The Dubbing Database

HallowMixels is the European Spanish dub of the show of the same name. It has previously aired on Antena 3.


Character Actor[1]
Burnard the Boogeymixel David Jenner
Spooky Shuff Fernando Hernández
Krader the Ghost Host José Posada
Teslo the Zombie Lord Carlos del Pino
Zorch the Unfriendly Ghost Alfonso Vallés
Pedro Tena (replacement)
Weeping Seismo Carlos Vicente
Slumbo the Frost Mage Claudio Rodríguez
Gobba the Mixwolf Eduardo Gutiérrez
Lord Krawsferatu Jesús Barreda
Chomly the Mixwolf Carlos Ysbert
Gox the Phantom of Klinkerton Pepe Mediavilla
Jinky the Ripper Jonatán López
Rokit the Predator Antonio Fernández Muñoz
Flamzer the Flame Reaper Luis Mas
Tentro the Vampire Squad Carlos López Benedí
Mesmo The Terrible Salvador Vidal
Dead Zaptor Juan Luis Rovira
Camillot the Ruler of the Underworld Pablo Adán
Globert the Pharaoh Paco Gázquez
Kuffs the Dark Priest Masumi Mutsuda
Teacher Carlos del Pino

International versions[]

Song Singer(s)
Theme song
Krader the Ghost Host