The Dubbing Database

Valaki van a házadban is the Hungarian dub of There's Someone Inside Your House. It is available on Netflix. It was released on October 6, 2021; alongside other dubs.


Character Actor
Makani Young (There's Someone Inside Your House)
Makani Young
Adrienn Pekár
Oliver Larsson (There's Someone Inside Your House)
Oliver Larsson
Zsolt Dér
Alexandra Crisp (There's Someone Inside Your House)
Alex Crisp
Zsanett Czető
Darby (There's Someone Inside Your House)
Emese Boldog
Rodrigo Doran (There's Someone Inside Your House)
Rodrigo Doran
Gergely Csiby
Zach Sandford (There's Someone Inside Your House)
Zach Sandford
Zsombor Jéger
Caleb Greeley (There's Someone Inside Your House)
Caleb Greeley
Bálint Rada
Macon Bewley (There's Someone Inside Your House)
Macon Bewley
István Baráth
Jackson Pace (There's Someone Inside Your House)
Jackson Pace
Roland Czető
Gam (There's Someone Inside Your House)
Makani nagymamája
Márta Egri
Sandford úr András Várkonyi
Larsson helyettes Tibor Fehér
Jasmine Borbála Csuha
Dave Zoltán Karácsonyi
Kayla Colini Borbála Lipcsey
Additional voices
Levente Kárpáti
Tímea Sági
Mira Nagy
Endre Szabó
János Bordás
Lili Engel-Iván
Csaba Tárnok
Adrienn Mórocz
Lili Károlyi
Anikó Csonka
Gergely Orosz
Attila István Nemeth
Krisztián Szrna
Adrienn Bálint
Zsolt Szentirmai
Bence Kádár - Szabó
Tamás Oroszi
Barbara Galiotti
Renáta Tar
Zita Farkas
Additional voices
Eponin Miklós
Zoltán Juhász
Zoltán Smaraglay
Andor Szabó
Mónika Vámos
Olga Kovács
Bertalan Hám
Technical staff
Mónika Egyed
Viktor Blahut
Sound Engineer and Editing
Imre Erdélyi
Musical Director
Viktor Posta
Operational Manager
Zsuzsa Üjréti
Production Manager
Judit Haramia


  • Tibor Fehér voices Deputy Larsson, but in dubbing credits, he's credited for voicing Oliver.