Девочки из Эквестрии. Новогодняя ночь is the Russian dub of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Sunset's Backstage Pass and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Holidays Unwrapped. Two projects from the "Equestria Girls" series that were not dubbed into Russian.
- Сансет Шиммер, Эпплджек - Tatyana Shitova
- Пинки Пай - Olga Zvereva
- Научно-Искорка, Флаттершай - Olga Golovanova
- Радуга Дэш - Elena Solovieva
- Рарити - Anna Kiselyova
- Minor roles - Nikita Prozorovsky
- Dubbing director: Ilya Khvostikov
- Tatyana Shitova, Olga Golovanova and Anna Kiselyova returned to their roles.
- This is the first Dub from Director Cut Studio, where does it appear Nikita Prozorovsky.
- However, the studio's VK group says that someone else will be added.