The Dubbing Database
The Dubbing Database

The opening theme song to Tiny Toons Looniversity plays at the start of each episode. It is directly based on the theme song to the 1990 animated series it is based on, Tiny Toon Adventures, only now detailing the college lives of the Tiny Toons as they sing about Acme Looniversity.


Singers: Eric Bauza (Buster Bunny), Ashleigh Crystal Hairston (Babs Bunny), David Errigo Jr. (Plucky Duck), Tessa Netting (Sweetie Bird) and Cast
We're tiny! We're toony!
We're learning to be Looney!
And we'll be famous soon-y at the college of our dreams!
We got our admissions
And forked over tuitons
Fulfilling our ambitions, with a faculty esteemed

At Acme Looniversity, we'll earn our toon degree
The teaching staff's been getting laughs
Since 1933!

We're classmates
And roommates!
We've paid the out-of-STATE RATES!!?
Let's grab our books and go, class is about to start!

They're furry,
They're funny,
We're Babs and Buster Bunny!
Their comedy is punny
And a friendship's guaranteed
Hamton is worried
And Sweetie's a tough birdie
And if you're lucky, Plucky is the perfect-

So here's where the greatest toons all got their humble start
There's quite a lot of history from teaching Looney arts!

We're tiny, we're toony
We can't wait to be Looney!
When the bell has rung, come in and join the fun!

And now class has begun.


Singers: Abdo Hakim / عبدو حكيم (Buster Bunny), Yumna Bou Hanna (Babs Bunny), Shadi Shammas / شادي شمص (Plucky Duck), Leila Al-Shammas / ليلى الشماس (Sweetie Bird), and Mohammad Sami / محمد سامي (Hamton Pig)

فلنمرح ونغني
وليبدأ تايني توني
و بهذا الكرتون نغزو كل الشاشات
و سنبدأ لن نتأخر
ومن الضحك سنتكسر
و لهذا قد نحتاج إلى الإسعاف أو الطبيب
شاهدونا في عالمنا حيث تحلو الحكايات
مع أحداث لا تنتهي فيها المفاجآت
فيها ما قد ينفع
و بها ما لن تتوقع
والوقت حان لكي نشاهد و نسمع
كي نرقص و نغني
مع بابز و باستر باني
 مونتا ماكس الغني
و ألميرا الحلوة
مع هامتون و بلاكي
سويتي كثير الحراك
فيربول لا يسأل
كوكو ماذا يفعل
في جامعتنا الخاصة بأفلام الكرتون
نتعلم فن الضحك
نتعلم الجنون
فلنمرح و نغني
و ليبدأ تايني توني
هيا تعالوا معنا إلى هذه المغامرة!
و لتنتهي الشارة.


Singers: Angel Prodanov / Ангел Проданов (Buster Bunny), Elena Grozdanova / Елена Грозданова (Babs Bunny), Mario Ivanov / Марио Иванов (Plucky Duck), Angelina Ruseva / Ангелина Русева (Sweetie Bird) and Cast

Мъници, умници! На всички сме любимци.
Известно ще градим в университета наш любим.
Признанието идва,
щом знание не липсва.
И изпитът ще бъде взет в уважаван факултет.

Във Шантаверситета ще се учим най-добре.
От миналия век насам.
Там все забавно е!

Да, в клас сме!
Пак в час сме!
И таксите платени.
И с приключенски дух ще бъдем за-ре-де-ни!

Щом луди и забавни са Бабс и Бъстър Бъни.
Комедия не ще да липсва, знаеш го, нали?
Хамтън това е,
по Суийти ще познаем.
И ако Плъки срещнеш ти, той пак ще...

И ето как започнали Великите предци.
Във своята история, той чакал наши дни.

Мъници, умници! Ще бъдем ученици.
В първия звънец ни чукни, с нас ела!
[Мъници в Шантаверситета]
Часът започва, да!


Singers: Gregor Klarić (Buster Bunny), Helena Novosel (Babs Bunny), Daniel Dizdar, Ivan Mokrović and Jadranka Krištof

[Akme svelunilište]

Ja sam Zoki, a ja Zeka 
I učimo se biti crtani junaci na faksu našeg sna!
Primili nas jesu 
Školarina je tu
Ostvarili smo želju na faksu cijenjenu

Na Svelunilištu učit ćemo sve 
I gledajte nas nasmijte se
Lako je zar ne

I cimeri 
Platili su program taj
Ti kolut uzmi jer sada kreće sve (?)

I nasmijani 
Mali vragolani
Nasmijat će vas oni 
jer frendovi su tu
U to je zabrinuta 
Miči ptica opaka
Sreća te hoće baš zeznut 

I tu su face velike imale skromni start
Povijest nam je velika, kući crtića 

Mi smo Zoki i Zeka 
I jedva se čeka 
Zvono da zazvoni i počne zabava 

A i nastava!


Singers: TBA

Please provide Czech lyrics if you can


Singers: Rasmus Krogsgaard (Buster Bunny), Sara Ekander Poulsen (Babs Bunny), Oliver Katzmann Hasselflug (Hamton Pig), Tara Toya (Sweetie Bird) and Cast

Please provide Danish lyrics if you can


Singers: TBA

Zo tiny! Zo toony!
En binnenkort ook Looney!
Een kans van één miljoen-y op een uni zo van thuis
Wij zijn toegelaten
Het koste wat dukaten
We halen resultaten met zo'n faculteit vol keus
Op Acme-Loon studeren wij cartoon-leer en nog meer
Wij krijgen les met veel succes
Van sterren van welleer!
Lokalen.. die stralen
Zie eens wat we betalen
Pak je tas en kom 'p tijd voor de eerste les
Dat Buster een held is
En Babs een spring-in-het-veld is
Hun grappen zijn ook niet mis
Dat is wat Topper weet
Hamton die twijfelt
En Sweetie die verbrijzelt
En pas maar op met Plucky, die is h't snelst
Dus hier zette elke toon z'n eerste Loony-stap
Je leert een hoop en knoopt dat ooit tot de ultieme grap!
Zo tiny! Zo toony!
En straks ook super Looney!
Luid de bel! Het wordt een feest van 'doe je test!'
En blijf goed bij de les!


Singers: TBA

Nää tinyt, nää toonit
Sä koulun kellon kuulit
Kun tänne Looniversityyn me tultiin oppimaan
Nyt pänttää taas jaksaa
Saa opintiekin maksaa
Kun opettajat meidän kaikkialla tunnetaan
Saa Acme Looniversityssä huippututkinnon
Ja proffat jaksaa naurattaa
Se uskoo kannattaa
Ystävii, kämppiksii
Vaik' hinnat hipoo pilvii
Siis vauhdilla me luennolla lompsitaan
On Viivi ja Veli
Se onhan selvä peli
Ei ystävyyttä hauskempaa vois' tästä seuraamaan
Helperi stressaa
Ei Sweetyst' saa prinsessaa
Ja kiehahdukset Topin kaikki yhdes' katotaan
Siis täällä kaikki suuret looneyt jekut oppimaan
On meillä paljon opittavaa heidän touhuistaan
Nää tinyt, nää toonit
Hassut on kouluduunit
Kello koulun soi, nyt kaikki tänne vaan
Ja koulu alkaa nyt


Singers: TBA

On est p'tits, et gentils
Nous avons beaucoup d'amis
Devenir un vrai Looney c'est un art qui s'étudie !

On est tous acceptés
On a économisé
Nous sommes dans l'université dont on a tous rêvé !

À Looniversité Acme tout le monde travaillera 
Les profs qu'on aura nous font rire
Depuis trente ans déjà !

L'internat, c'est la joie 
Faut vraiment payer tout ça
Veuillez nous excuser les cours vont commencer !

Deux lapins qui sourient,
C'est Babs et Buster Bunny !
Et lorsqu'ils sont réunis les fous rires sont garantis !

Hamton est stressé
Et Sweetie déterminée
Avec un peu de chance Plucky va sûrement vous-

C'est là que les premiers toons ont appris leur métier 
Tout le monde ne devient pas une star d'un dessin animé !

On est p'tits, et gentils
Nous avons beaucoup d'amis
La cloche a sonné, les cours vont commencer !
Venez nous retrouver !


Singers: TBA

Wir Tinies, wir Toonies
Sind bald schon Spaß-Cartoonies
Grandios ist unsere Uni, denn dort werden wir berühmt
Sie öffnen uns die Türen
Wir sparen für die Gebühren
Echt teuer ist die Fakultät, drum sind wir stets bemüht

Und auf der Looniversität, da lernen wir die Tricks
Die Gags, die Jokes, den Schabernack, von nichts kommt nämlich nix

Als Freunde seit langem
Da halten wir zusammen
Wollen die Tiny Toon-Lektionen schaffen wie bestellt

Können fies und gemein sein
Und komisch kann so'n Schwein sein
Und lustig obendrein, wir sind in Freundschaft stets vereint
Hamton ist ängstlich
Und Sweetie wirklich lästig
Und bist du froh, im Nu ist Plucky euer echter Feind

Dass alle hier sehr gern studieren hat seinen guten Grund
Aus Tradition erlernt man hier die große Looney-Kunst

Wir Tinies, wir Toonies
Sind bald schon Spaß-Cartoonies
Die Tiny Toon-Lektionen, ja die sind echt groß
Der Unterricht geht los


Singers: Zsolt Szentirmai and Bori Csuha

Please provide Hungarian lyrics if you can


Singers: Alessio De Filippis, Ilaria Latini, Davide Garbolino, Luca Appetiti, Serena Sigismondo

Siam piccoli cartoni,
Impariamo a esser Looney,
Quest'università ci porta alla celebrità!
Siamo stati ammessi,
Versato anche le tasse,
Stimati professori, il nostro sogno è già realtà!

All'Acme Looniversity prendiam la laurea,
Con gli insegnanti divertenti fin dal 96!

In stanza e in classe,
Finché paghiamo le tasse!
Presto, la lezione sta per cominciar!

Pelosi e carini,
Siamo Baby e Buster Bunny,
Siamo troppo divertenti e l'amicizia nascerà!
Lindon è ansioso e Melody è furiosa,
Se siete fortunati Duca si rivelerà...

Tutti i cartoni hanno cominciato proprio qua,
È un arte l'esser Looney, ma c'è tanto da studiar!

Siam piccoli cartoni,
Impariamo ad esser Looney,
La campana suona e sale l'emozione!

Comincia la lezione!

We are little cartoons,
We learn how to be Looney,
This university brings us to celebrity!
We have been admitted,
We paid the taxes too,
Esteemed teachers, our dreams are already reality!

We take our degree at the Acme Looniversity,
With teachers funny since 1996!

In our room and in the classroom,
As long as we pay our taxes!
Quick, the lesson is about to start!

Hairy and cute,
We're Babs and Buster Bunny,
We are too funny and friendship will ensue!
Hamton is anxious and Sweetie is furious,
If you're lucky Plucky will turn out to be...

All cartoons began right here,
Being Looney is an art, but there's a lot to study!

We're little cartoons,
We learn how to be Looney,
The bell rings and the suspense rises!

The lesson starts now!


Singers: Ryūnosuke Yamaguchi / 山口竜之介 (Buster Bunny), Ikumi Hasegawa / 長谷川育美 (Babs Bunny), Yū Hayashi / 林勇 (Plucky Duck), Tōru Sakurai / 櫻井トオル (Hamton Pig) and Minami Iinuma / 飯沼南実 (Sweetie Bird)

ぼくら学生 おかしな仲間
試験に受かって 入学金 払って

そう アクメ学園で学ぶんだ
教える先生 ”ベテランじゃよ”

みんな同級生 学費見て ぎょうてん!

ふわふわバブス それにバスター・バニー
ハムトン 怖がり タフなのはスウィーティー
すぐ怒るプラッキー 今日も ”やめろ!”

ルーニーの神髄 ここにあり!

ぼくら みんな 笑顔にするよ

さぁ 始まるよ

Bokura gakusei okashina nakama
Akogare no gakkō de benkyōda
Shiken ni ukatte nyūgakukin haratte
Owarai no star o mezasu nosa

Sō ACME gakuen de manabunda
Oshieru sensei "Veteran jayo!"

Minna dōkyūsei gakuhi mite gyōten!
Comedy no jugyō e ikō

Fuwafuwa Babs sore ni Buster Bunny
Itsu demo gokigen'na futarigumi
Hamton kowagari tough'na no wa Sweetie
Sugu okoru Plucky kyō mo "Yamero!"

Idaina senpai ni iza tsudzuke
Looney no shinzui koko ni ari!

Bokura minna egao ni suruyo
Kane o narashitara asobō!

Sā hajimaru yo


Singers: ?

The following audio is in a low quality, and is only partially available.

Please provide Korean lyrics if you can


Singers: ?

Please provide Malay lyrics if you can


Singers: ?

Please provide Mandarin lyrics if you can


Singers: TBA

Please provide Norwegian lyrics if you can


Singers: Mateusz Narloch (Buster Bunny), Zuzanna Galia (Babs Bunny), Krzysztof Szczepaniak (Plucky Duck), Jakub Szyperski (Hamton Pig) and Aleksandra Kowalicka (Sweetie Bird)

Niewielkie Animki
Zabawa i wybryki
Już słychać ich okrzyki, bo dowcipów przyszedł czas!
Do nauki się wezmę,
a ja opłacę czesne,
i wszystko to pod okiem zacnej kadry z tamtych lat.

Bo nasz Bzikowersytet to najlepsza szkoła, tak!
Nauczyciele bawią was już od trzydziestych lat!

Bawimy się w klasie,
myślimy też o kasie,
więc łapmy książki, przyszedł czas, już lekcja trwa!

Jest Kinia i Kinio,
ich żarty wszystkich dziwią
Rodzeństwo wszystkich bawi a ich przyjaźń wiecznie trwa!
Pucuś zmartwiony
i Ptasia bez pokory,
a Kaczor Tasior znów swych kumpli ma już CAŁKIEM DOŚĆ!

Dowcipów historia się zaczęła właśnie tu.
Legenda żyje tutaj wciąż, klasyczne żarty z nią!
Niewielkie Animki
i śmieszne ich wybryki
Z nami naprzód, słychać śmiech, zabawa trwa!

[Bzikowersytet Animków]
Już lekcje zacząć czas!

Little Tiny Toons
Fun and antics
You can already hear their shouts, because it's time for jokes!
I'll start studying,
and I will pay tutions,
and all this under the supervision of distinguished staff from those years.

Because our Looniversity is the best school, yeah!
Teachers have been entertaining you since the thirties!

We have fun in class,
we also think about cash,
so let's grab the books, the time has come, the lesson is already underway!

There is Babs and Buster,
their jokes surprise everyone
The siblings entertain everyone and their friendship lasts forever!
Hamton is worried
and Sweetie without humility,
and Plucky Duck has had ENOUGH of his friends again!

The history of jokes began here.
The legend still lives here, classic jokes with her!
Little Tiny Toons
and their funny antics
Move forward with us, you can hear the laughter, the fun continues!

[Tiny Toons Looniversity]
It's time to start lessons!

Portuguese (Brazil)[]

Singers: Laís Assunção, Gilberto de Syllos, and Leandro Luna

É Tiny 
É Toons
Na Looniversidade 
Um dia eu ser famoso, eu tô cursando a faculdade.
Matriculados fomos.
Espertos já nascemos
Com mestres renomados nós agora aprendemos.

Na Looniversidade nós queremos nos formar
Os professores são demais
E são profissionais 
Colegas nós somos
E boletos pra se vermos
Pegue-me pra aula, já vai começar

É fora da casinha, Lilica e o Perninha
A risada é garantida quando os dois tão na telinha
Presuntinho sem sorte
Sweetie é muito forte
E o Plucky competindo por esporte

Os mestres da humildade agora estão na educação.
Entraram na história e hoje ensinam animação 

É Tiny é Toons, na Looniversidade
O sinal tocou e a aula é pra você
[Tiny Toons...]

No streaming ou na TV!

Please provide Portuguese lyrics if you can

Portuguese (Portugal)[]

Singers: Rúben Madureira, Rita Tristão da Silva, and Ricardo Raposo

Somos Tiny e Toony
Nesta universidade
E estamos ansiosos para podermos aprender
Já temos cartão, fizemos a inscrição
Com grande ambição e professores a valer

Na Looniversidade é tudo uma animação
Pois aprender a fazer rir
é a nossa missão!

Estudamos, brincamos
Das notas não gostamos...
Cá vem daí que as aulas estão a começar

Dois manos amigos, caloiros divertidos
A Babs e Buster Bunny vêm para fazer rir
O Hamton é calado, a Sweetie um tornado
E o Plucky para castigo é perfeito-

Os grandes mestres já pisaram todos este chão
Há muito que contar agora nesta instituição

Somos Tiny e Toony, vamos estudar aqui
Tocou a sineta e ninguém faltou
[Tiny Toons...]
E a aula começou!


Singers: Geo Morcov (Buster Bunny), Cătălina Chirțan (Babs Bunny), Ciprian Cojenel (Plucky Duck), Dora Ortelecan (Sweetie Bird) and Cast

Noi facem, de toate, de azi la facultate
Cu seriozitate noi la studii am venit
N-avem îndoială, că nu e ca la școală
Și vom spune cu fală că studenți am devenit

La Looniversitate știm pe toți îi uimim
Și la catedră sunt chiar ei, și asta din treiștrei ('33)
Colegi împreună, facturile se adună!
Ia-ți cărțile în spate cursul a început!

Cu multe pățanii, cu Babs și Buster Bunny
(?????????????) și prieteni au rămas!
Hamton se teme, cu Sweetie n-ai probleme
Și Plucky îți e prieten dar îți e și INAMIC!

Deci iată istoria începe doar cu noi
Vom studia și vom primi licență între doi!

Noi facem, de toate, și toate-s animate
S-a sunat, ne-am adunat și ne-am distrat!

Și multe am învățat!
[Looniversitatea micuților]

Russian (Flex)[]

Singers: ? (Buster Bunny), Yelena Greb / Елена Греб (Babs Bunny), Dmitry Filimonov / Дмитрий Филимонов (Plucky Duck), ? (Sweetie Bird) and Cast

Малютки! Мультяшки!
Смешные обаяшки!
Прославимся в университете нашей мечты!
Уже мы поступили
И учимся во всю
Амбиции исполним, советы все запомним

В Луниверситите АКМЭ мультяшками все станем
Учительский состав смеётся
Аж с тридцать-третьего (33-го)!

Здесь всё оплачено
Хватаем учебник и бежим, уроки начинаются!

Пушистые, смешные,
Мы Бэбс и Бастер Банни!
Сильны в комедии они
И дружбу ты их зацени
Хэмтон стрежовен
А Свити птичка крепкая
Ну а счастливчик Плаки идеальный-

Вот, где величайшие мультяшки начали свой путь
Историй здесь полно
Безумного искусства!

Малютки мы, мультяшки
Смешные обаяшки!
Звонок все входите, и к веселью примекните!

[Мультяшки: Луниверситет]
Вот и начался урок.

Malyutki! Mul'tyashki!
Smeshnyye obayashki!
Proslavimsya v universitete nashey mechty!
Uzhe my postupili
I uchimsya vo vsyu
Ambitsii ispolnim, sovety vse zapomnim

V Luniversitite AKME mul'tyashkami vse stanem
Uchitel'skiy sostav smeyotsya
Azh s tridtsat'-tret'yego (33-go)! 

Zdes' vso oplacheno
Khvatayem uchebnik i bezhim, uroki nachinayutsya!

Pushistyye, smeshnyye,
My Bebs i Baster Banni!
Sil'ny v komedii oni
I druzhbu ty ikh zatseni
Khemton strezhoven
A Sviti ptichka krepkaya
Nu a schastlivchik Plaki ideal'nyy-

Vot, gde velichayshiye mul'tyashki nachali svoy put'
Istoriy zdes' polno
Bezumnogo iskusstva!

Malyutki my, mul'tyashki
Smeshnyye obayashki!
Zvonok vse vkhodite, i k vesel'yu primeknite!

[Mul'tyashki: Luniversitet]
Vot i nachalsya urok.

Little ones! Toonies!
Funny charms!
We'll become famous at our dream university!
We've already been accepted
And we're studying hard
We'll fulfill our ambitions, we'll remember all the advice

We'll all become cartoons at the ACME Luniversity
The teaching staff is laughing
Since the thirty-third (33rd)!

Fellow students 
Everything is paid for here
We grab the textbook and run, the lessons begin!

Fluffy, funny,
We are Babs and Buster Bunny!
They are great at comedy
And check out their friendship
Hampton is a guard
And Sweetie is a strong bird
Well, lucky Plucky is perfect-

This is where the greatest cartoons got their start.
There are plenty of stories here
Crazy art!

We are little cartoons
Funny charms!
The bell rings, everyone come in and join in the fun!

[Cartoons: Looneyversity]
The lesson has begun.


Singers: Milan Antonić / Милан Антонић (Buster Bunny), Irina Arsenijević / Ирина Арсениjевић (Babs Bunny), Milan Tubić / Милан Тубић (Plucky Duck), Marija Stokić / Мариjа Стокић (Sweetie Bird) and Cast

Please provide Serbian lyrics if you can


Singers: Andrej Lenart (Buster Bunny, Plucky Duck), Ingrid Gantar (Babs Bunny), Gaja Sorč (Sweetie Bird) and Cast

Please provide Slovene lyrics if you can

Spanish (Latin America)[]

Singers: Carlo Vázquez (Buster Bunny), Carla Castañeda (Babs Bunny), Luis Leonardo Suárez (Plucky Duck), Erika Ugalde (Sweetie Bird) and Cast

Soy Buster
Soy Babsy
Y estamos algo locos
Seremos muy famosos en la Looniversidad
Ya nos admitieron
Y no dimos dinero
Tenemos profesores que nos van a enseñar

Seguro nos graduamos de esta universidad
Los profesores risa dan desde un siglo atrás
Amigos y roomies
Las cuentas no pagamos
Toma un libro que la clase va a empezar

Les presentaremos a Buster y a Babsy
Con sus grandes amigos mucho te divertirás
Hamton es miedoso
Y Pio-pí es dificil
Y con el Pato Plucky tendrás buena ENEMISTAD

Las grandes leyendas que nos vienen a enseñar
Tuvieron sus comienzos en esta universidad

Somos graciosos y estamos algo locos
Sonó el timbre, únete a la diversión
[Tiny Toons...]

La clase comenzó

I'm Buster
I'm Babsy
And we're kind of crazy
We will be very famous at the Looniversity
They already admitted us
And we didn't give (them) money
We have teachers who are going to teach us

We will surely graduate from this university
The teachers have been funny since a century ago
Friends and roomies
We don't pay the bills
Take a book, class is going to start

We'll introduce you to Buster and Babsy
With their great friends you will have a lot of fun
Hamton is fearful
And Pio-pí is difficult
And with Plucky Duck you will have good ENEMITY

The great legends that come to teach us
Had their beginnings at this university

We are funny and we are kinda crazy
The doorbell rang, join the fun
[Tiny Toons...]

class started

Spanish (Spain)[]

Singers: Alex Molina (Buster Bunny), Lourdes Fabrés (Babs Bunny), Héctor Gómez (Plucky Duck), Irene Miràs (Sweetie Bird) and Cast

Somos Tiny, somos Toony, y vamos a ser Looneys
Y todos por la uni nos podrán reconocer
Nos hemos apuntado y nos han aceptado
Veréis cómo tenemos muchas ganas de aprender

El grado Looney Tunes aquí nos vamos a sacar
Desde el '93 los profes traen felicidad
Compis de clase y de cuarto, toca estudiar un rato
Cojamos nuestros libros, que esto empieza ya

Divertidos, muy guays, somos Babs y Buster Bunny
Sus bromas son graciosas, tus amigos van a ser
Hamton siempre duda y Pio-pí es muy, muy dura
Si tienes suerte, Plucky tu amigo... ¡NO SERÉ!

Aquí los mejores Looney Tunes encontrarás
Y mucha historia Looney ellos pueden enseñar

Somos Tiny, somos Toony, y vamos a ser Looneys
Toquemos la campana, que hay que disfrutar
[Tiny Toons: Looniversidad]

La clase empieza ya

We're Tiny, we're Toony, and we're going to be Looneys
And everyone because of the university will recognise us
We have signed up and we got accepted
You'll see how we really want to learn

We're going to get the Looney degree here
Since the '93s the teachers bring happiness
Classmates and roommates, it's time to study for a while
Let's grab our books because this starts now

Funny, very cool, we're Babs and Buster Bunny
Their jokes are funny, they'll be your friends
Hamton is always doubting and Pio-pí is very, very tough
If you're lucky, Plucky your friend... I WON'T BE!

Here you'll find the best Looney Tunes
And they can teach a lot of Looney history

We're Tiny, we're Toony, and we're going to be Looneys
Let's ring the bell, it's time to enjoy
[Tiny Toons: Looniversity]

Class starts now


Singers: TBA

Please provide Swedish lyrics if you can


Singers: TBA

Please provide Thai lyrics if you can


Singers: Ali Hekimoğlu (Buster), Elif Acehan (Babs), Ahmet Tekeş (Plucky), Zencan Sakal (Sweetie) and Cast

Miniğiz! Sevimliyiz!
Kahraman oluyoruz!
Okulundan mezun olup biz ünlü olacağız!
Kabulü aldık biz
Harçları da yatırdık
Saygın bir biçimde hayallere ulaşacağız

Biz Acme Üniversitesi'nden mezun olacağız
Öğretim kadrosu komik
Tam '93'ten beri!

Faturayı öderiz!?
Hayallerin dersi başlamak ü-ze-re!

Tüylü ve komikler
Biz Babs ve Buster Bunny
Komedileri komik
Dostlukları garanti!
Hamton endişeli
Sweetie hep sinirli
Eğer şanslıysanız Plucky mükemmel düşman!

En büyük kahramanların başladığı yer bu
Bu sanatın tarihini öğreniriz burada!

Miniğiz! Sevimliyiz!
Kahraman olacağız biz!
Ders zili çalsın, eğlence baş-la-sın!

-İşte ders başladı.

Missing versions[]

The opening theme was not dubbed in the Persian dub, as well as the Russian voice-over aired by Cartoon Network.

See also[]
