The Dubbing Database

Winnie the Pooh: The Honey Hunt is a 2004 education video game developed by Disney Interactive Studios and published by VTech.


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Character Actor
Winnie the Pooh Jim Cummings

International versions[]

Language Title
Winnie the Pooh The Honey Hunt - logo (Danish) Danish Peter Plys: Honningjagten
Winnie the Pooh The Honey Hunt - logo (Dutch) Dutch Winnie de Poeh: De wonderwereld van Poeh
Winnie the Pooh The Honey Hunt - logo (English) Finnish Winnie The Pooh: Hunajajahti
Winnie the Pooh The Honey Hunt - logo (French) French Winnie l'Ourson: La Chasse au miel de Winnie
Winnie the Pooh The Honey Hunt - logo (German) German Winnie Puuh: Die Honigjagd
Winnie the Pooh The Honey Hunt - logo (Italian) Italian Winnie The Pooh: E La Caccia Al Miele
Winnie the Pooh The Honey Hunt - logo (English) Japanese くまのプーさん:ハニー・タスキヤ
Winnie the Pooh The Honey Hunt - logo (Norwegian) Norwegian Ole Brumm: Honningjakten
Winnie the Pooh The Honey Hunt - logo (English) Portugese (Portugual) Winnie the Pooh: Em Busca do Mel
Winnie the Pooh The Honey Hunt - logo (Spanish) Spanish (Spain) Winnie the Pooh: En Busca de la Miel
Winnie the Pooh The Honey Hunt - logo (Sweden) Swedish Nalle Puh: Honungsjakten
