Hello. I have been noticing a frequent increase in character images being added to the wiki, as well as an increase in those who do not understand how to properly upload images.
Here is a guide on what you SHOULD do:
- DO upload a .png file, for consistency.
- DO crop the image to 300x300, or a perfect square.
- DO ensure that the photo in question is a screenshot from the show, and also not one lazily taken from YouTube or the first Google search result (if it does not look passable).
- DO make sure that the image in question is acceptable. An example of one that would not be okay is a character mid-blinking.
- DO ensure that the quality of the photo is as high or acceptable as you can get it.
- DO focus on the head part, but not too close, showing a bit of shoulder.
- DO make sure that they are named properly. Our naming system is "CHARACTER NAME (TITLE OF THE MEDIA).png". Not anything else.
- DO use the images you can see on these few pages as your overall example on what is acceptable.
And here is what you SHOULDN'T do:
- DO NOT upload in a .jpg/.jpeg, .gif, or .webp format, etc, or else you would have to update each page and it is tiresome for everyone.
- DO NOT upload transparent images.
- DO NOT upload vectors that are on top of a white/other colored background.
- DO NOT upload images with other characters that can plainly be seen, when/if there are better options.
- DO NOT just upload the first result you can find on Google search, if it is not cropped nor acceptable as according to the previously mentioned guidelines.
If there are any more questions, please ask away and I will get back to you. Thank you.