On March 19, 2021, my old Fandom account that I had abandoned, the one that I used to create this very wiki, was hacked. My address was spread on this wiki by the hacker, everything including its physical appearance was changed, hate speech was said, and most importantly, everyone's hard work was deleted. Fandom was contacted about this, and have taken the right measures to ensure everything is working as it should. However, I am sorry for those who have had to see this happen, and for not taking extra measures to protect my old accounts. None of the edits that were made to this wiki were made by me, obviously; and it is a shame that these people are so obsessed with the idea of taking me down that they've decided to raid the very place they wanted to take part in.
Things are going to change, because of this. I've felt more comfortable with the Miraheze site and its code for a while, and I may need your help to transfer a lot of the information there, with cleaner looking formatting for pages. If one doesn't want to switch there, I cannot force you, but I feel this would be a great move going forward. The wiki is still a work in progress, so please do be patient.
Thank you for your attention.