This is the list of characters that the Portuguese Animation Studio Cartoon Studios Ltd. has made and Other ones with other animation studios.
Jac's World franchise[]
Main characters[]
- Jac (voiced by me) is a Autistic Round White object with black outline. He likes to draw and eat meat roll in the bathtub. Jac is an energetic and smart object who enjoys creative hobbies, sports, and reading and making new things. His playful and kind personality leads him to easily make new friends, and Jac's curiosity in getting to know others makes him fairly open-minded when it comes to what makes people different. At times, Jac can be selfish if he really wants something, but he always learns right from wrong and makes up for it. There are also times when Jac is the voice of reason in the group, but is just as likely to act as zany as Maxi. Jac's catchphrases include "That's Roll-Tastic!", "Mighty Roll", "Hi, I'm Jac, and this is my world!", and "See you next time. Love, Jac". He is the leader of the "Funtastic 5" group.
- Maxi (voiced by Rui Quintas) is one of Jac's best friends. He also is an Round White object with black outline. Maxi wants to have fun and has many talents that he learned from growing up in a apartment with Joaquim Manel. Maxi is curious about new experiences and people, although he may be suspicious at first. Maxi often worries about small things until he realizes that he should have just asked. Maxi's energetic and friendly personality allows him to easily bond with his friends and other people. Maxi may not be the brightest of the group, but he is capable of helping out or coming up with zany ideas. also he is the one of the members of the "Funtastic 5" group.
- Joaquim Manel (voiced by Quimbé) is another one of Jac's best friends. He also is an Round White object with black outline. Joaquim Manel is smart, creative, and loves to invent things, but can become stubborn if his plans do not work. Regardless, Joaquim Manel continues to search for new ideas. He cares for others, with an empathy that allows he to easily befriend anyone. Joaquim Manel loves to have fun and tries not to instantly judge others. He lives in the same apartment with Maxi. also he is the one of the members of the "Funtastic 5" group.
- Zion Williams (voiced by her) with nicknames of Planty and Zizi; is another friend of Jac. She is an 17-year old Autistic Afro-Amercian girl and lives in Llama Springs in Florida. She also is Pink Wonder as an Super Heroine, Zion is always Jac's cutest girl. also her is the one of the members of the "Funtastic 5" group.
- The TV Cabo Cat (voiced by Rui Unas) is an Cat who likes cable and satellite television. he lives in an TV Cabo (An TV operator in StickManLand) store in the StickManLand shopping mall. is also the Official Animal of the "Funtastic 5" group which is an member. The TV Cabo Cat is curious about new channels on the Grid of channels and the movies that released in the cinema in the Videoclub.
Other Franchises of the Company[]
coming soon...
CMTV's Microphone[]
coming soon...
Galp & Continent[]
coming soon...
The Star Show[]
coming soon...
Jumbo's World[]
coming soon...
The Wonderful Adventures of Vanessa[]
coming soon...
coming soon...