic comedy.

So here's Two-Tone Town, it's where we live and where we play.
We're not in Technicolor, we were drawn in shades of gray!
There's Foxy and Roxy, they're straight out of Biloxi
On Two-Tone Town Adventures, it's a two-tone day!

There's Big Bee and Plucky...
I'm really Hudson Ducky!
And don't forget Goopy on those old piano keys.

So come join the two-tones and our swarthy family--
Hilarious adventures, ebony and ivory!
We're two-tones, we're loony! We're wacky, silly, goony!
And do you like our ears and butts better up or down?

Let's go to Two-Tone Town!

It's a Wonderful Tiny Toons Christmas Special (1992)[]


Singers: ?
We're tiny, we're toon-y, we're all a little looney,
And very very soon-y, Christmas will be here!
We're comic dispensers, we crack up all the censors,
It's Tiny Toon Adventures with some special Yuletide cheer!

So here's Acme Acres, it's a wonderland of snow,
Sleigh bells ring, children sing beneath the mistletoe,
Our writers aren't gifted, the story has been lifted,
On Tiny Toon Adventures, let's start the show!

They're furry, they're funny, they're Babs and Buster Bunny,
Montana Max has money, Elmyra is a pain!
Here's Hamton and Plucky, Dizzy Devil's yucky,
Furrball's unlucky, and Gogo is insane!

At Acme Looniversity we trim the Christmas tree,
Deck the halls, guess what falls? An anvil naturally!
We're tiny, we're toony, we're all a little looney,
On Tiny Toon Adventures, it's our Christmas show!

To Grandma's house we go!


Singers: Alberto Caneva (Buster Bunny), Ilaria Latini (Babs Bunny)

Siam piccoli cartoni,
Siam tutti mattacchioni,
E molto molto presto Natale arriverà!
Amiamo scherzare
Con chi ci sta a guardare,
Perché ogni Natale è più speciale assieme a voi!

E poi tutta la neve nella notte scenderà,
Salta su, un posto in più vedrai si troverà!

La storia è già scritta,
Vien giù come una slitta,
Le nostre avventure andiamo a cominciar!

C'è Babsy, c'è Bunny,
Son tanti personaggi,
Montana pensa ai soldi, Elmyra a tutti noi!
Con Hamton e Plucky
C'è anche il nostro Dizzy
Cadenti pianoforti, di nuovo non sai quanti!

All'università studiamo la comicità,
Chi ci guarda insieme a noi un mondo riderà!

Siam piccoli cartoni,
Siam tutti mattacchioni,
Lo special di Natale andiamo a cominciar!

Andiamo a cominciar!

We are little cartoons,
We're all wacky,
And Christmas is arriving very very soon!
We love joking
With whoever is watching us,
Because every Christmas is more special with you!

All the snow will come down in the night,
Jump aboard, we'll find one more seat for you!

The story has been written,
It comes down like a sleigh,
Let's begin with our adventures!

Babsy is here, Bunny is here,
There are a lot of characters,
Montana thinks at money while Elmyra thinks at us!
With Hamton and Plucky
There's also our Dizzy
And falling pianos, again, you don't know how many there are!

We study comedy at university,
Whoever watches us will laugh with us!

We are little cartoons,
We're all wacky,
Let's begin our Christmas special!

Let's begin!

Plucky Duck's Intro (1992)[]

In It's a Wonderful Tiny Toons Christmas Special, another theme song parody is sung by Plucky.


Singers: Joe Alaskey (Plucky Duck), Tress MacNeille (Babs Bunny) & Cast
I'm tiny, I'm toony,
I'm just a little looney
And every afternooney, I'm invading your TV!
I'm Babsy...
I'm Plucky!
I work with him, I'm lucky.
For Tiny Toons, I won the Best Performance by a Duck Emmy!

Well, I'm Plucky Duck, and I'm a zany mega star!
There's lots of other Tiny Toons, but who cares who they are?
He's Plucky, the mallard,
He's funnier than Kaye Ballard,
It's Tiny Toon Adventures, come and join the fun.

And now my song is done, yeah!

Tiny Toon Spring Break (1994)[]


Singers: John Kassir (Buster Bunny), Tress MacNeille (Babs Bunny), Gail Matthius (Shirley the Loon), Kath Soucie (Fifi La Fume), Joe Alaskey (Plucky Duck), Maurice LaMarche (Dizzy Devil), Cree Summer (Elmyra Duff), Don Messick (Hamton Pig) & Cast
Main version
We're tiny...
We're toony...
Spring fever's got us looney
And we'll burst like a ballooney
Without a break from school!
So now, we're requesting
An end to all this testing.
We're ready for some resting beside a swimming pool!

Spring break!

We're going to Ft. Lauderdale, we're headed to the sun.
We'll meet some guys Olympic-sized...
We'll comment on the fun!
It's gonna be a riot!
I'm going on a diet.
It's Tiny Toon Adventures in the southern sun!

We're furry...
We're funny...
I want the Easter bunny!
This duck will make some money with a gizmo of his own!
We'll wear the latest fashion...
We're throwin' all our cash in...
Spring cleaning is my passion,
So I'll be staying home.

Winter is over and we've had all we can take.
Soon we'll be down by the sea enjoying our spring break!
Our parents consented, the charter bus is rented,
So grab your stuff, get on the bus, we're on our way...
Buster and Babs: To our spring break getaway!
Reprise #1
Now, it's official, we're really on our way!
It's not so far...
Compared to Mars!
Our spring break holiday!

We're filled with elation, we're finally on vacation
It's Tiny Toon Adventures in Ft. Lauderdale!
And so begins our tale!
Reprise #2
Spring break has ended...
Cute boys were befriended...
We had fun like we intended...
And now we're outta here!
I got my bunny!
I'm crazy 'bout my honey.
Things sure turned out funny...
But we always got next year.

Home from Ft. Lauderdale, we're sorry, but it's true.
We had our fun, but now we're done.
It's back to Acme Loo.
We're tiny, we're tooney...
We're all a little looney...
Spring break was great, but class awaits, it's all too soon.

But just three more months 'til June.


Singers: Alberto Caneva (Buster Bunny), Ilaria Latini (Babs Bunny), Fabrizio Vidale (Plucky Duck), Monica Ward (Elmyra Duff)

Siam piccoli cartoni,
Saranno lampi e tuoni
E scoppierem come palloni se da scuola non usciam!
Perciò diciamo basta,
Per gli esami non c'è testa,
Vogliamo fare festa e andarcene a nuotar!


Partiam per Forte Lauderdale, puntiamo verso il sol!
Quanti ragazzi inconterem, la cronaca farem!

Sarò un grande atleta,
Dovremo stare a dieta!
Venite coi cartoni al caldo sol del sud!

Cantiamo, ridiamo!
Vi voglio, cuccioloni!
Farò soldi a milioni, sì, con questo aggeggio qua!
Vestiti da indossare!
E conti da pagare!
Ma a me piace pulire e a casa resterò!

Chiuso l'inverno ormai più freddo non farà,
A Pasqua ce ne andremo al mar, ci si divertirà!

Permesso accordato, il pullman è affittato,
Su salta a bordo e presto o non si partirà!

Uh, che spasso che sarà!

We're little cartoons,
It will be lightning and thunder
And we'll all pop like balloons if we don't get out from school!
So we say stop,
There's no mind to take exams,
We want to party and go to take a swim!


Let's go to Fort Lauderdale, aiming towards the sun!
How many boys we'll met, we'll report everything!

I'll be a great athlete!
We should stay on diet
Come to the hot southern sun with cartoons!

We sing, we laugh!
I want you, big pets!
I'll make millions, yes, with this gizmo here!
Clothes to wear!
Bills to pay!
But I like cleaning so I'll stay at home!

Winter is done and it's not cold anymore,
We'll go at the sea for Easter and we-we'll have fun!

Permissions were given, the pullman was rented,
Come on, jump on it cause we'll go soon!

Uh, it will be very fun!

Tiny Toons' Night Ghoulery (1995)[]


Singers: John Kassir (Buster Bunny), Tress MacNeille (Babs Bunny), Joe Alaskey (Plucky Duck), Don Messick (Hamton Pig), Gail Matthius (Shirley the Loon), Kath Soucie (Fifi La Fume), Danny Cooksey (Montana Max), Cree Summer (Elmyra Duff), Frank Welker (Gogo Dodo), & Maurice LaMarche (Dizzy Devil)
Main version
We're tiny...
We're toony...
We're all a little looney
And under the full moony, we're something to be seen.
Things could get hairy...
And just a little scary.
So we're saying to be wary on this Halloween.

Ghouls, ghosts, and goblins are coming out at night.
They'll flex their jaws...
And show their claws...
Filling up with fright.
The monsters will find you!
You better look behind you.
It's Tiny Toon Adventures and it's quite a sight!

The holiday's started...
To bless the dear departed.
And now for the faint-hearted...
We're telling scary tales.
Our costumes are ready!
I'm dressing up as Freddy.
I'll be J. Paul Getty.
I'm the scary Soupy Sales.

We'll wear our outfits and knock on neighbors' doors...
We'll trick or treat...
And then we'll eat...
Candies by the score!
We're fearful...
We're frightening.
Watch out for that lightning!
It's Tiny Toon Adventures and it's Halloween.
Now let the show be-geen!

How long 'til Mother's Day?
Our fright night has ended.
We hope you found it splendid.
My nasty scar has mended.
And me go trick or treat!
We saw lots of creatures...
And spoofed a lot of features...
We're scarier than teachers...
But me had too much to eat.

So turn on the lights now,
You'll see it's safe for you.
No ghastly ghouls...
No scary fools...
Well, maybe just a few.

We're tiny, we're toony,
We're all a little looney,
It's Tiny Toon Adventures and that's all we've got!
Gee, those costumes sure were hot.


Singers: Alberto Caneva (Buster Bunny), Ilaria Latini (Babs Bunny), Fabrizio Vidale (Plucky Duck)

Siam piccoli cartoni,
Siam tutti mattacchioni,
E se la luna è piena noi dal ridere moriam!
Con scherzi e dispetti,
Coi mostri e coi folletti,
Le nostre avventure solo rider vi faran!

Se il buio ed il terrore si nascondon proprio qua,
Non devi preoccuparti, questa è Looniversità!

Son Plucky, son Freddy,
Son quel che non ti aspetti!
Le nostre avventure ti divertiran!

Siam belli, siam tanti,
Ci sono Babs e Bunny,
A volte abbiam paura, ma siamo tutti qui!
Siam mostri potenti,
Ma siamo divertenti,
Tra cuccioli e fantasmi mancavi solo tu!

Ma ecco, qui siam tutti ormai lasciarci non potrai,
Se stiamo tutti assieme più paura non avrai!

Siam piccoli cartoni,
Siam tutti mattachioni,
E se starai con noi non te ne pentirai!

E ti divertirai!

We are little cartoons,
We're all wacky,
And if the moon is full we'll die from laughter!
With jokes and pranks,
With monsters and goblins,
Our adventures will only make you laugh!

If darkness and fear are hiding right here
Don't worry, it's the Looniversity!

I'm Plucky, I'm Freddy,
I'm what you're not expecting!
Our adventures will entertain you!

We're beautiful, we're a lot,
Babs and Bunny are here,
Sometimes we're scared, but we're all here!
We're powerful monsters,
But we are funny,
Between puppies and monsters you were the only thing missing!

Well, now that we're all here you can't leave us,
If we stay all together you'll not be afraid anymore!

We are little cartoons,
We're all wacky,
And if you stay with us you'll not regret it!

And you'll have fun!

Looniversity (2023)[]

See here for dubs of this version of the opening.


  • For the Night Ghoulery special, there is an alternative intro where the normal opening theme's audio is used over a few sporadically-used clips from the intro of the special. This version is used on Hulu, and was also aired on Fox Kids and The Hub. It is also used internationally as opposed to the actual version of the special's intro.
  • In the Italian dub, the opening theme is normally left undubbed from the original English version. However, the special episodes (which were dubbed from a different studio than the main series) have their own translated theme songs.